Sunday, May 12, 2024

You Are Enough!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, god moms, step/bonus moms, aunties, foster moms, friends, etc.! Never question that you have a significant impact on those around you – make sure it’s a great one. 

My mom has played such an important role in my life – she’s been a supporter, she’s inspired me, she’s set standards for me, she’s enforced the rules, she’s been my friend. She introduced me to Jesus at a very early age – not just with her words, but her actions. I hope you have been blessed with a mother who has been all those things to you as well. She’s the one who always told me I could do anything through Christ – she told me I was enough. 

Do you feel like you’re enough? I know sometimes I forget who I am and I allow what others say to me or what I say to myself to distract and depress me in the moment. But, the fact of the matter is that if you’re in Christ, you are enough. You’re good enough. You’re smart enough. You’re pretty enough. You ARE enough. 

According to scripture, we are God’s masterpiece in Christ Jesus to do good works that God already planned for us long ago (Eph 2:10). Can you imagine that God in creating you, made you for a specific purpose in Christ Jesus? So when we were saved by the power of Jesus' blood, we are saved to do the good works God created us for. We are not saved by any good works, but we are saved for good works (Eph 2:8-9) – to live out loving God first and loving our neighbor as ourselves. 

In a message this morning, Pastor Craig said something that resonated with me. We are not put in a place only for a purpose but to bring purpose into the place. God’s will is that we would go into all the world and share the good news of Jesus (Mar 16:15-16). Everywhere we go we are to take Him with us and show Him to others. You are enough to go into any arena and bring Jesus with you. 

Never allow fear to keep you from stepping into a place God is sending you. He will never send you to a place He has not prepared you to go. Yes, you need to have Him with you. We are not able to go in by ourselves and be successful, but we are to step in. You are enough in Him to go wherever He is calling you. Don’t let anyone take that away from you. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

You are Valuable

How often do you get caught feeling bad because you weren’t able to do something well or you made a mistake and had to work extra hard to make it right…..or others had to help you make it right? When was the last time you got some feedback from your supervisor and it made you feel as if weren’t doing your job? When was the last time you didn’t feel supported? How did you feel the last time someone implied you had a lot to learn and it made you question your value? 

I was recently reminded we are not what we do. God has given us a purpose and gifts to apply wherever He takes us, but what we do is not the complete story of who we are or where our value comes from. Our value rests with our creator. How much are we worth to Him? We were worth the life of His only Son.  

Can you imagine? Creating a being and that being turns on you as soon as it perceives a better deal from a trickster (Gen 3). The being is caught in a trap that can only end in its eternal death and condemnation, but the Creator finds the being so valuable that He sends His only begotten Son to die so that the being might live (John 3:16). I’ve said before, “The value of something is how much someone is willing to pay for it.” So, if that is the case, our value lies in how much God paid for us, not in anything we bring to the table. 

So when someone makes you feel little because of mistakes you make or because little to complain and degrade, remember that the Lord determines your value and that everything else is temporary. Maybe it’s a test or a lesson. Either way, God is already working on your behalf. You are never alone. God is a refuge and a strong tower to protect against your enemies. He’s got it and nothing takes Him by surprise. 

He gave His Son for you. You are valuable, no matter what anyone says or does or whether you feel like it or not. Your value is not found in the things you do. You are more than that. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Promotion? What now?

Ever been placed in a position you thought you were not ready for? One where you didn’t have the credentials? One where you felt like an imposter? Well, you’re not alone. I know I’ve felt as if I was in over my head on more than one occasion. But what can you do? What steps can you take to help you navigate when that happens? 

Pray. Seek God and His righteousness first in all you do (Matt 6:33). When we acknowledge Him, He will direct our footsteps and he will guide our way (Prov 3:5-6). As we seek Him, He will add all the things we need so we don’t have a need to worry. He will provide wisdom and understanding for us as we walk out what he’s called us to. 

Don’t worry. Worry is the opposite of prayer (Phil 4:6-7).  Worry drives us away from God and makes us believe we should handle issues on our own. We can’t. We need God in all aspects of our lives, leading and guiding us. When we begin to make decisions and choices apart from God and His guidance, we get in trouble. 

Do the work. When we get into positions where we feel over our head, we seek to learn. Do the work we can do as if working for the Lord (Col 3:23-24). One thing I’ve learned is that God will not do what we can do on our own. It’s up to us to give whatever God calls us to our best. Our role to further God’s kingdom. So, we do whatever we can do – study that book, practice that instrument, get that degree, learn that language, etc. When we do what only we can do, we leave the rest to God. He cares for us and He will take our burdens, if we allow Him to (1 Pet 5:7). 

