Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Sun is Always Shining

You often hear people say that the sun will come out after the storm, but it's important to remember that the sun never stops shining. No matter how much rain or thunder or lightening, the sun is shining behind the clouds. Just as the sun is always shining, the Son of God is always there for you. No matter what storms are in your life, He is there with you. You are never alone.

So no matter what is going on, know that it's just a passing storm. Things will get better. Sometimes the situation doesn't change but the way in which you deal with it or see it does. You realize things could always have been worse. In the middle of the storm, we learn to appreciate the sunshine. And, in the middle of our personal storms, we learn to better appreciate Jesus' presence in our lives.

The bible says He will never leave us nor forsake us. What comfort do you gain from knowing that? The comfort I gain is immeasurable.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Seek God First!

Have you been somewhere and thought I would love to live here? Or, read a job description that felt as if it was written for you and thought I could do that job? Or, seen a house or apartment that you adore that's out of your price range, but if you make enough cuts you can afford it?

Before making a decision that will impact your life, seek God's guidance...and follow it. That city or job or house may be exactly what you desire and everything may fall right into place. However, when we move under our own understanding, it may be that the city has an extremely high cost of living; the job could require you to work 100 hours a week; or the utility bill at the house is so high you have to pinch pennies to make ends meet. Hence why we need to seek God before we make a change. There is nothing wrong with looking at your options and knowing that you have them, but we must always count the total costs, i.e., time, peace of mind, money, etc., before we move.

Remember, God knows the future and He only wants the very best for us. If God is in it, He will give you peace about the choice. If there is no peace, take a moment and consider that now may not be the right time or this may not be the right choice.

And be sure not to confuse your fear or lack of faith with God's answer to you. Don't allow your fear to keep you from moving when God tells you to. When He clearly provides a door that you are to walk through, be obedient. We want to live life to its fullest and have all that God has for us. In order to do that, we must seek Him and listen to the answer. Moving without Him can make us miserable and lead us into territories from which we later need His deliverance.

Make sure you seek God first to ensure that the job, or house, or whatever it is, is the one with your name on it... that thing He created just for you.