This week has been a rather emotional one for me. I’ve been pretty self-reflective. We’re studying Exodus in family bible study and I’ve been reflecting on how the world looks today and our part in it – the lack of impact the church has on society. How we don’t look different from the world? Question for you – if the people you work with were asked if you are a follower of Christ, what would they say? That’s what I’ve been asking myself and I must admit, I find myself lacking in some areas. What about you?
On Thursday, President Jimmy Carter was laid to rest after 100 years here with us. As I listened to the eulogies and his history, I was convicted. He spent his life taking care of others – our country, his family, some of the poorest people in the world – because of his love for Jesus and his faith in him. He held to his convictions and his faith in Jesus. He made decisions consistent with his faith and opposing what society would agree with. He had the courage to do God’s will and not that of public opinion to his career detriment. It was evident, he loved the LORD. He was a strong example of a follower of Christ. Much stronger than some pastors and ministers.
I was convicted and found myself lacking - I have work to do. I have been given so much and while I do give, I don’t give everything I can. I can be extremely selfish with my time and talents and for what? Laziness. My own comfort. Busyness. There are probably a dozen other excuses that I have for not giving my all. None of them important enough to disobey God’s purpose and plan for me. I am to be set apart (Col 3:12-17). I am to not be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind (Rom 12:2). I should look different from the world around me (1 John 2:15-17). People should know without a shadow of doubt that I am different from the world.
We are to be salt and light in the world (Matt 5:13-16). If we really love the LORD, we will keep His commandments (John 14:15). When we keep His commandments, we keep them all the time…. not just when it’s convenient or comfortable. Yes, we mess up and sin, but our desire should be to please God (2 Cor 5:9-11). The only way to do so is through our faith in Him (Heb 11:6). If we have true faith in Him, we will trust Him and do what He says, knowing that it will be better than anything we can come up with on our own. So, do you look different from the world around you? Or, have you compromised to fit in or enjoy personal desires? The closer you get to God, the closer He will be to you (James 4:8). Remember His love for you! Remember how doing it on your own doesn’t work well! Seek Him and obey Him. Love Him and love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30-31). There is blessing in surrender to Him. Be different!