Stay humble. We can do nothing in and of ourselves (John 15:5). We don’t even own our emotions. So, we have to remember it is only in God that we live, move and have our being (Acts 17:28). When we remain humble, we remember that God elevates us (1 Pet 5:6). When we remember that God is in control and owns everything, we are reminded that we are only a small part of God’s plan and that none of us are more important than others. All God’s children are part of the body of Christ and we all have a role in God’s kingdom. 

Have faith. We know God is with us always. He won’t leave us, so we are never alone. No matter the circumstance, we belong to God. As you pray, believe He will do just what He said (Matt 21:22). He is a promise keeper. If He said a thing, it will happen. 

So, when someone (including yourself) says you don’t deserve a particular position or you can’t do it, remember you can do all things through Christ (Phil 4:13) and that promotion comes from God (Psa 75:6-7). When we don’t seek it ourselves and God moves us, He does not make mistakes. Rest in that knowledge and give it everything you’ve got. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Faith and Doubt

Recently, I’ve been studying the book of Genesis and what has jumped out at me is how while Abraham is known as the Father of Faith and he’s known for being willing to sacrifice Isaac, he was still a man who doubted God along the way in certain areas of his life. It was the doubt of Sarah having a baby that led to the birth of Ismael (Gen 16:1-4). More than once, it was Abraham’s fear of being killed that led him and Sarah to lie about their relationship leading rulers to believe they were only brother and sister (Gen 12:10-20; Gen 20). 

On the other side of that, it was his belief in God that led to him leaving his family behind and going to a place that God would show him (Gen 12:1-7). It was his belief in God that kept him from taking anything from the King of Sodom (Gen 14:22-23). It was his belief that God keeps His promises that led Abraham up that mountain to sacrifice Isaac (Gen 22:1-19). How are there two sides of this man, Abraham? Faith and Doubt. 

Like Abraham, I find myself in the same situation. Now, I’ve never created an Ismael and all the issues that brought (at least I don’t think I have), but I have definitely had my doubts about whether and when I was to move on something I had heard from God. I’ve also moved without seeking His guidance and it’s been an absolute mess. What about you? 

Do I believe God? Yes! Do I believe His Word is true? Absolutely! But I struggle with my role in the plan and sometimes I wonder if God really has me or if I need to do something on my own. Every time I do, it doesn’t turn out well, but sometimes I forget that He cares for me (1 Pet 5:6-7)…..that He is working all things for my good (Rom 8:28). Sometimes I get ahead of Him and want to push things along because I’m tired of waiting on His timing. 

Thank God for grace and mercy or I would have been destroyed by my own devices. As the father of the boy, with the mute spirit, said, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.” I sometimes forget that all things are possible to those who believe (Mark 9:17-27). It’s so easy to get distracted by what is going on around me or what I want to accomplish, that I sometimes lose sight of God. 

I get so busy with the work that I lose sight of the Master and His plan for me. Yes, we were created to do good works (Eph 2:10), but not in the absence of the One who sent us. This is one more reason to keep our mind stayed on Him. If we stay focused on Him and His direction, the works we do will be for His glory and we won’t get distracted in the midst of them. As we focus on Him and not what’s happening (or not happening) around us, our faith and our relationship with Him will grow. 

I can say I have more faith than doubt and I’m growing more every day. What about you? Lord, we believe. Help our unbelief. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Life in the Rock

Sorry this entry is late, but I’ve been in Italy with all it’s history and culture since last weekend. I had the opportunity, while in Rome, to see the Colosseum and Vatican City where Michelangelo painted scenes from Genesis on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel as well as The Last Judgement on the altar wall. I also saw St. Peter’s Basilica. I’m not sure what I expected but it was overwhelming to take it all in.

After leaving Rome, one of my best friends and I traveled South to Naples and the Amalfi Coast where we stayed in Sorrento (I can highly recommend visiting). While there, we took a boat tour around the Island of Capri, a resort island dating back to the Roman Empire. It’s known for its high-end shopping and celebrity guests.

While it was beautiful to see from the boat, one thing that stood out to me as we toured around the island and observed some marvelous rock formations and amazing florescence in caves and grottos was the life that was growing out of the walls of rock that made up the island. I’ve seen the phenomena before but today it hit differently. It amazes me how life can grow out of the most desolate places. Out of limestone and sandstone, you see trees and other vegetation. Where does it come from? Scientifically, your guess is as good as mine. However, we know that all life is from God.

