Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Plan but Don't Worry

While God doesn’t want us to worry about tomorrow, because it really will take care of itself, He doesn’t want us to ignore information we receive and not prepare for what may come.  For instance, the recent storms in Atlanta brought snow and ice and shut down the city for several days.  Now some may react with panic about what may possibly happen and that could paralyze them into not doing anything.  Others might wait until the last minute to act believing the information received is incorrect. 

At least a few believe in being prepared for whatever comes.  They plan what they’ll do if the power goes out.  They have flashlights and candles and bottled water to sustain them in case the worst comes.  They don’t worry because they do know that God will take care of them, but they utilize the information they have been provided because God always gives us what we need.

Just like Joseph interpreting the dreams that represented seven years of plenty and seven years of famine.  Joseph didn’t worry about how God would take care of him.  He knew God had taken care of him through slavery and prison.  But he followed God’s leading to prepare for the years of famine when they came.  The same goes for Noah, when he was told that it would rain and destroy the earth.  God gave him direction and he followed.  That is what we must do.  When we know things will happen, we must plan for them.  That means saving for when we get a flat tire or need a new battery for the car; or buying flashlights since we know we may lose electrical power; or taking a warm coat when we see that the weather is likely to take a turn toward colder temperatures.  These are minor examples, but they all hold true. 

God is God and He will not change.  He has our best interests at heart and will take care of us, but He gives us information so we can act.  When we don’t, we are the ones who suffer.  Trust God, take heed to the warnings and act.  You can only benefit from it.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Don't Give Up

Are you struggling where you are? Does it feel like you can't catch a break at work or school? Does it feel like things just won't go your way? Are things just out of whack? If so, maybe you should ask God the purpose of the struggle?

We never go through anything for no purpose. Maybe it's for some one else's benefit... that they might see God in your life. Maybe it's so you will develop a deeper relationship with Him. Maybe there's is a lesson to learn. Sometimes the best lessons are the most painful. It is during these times that strength is found.

Remember, we are weak, but He is strong. God always has something for us to do and He is always using our experiences to develop us. Whatever the reason, remember God will not put more on you than the two of you can handle. He's got every thing you need and if you seek Him, everything else will be added.

Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!