Last week, we remembered how patient God is with us. This week, we’re talking about a different characteristic of His, but one that is just as loving. The bible says God chastens those He loves (Proverbs 3:12).
We like to think of God as the indulgent dad who gives us everything we ask for no matter what we do or what’s best for us. We see programs on television or see families in our lives where the parents work day and night to give their children whatever they ask for… games or sneakers or cell phones. In some of those cases, the children are entitled and disrespectful and over the top. Why is that? Most likely because they are spoiled and haven’t been disciplined.
I’m not judging because I’m not a parent. But, I was a child who grew up with Godly parents and while they worked hard and gave me lots of things I wanted, they never sacrificed an opportunity to teach me right from wrong. They never allowed me to disrespect them or other adults. They never allowed me to think that I was owed something just by being their child. They clothed me and feed me, but they disciplined me when I was disobedient and needed it…..when I got a little ahead of myself. Yes, I was disciplined. I know, you can’t possibly believe that knowing me now, but it’s true. LOL.
Well, God does the same. He gives us direction/guidance and expects us to obey. When we don’t, there are consequences. He still loves us and won’t leave us, but we may still have to live with the consequences even after God forgives us. As I’ve said before, God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves, but when things get too much, He is right there with us to see us through it. For example, ever charged anything you didn’t have the money for to a credit card? I have. I paid a price for it….more than it costed with the interest and time. If I’d been obedient to God’s Word, I wouldn’t have been in that predicament – God’s Word says owe no man, because it makes you a slave to him. That’s one of those lessons I’m still working through, but I think you get my point. God didn’t take away my consequences, I still had to pay for my disobedience…this time with money. I have several examples of where I wasn’t always obedient and I’ve paid a different price. I also have several examples where I have been obedient and I’ve been blessed as a result.
God is a Just Father. God sees those of us who have accepted Jesus, through Jesus blood. He’s already forgiven our sins, but when we’re disobedient He will chastise us for our own good. God only wants what’s best for us and He will take measures to ensure we learn a lesson to not harm ourselves. What good father would let His child go down a bad path and not intercede? A good father wouldn’t and God is the best father you could ask for.