Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Just Father

Last week, we remembered how patient God is with us.  This week, we’re talking about a different characteristic of His, but one that is just as loving.  The bible says God chastens those He loves (Proverbs 3:12).

We like to think of God as the indulgent dad who gives us everything we ask for no matter what we do or what’s best for us.  We see programs on television or see families in our lives where the parents work day and night to give their children whatever they ask for… games or sneakers or cell phones.  In some of those cases, the children are entitled and disrespectful and over the top.  Why is that?  Most likely because they are spoiled and haven’t been disciplined.  

I’m not judging because I’m not a parent.  But, I was a child who grew up with Godly parents and while they worked hard and gave me lots of things I wanted, they never sacrificed an opportunity to teach me right from wrong.  They never allowed me to disrespect them or other adults.  They never allowed me to think that I was owed something just by being their child.  They clothed me and feed me, but they disciplined me when I was disobedient and needed it…..when I got a little ahead of myself.  Yes, I was disciplined.  I know, you can’t possibly believe that knowing me now, but it’s true.  LOL.  

Well, God does the same.  He gives us direction/guidance and expects us to obey.  When we don’t, there are consequences.  He still loves us and won’t leave us, but we may still have to live with the consequences even after God forgives us.  As I’ve said before, God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves, but when things get too much, He is right there with us to see us through it.  For example, ever charged anything you didn’t have the money for to a credit card?  I have.  I paid a price for it….more than it costed with the interest and time.  If I’d been obedient to God’s Word, I wouldn’t have been in that predicament – God’s Word says owe no man, because it makes you a slave to him.    That’s one of those lessons I’m still working through, but I think you get my point.  God didn’t take away my consequences, I still had to pay for my disobedience…this time with money.  I have several examples of where I wasn’t always obedient and I’ve paid a different price.  I also have several examples where I have been obedient and I’ve been blessed as a result.  

God is a Just Father.  God sees those of us who have accepted Jesus, through Jesus blood.  He’s already forgiven our sins, but when we’re disobedient He will chastise us for our own good.  God only wants what’s best for us and He will take measures to ensure we learn a lesson to not harm ourselves.  What good father would let His child go down a bad path and not intercede?  A good father wouldn’t and God is the best father you could ask for.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

A Patient Father

So yesterday morning, I had a 3k fun run, or rather walk (as that’s what I did).  I’m sad to say it’s the first time I’ve actually walked more than the few feet to my mailbox since the pandemic began.  Am I ashamed?  Sure.  Will I walk next week?  We’ll see.  

Anyway, while I was sitting in my car at the park checking my heart rate after I finished, I looked out my window and watched this father (or father figure) who I’ve never met, proceed to teach a teenage girl (who looked like she was likely a daughter or niece) how to parallel park.  It was the most fascinating thing I’ve seen in a long time.  While she practiced getting into the parallel parking spaces, he was completely engaged in coaching and teaching, with complete faith that she would accomplish that goal.  Never once did he falter in putting himself right in the middle of the action, whether it was standing behind the car to let her know how far to back up or standing in the corner of the space in front to show her how to avoid cars already parked.  And never once did she not trust that he knew better than she did and not follow his instructions.  As I watched it unfold, I was mesmerized and caught up in the action as well.  When she finally got the car parked exactly center of the space, he cheered her on and so did I.  

I realized that’s what God does with us.  When we have a lesson to learn, he patiently coaches and teaches us what we need to do.  If we do it right and we’ve really learned the lesson, we go on to the next one.  If we don’t or we forget, we repeat it…….over and over and over again.  Why?  Maybe because we think we know better than God.  Unlike the teenage girl, we don’t always trust that our heavenly father knows better than we do.  We sometimes trust ourselves more than God, which is crazy when you think about it.  God/Jesus/Holy Spirit were there when time didn’t exist – they created it and everything else.  They knew the end before the beginning.  So who in their right mind could ever think, they knew better than the Ones who created everything?  It just doesn’t make sense.  

Now I understand, it’s hard to trust someone you don’t know.  And if you haven’t been adopted into God’s family, by accepting Jesus as your personal savior, you don’t have a relationship with either of them.  I get it.  It’s up to you to change that, but I can personally say, that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the best family members you can have.  They are ones you can constantly count on and they will always be there for you, no matter what.  You can trust them.  That doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen…..we were never promised life here on earth would be easy, but it sure is better with God on your side than not.  He is the best Father you could ask for.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Are You Hiding Your Light Under a Bushel?

You have gifts!  No matter who we are, God has blessed each of us with particular gifts to further His kingdom.  All of us need the gifts others have.  If we’re sitting on them and not sharing what God has put in us, we are not only depriving those around of God’s blessing through us, but we are disobeying God.  

If you’re like me, you question whether you’re good enough or smart enough to do whatever God has called you to do.  The answer is you’re probably not.  Don’t take that as an insult.  That just means that God can use us all the more.  And, yes, we have to do the work.  God will prepare us for the journey.  He won’t send us out cold with nothing to draw from, but if we were smart enough and good enough to do it on our own, we wouldn’t need Him.  God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness and limitations (2 Cor 12:9).   That’s why through Christ, we can do all things (Phil 4:13).  We have to lean on him all the more when we’re operating in His purpose for us.  We can’t do it on our own.  Don’t try.  

Remember, God is all powerful.  Yes, He gave us free will and we can choose to be disobedient just like children do, but when we disobey, we sin and we hurt Him.  I don’t have children of my own, but I know how I feel when I ask one of my nieces or nephews to do something and they don’t.  It hurts me, not just because they don’t think enough of me to do as I say, but because most of the time it will benefit them.  They miss out on what I would have given them….things they may never know.  