His amazing creation will continue to flourish and grow because He created it to do just that (Gen 1:9-13). If the God we serve can create vegetation and all life from nothing, surely, He can bring forth life from rock where no life should exist. Just as the life He once created in the garden still thrives in the most unexpected places, we, too, who are one with Christ find our life and hope in the Rock. The Lord is our rock and our fortress (2 Sam 22:3; Psa 18:2). It is in Him that we can take refuge and be protected. He is our deliverer.

When things get hard and it feels like dreams and promises have died, remember, there is life in the Rock. Jesus is the stone which the builders rejected who has become the chief corner stone. (Psa 118:22). He only is our rock and our salvation (Psa 62:2). We can do all things through Him (Phil 4:13).

Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Sacrifice

Happy Resurrection Day! This year feels a bit different. Maybe it’s my first full year in MO or maybe I’m just growing or maybe it just is different. Either way, this year, I’ve spent more time contemplating the sacrifice Jesus made so that I could be saved. 

This past week, instead of continuing our study in Genesis, I switched things up and focused on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Since Genesis introduces Jesus (Gen 3:15) and the blessing He is to all nations of the earth (Gen 12:1-3), it was easy to tie what we’ve been studying to Mark 15. The lesson resonated because it is sometimes unfathomable that God would love us so. 

That He loves me this much given all the mistakes and intentional sin I’ve committed over my lifetime, touches me in ways I never imagined. That He knows me better than I know myself, but still wants a relationship with me blows my mind when I reflect on it. I don’t know about you, but when I think back over my life, I realize that I deserve death and damnation, but Jesus. He took all my sin and failures with Him to the cross and now I have eternal life because of what He has done for me. I hope you have it, too. 

When I think about what He endured so I could have this gift, I get really emotional and am subject to cry. Let’s think about it for a minute. Jesus, who had done nothing wrong, was betrayed, abandoned, arrested for false accusations, taken from court to court, ridiculed, beaten, bruised, whipped and bloodied, spat upon, and nailed to a cross (Mark 14:43-15:46; Luke 22:47-23:56)….all so I could be free and no longer bound to my sin. More than all of that, He, who had been with God forever, allowed Himself to be separated from God…..for me. He knew what He would endure and still, He chose to do so. Then thank the Good Lord, He got up on Resurrection Day (Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12)

I know I still mess up, but it gives me a renewed determination to do God’s will and put Him first. It makes me want to put others ahead of myself. It makes me want to please Him. I owe Him everything and He owes me nothing, but He keeps on blessing me. As we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, let’s remember His sacrifice and move closer to being the living sacrifice we are called to be (Rom 12:1). 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Are You Self-Aware?

When was the last time you sought feedback on your behaviors from those around you? When was the last time you reflected on areas in your life where you can improve? Regularly, I try to take some time for self-reflection with a focus on finding gaps and determining ways to close them. It’s really easy to just do what we’ve always done. However, we all make mistakes and don’t always realize the impact those mistakes have on others. We also don’t always realize the way our regular behavior impacts others. 

It’s easy to miss our gaps and blind spots because we don’t know what we don’t know. If we don’t surround ourselves with people who will tell us the truth (Pro 27:5-6), help us identify our blind spots, and give us some perspective about how others see us, we may miss opportunities to grow and make sure our behavior lines up with the Word of God. James tells us to be not just hearers of the Word, but doers, too (Jam 1:22). If we don’t seek feedback from others, we may think we’re aligning and find out something different. 

The Bible tells us that a tree is known by its fruit (Luke 6:43-45). We can’t always tell if we’re sweet or not. That’s why we need a community of people who love us and want what is best for us. In their desire to help us be the best we can be, they will have the hard discussions and love us anyway (Pro 17:17). Pastor Bill always says everything we need is in a relationship and he is correct. When we are in a relationship, we are less afraid to be vulnerable. If we’re worried about being judged or rejected, we will attempt to live in a space where we are fake, wanting only to see ourselves superficially……and only let others see us that way. We believe we can protect our hearts and our feelings by only letting people know us on the surface. 

Until we are courageous and willing to meet ourselves where we are, we won’t live a different life. We won’t see our level of contentment rise. We won’t be free. As long as we’re living a lie, we will be bound by it. The truth will make us free (John 8:31-32). We have a choice to know ourselves so we can deal with the things in us that are not consistent with who God says we are.  Let’s seek self-awareness so we can move the needle and be more like Jesus.