Monday, May 20, 2013

Finding Your Shoes

I was watching a movie and this father told his daughter to find her shoes. I didn't initially understand, but as the movie progressed it became apparent that all he wanted was for her to find her place - that one place for which she was created. That is a great responsibility, when you think about it.

Finding your place first requires that you get to know yourself. Really know yourself. You may find things you don't like, things you've been running from, things that you're in denial about. I don't know about you but it's difficult for me to admit my faults. Don't get me wrong, but there are some things that are some times hard to face. But we must. If we want everything that is meant for us, we must be honest with ourselves.

It's said that admitting there is a problem is the first step toward healing/recovery. How true that is. How can you possibly determine treatment if you don't have a diagnosis? Once we've searched ourselves and acknowledged what we need to change, we must make the necessary changes. We must seek God's guidance for our actions and then ACT.

So many times instead of acting we just talk about it. The time for that is over. It's time for us to step into all that we are and are called to be, not the disguises we put on for those around us or even for ourselves. Finding our shoes requires us to be real and true to ourselves and those around us. How freeing must that be?

Don't waste another minute. Find your shoes.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Do Something!

What are you doing to reach your goals? You know, that thing your said your were going to do so that you could fulfill your God given assignment. That class you said you were going to take. That list of objectives you were going to write. That song you were going to compose. The program you were going to start. What have you done to bring that thing into fruition? Nothing? A little work?

What are you waiting on? Life is short, so what is the holdup? Are you waiting on it to just fall into your lap? For everything God has given us to do, He's provided a way for us to make it happen. But we have to get up and move. Take that finance class to start your own business. Take that computer class to get that better job. Write that mission statement for that program.

Do something to keep moving forward. Don't sit and talk about it. Move! That way when the opportunity arises you're ready to take hold of it. Do not be caught unprepared. That in many cases leads to regret and loss. Don't miss out on something that is yours because you haven't done the necessary work.

You can't miss something you've never had but think of your missed opportunities. Don't miss any more.