When I think of what God has done for us, I can only imagine how much more the disappointment is at our not giving Him everything He requests.  After all, we owe Him our very lives.  We are not our own.  He loved us enough to send His Son to literally die for us.  And then, we don’t do what He says?  It’s a bit insulting!  Have you ever thought of what you’ve lost, but not obeying God when he told you to move?  What did God have in store for you that you may never see?  It’s a little daunting, but there are always consequences for actions…be they good or bad.  

This, like many other things, comes back to obedience and love.  Do you love God enough to be obedient to His Will for your life?  Do you trust Him enough to share the gifts He has placed inside you?  He will never leave nor forsake you, so wherever He sends you, He’ll be there with you.  Don’t forget, it’s not about you.  It’s all about Him.  Don’t hide what he’s placed in you.  Let that light shine so men will see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven (Matt 5:16).

Sunday, August 9, 2020

My Testimony is My Witness!

As I’ve been studying the book of Acts with my Small Group, several things have become apparent to me.  

One, people are flawed and whenever their foundation is shaken they will lash out to protect what they know and believe.  This is evident in what we see in the world today.  People want to feel in control of their lives and when that control (which doesn’t actually exist) is threatened they will lash out – COVID19, racial issues, etc.  This is a heart issue and without the heart changing, people won’t.  That’s why relationship with Jesus is so important.  He is the only one who can change a heart.  

Two, God has already worked out what he’s called us to do.  If God leads you to do a thing, he’s already working out how it will be accomplished.  I don’t believe in coincidence.  God is always working out all the angles to bring about His desired result (Romans 8:28).  God has given us free will, but ultimately, His Word will not return to Him without accomplishing what He set out to do (Isaiah 55:11).  If we are disobedient and don’t do what He calls us to, it will be accomplished another way.  He doesn’t need us to do it, but I believe He uses us so that we will lean on Him more and so that He might change others through our experiences and our walk with Him.   

Three, it’s not our job as Christian’s to change anyone’s mind about who God/Jesus is.  We are to be obedient to God’s Word and tell the Good News of Jesus wherever we go and whenever the opportunity presents itself.  That may require us to adjust our approach so we can reach the most people (1 Corinthians 9:19-23), even those with whom we may disagree.  That can be difficult but it’s what we are called to.  

This is where our testimony comes in.  Each one of us (who knows Jesus intimately), has a testimony, whether it’s how you came to know Jesus or how you were saved from an illness or how God prospered you in a situation.  Each of those stories is unique to us and can’t be refuted by anyone else.  It is a testament to our own experiences with Jesus/God/Holy Spirit (Matt 10:32).  We’re the only one who can really tell our story.  It is our witness.  It is our evidence or proof of who God is to us.  It is our knowledge from personal experience of what God has done.  Telling your story is a powerful tool to touch other people.  

Now, don’t get me wrong.  We all need to study God’s Word and get it inside of us, so that our minds are continually transformed (Romans 12:2).  Without the Word in us, we will be weak and sickly Christians.  But, our testimony does something that thumping a bible at someone won’t.  It brings God into the here and now and brings Him alive in a personal way.  

Jesus died so that we would have an opportunity for a relationship with God through Him, where we are never alone.  No matter what situation we’re in, He is always with us, whether we feel Him or not.  How might sharing that with someone who doesn’t know Him, change their life?  Will they be saved? Will they be encouraged?  Will a seed be planted or watered? Maybe….or maybe not. That’s not our call, but we are called to witness and we don’t have to know every scripture to do it.  We just have to willing to honestly share what God has done for us and we don’t have to use a lot of big, religious words to do it.  Even better, how about your life being your testimony?  More than what we say, what we do affects others (Phil 1:27).  Show and tell your story with Jesus and watch God.  He is able to do exceeding, abundantly, more than we can ask or think.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

What Are You Willing To Do?

As a Christian, we so often say we’ll do or go if God send us.  Do we really mean it?  In my study of the Book of Acts, the apostles and disciples faced much persecution and belief in Jesus was attacked on many fronts.  While multitudes were saved and many signs and wonders followed, the apostles and missionaries understood that imprisonment and death could be waiting for them at every turn.  They went anyway.  

Not unlike the Apostles and missionaries, Civil Rights leaders of the ‘60s told the truth of God’s love for all men and Jesus’ sacrifice for all to be free and equal.  They were persecuted over a love for money, desire to maintain the status quo (which meant keeping minorities as second class citizens) and a sense of superiority.  But the Civil Rights Leaders, like the Apostles of old, kept the faith and stayed the course (2 Tim 4:7).  

With Congressman Lewis’ recent death and the coverage of his life and work, I’ve reflected on my life and pondered many questions.  To what am I that committed?  What am I sold out for?  Who and what am I fighting for in my daily life?  Whose life am I called to impact?  What am I called to give up?  What sacrifice must I make so that others can have?   What actions must I take to help someone? 

I ponder these questions and it’s daunting.  In reflection, some of the answers break my heart, because I realize that I have certainly missed opportunities where I could have helped someone less fortunate.  I’m committed to do better each day… listen closer and lean more on God’s leading.  If He sacrificed His Son to pay for my sins, the least I can do is give my time and talents to obey Him.  I have no idea what He has in store, but I know no matter what comes He’ll be with me to accomplish it (Deut 31:6) to His good pleasure and it will be more than I can think or imagine (Eph 3: 20).  What about you?  What are you going to do?