Sunday, September 26, 2021

Are You at Peace?

This week was a hard one for many of us.  For the first time, we had an active shooter near my home town (or in the neighborhood where I grew up).  The store where my mom and I have grocery shopped many a day was the scene of another shooting and it shook me and my family up.  For what felt like an eternity, we weren’t able to confirm that all the members of the family and friends were accounted for and safe.  Between the lack of control and the sense of evil running rampant, there were some terrifying moments.  And for a moment, I took my eyes off Jesus.  I mean, I know God is in control and I know to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord…..but it’s easy to get off track in the middle of the crisis.  Yes, I prayed but I prayed in a cursory way……I knew that was what I was supposed to do, but I didn’t pray until I had peace. And that’s where I fell short.

Philippians 4 tells us in verses 6 & 7 to not worry about anything, but with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let our requests be made known to God and the peace of God which exceeds anything we can understand will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ.  I’ve read that so many times and I know it by heart, but when I couldn’t get in touch with my mom right away (knowing that she visits the grocery store where the shooting occurred regularly), that wasn’t my first inclination.  My first inclination was worry.  

When I was able to take a breath and a step back, I did begin to pray not only for the safety of my mom but for everyone else I know who might be in that store and for those who had been injured.  It took me a minute to settle myself.  But that says to me, while I know the word and can recite it, I’m not meditating on it as I should.  If I keep my mind stayed on Jesus, He will direct me.  If I keep my mind stayed on Him, He will give me perfect peace.  

Therein lies the problem – I allowed myself to get distracted by circumstances and what was happening in that moment.  I have to remember that (as my cousin Cathy so eloquently put it) God still sits high on the Throne.  He cannot be unseated and He is in complete control.  Yes, we wonder how bad things can happen when a Holy God sits on the throne, but He gave us free will and that is what gets us in trouble.  It all goes back to the garden and sin entering the world.  Ever since, there has been evil that men do to each other.  Since God gave us free will, He is no a man that He could ever lie, so He can’t take it back.  It is up to us to surrender to His will and His way and live according to His word or not.  We choose, just like we choose to hurt each other or not.  God keeps His promises – we don’t.  God doesn’t lie – we do.  

Because He doesn’t lie, we know we can have peace if we follow God’s instructions.  My pastor said something a few weeks ago that resonated with me.  He said, if you are worried about something, you haven’t prayed enough.  I wonder how many people have begun practicing what He taught – continue to pray until God gives you peace about a situation or a person or a thing in your life.  If you’re worried about something, keep praying and petitioning and thanking God for answering your prayer.  Turn your worries into prayers.  Believe that the God of the universe is big enough to handle anything you bring to Him because He is.  

Remember He made us and everything that exists.  He can handle all our piddly problems with the snap of a finger or a word or in the blink of an eye.  We just have to trust Him to know what is best and to handle it.  The fact is that if we don’t trust Him to handle the things in our lives and we attempt to handle them ourselves, we just make the situation worse.  Let’s commit to taking our worries and concerns and anxieties to God, who loves us more than we could ever love ourselves, in prayer and thanksgiving and trust Him so that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds.  He wants to – we just have to do what He says and let Him.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Let God Promote You

Ever been around someone who is constantly telling you how great they are?  To hear them tell it, they are the best thing since sliced bread.  They’ve done everything.  They know something about every topic you can name.  They always have something to add.  They like the sound of their own voice and will share it as much as they can.  They have an opinion about everything.  They are always looking for the next big promotion or next big thing, but not very invested in what they are doing at the moment.  I’m sure you can envision at least one person you know who fits these characteristics.  They are so busy telling you how great they are that they miss out when things happen.  They are not the one who are asked to participate or given an opportunity when the time comes.  I know a few people like that (I hope you're not one of them).  

Lately, I’ve been dealing with this very thing at work.  One of the managers who works for me is constantly working to get accolades for projects she does (Matt 23:12).  Don’t get me wrong, she does good work, but she could be better and she appears to do things for the wrong reasons – self elevation.  Remember, I’ve said before, everything matters, including our motives.  If our motives are only to elevate ourselves, we’ll never be truly elevated.  Elevation and/or promotion comes from God (Psalm 75:6-7) – if it doesn’t it is in jeopardy (it’s not real or lasting).  

I’ve shared what I’ve learned with my managers and I’ll share it with you.  Instead of focusing on tomorrow (which you may not see anyway), focus on today.  The best preparation for the tomorrow is giving your best today.  Learn and grow where you are so you are the best "You", you can be.  Yes, God gives us skills and talents, but there is still work to develop them.  A gifted musician must still learn to read and write music to be the best musician they can be – it doesn’t mean they are any less talented, only that there is more to learn to enhance their God given ability.  The same is true of each of us.  Whatever gifts and talents God blessed us with, we are to invest time and effort in the development of them so they can be at their best.  

If we give our best to God and don’t worry about being elevated in man’s eyes, God will do the promoting (Luke 14:11).  People in power will come to you instead of you needing to seek them out.  They will make a path for you that you don’t have to sell yourself to be considered.   Those of you who know me well, know that I don’t care about titles and such.  It’s not important to me, because I know who I am.  At the end of the day, I’m Jesus’s little sister and God’s daughter and I’m working to be more and more like them.  I was chosen and forgiven.  I am nothing without Christ’s sacrifice for me.  I’ve been adopted into the family.  He has given me gifts and talents to use for His Glory.  If we settle in on who we are, all the other stuff is just extra.  It’s not something we need to be content.  

If you’re that person in need of accolades and promotion and status, ask why.  What need does it fulfill for you?  You are not your title.  You are not what you have.  You are not what you do.  Who are you when no one is looking?  Do some self-reflection to get to the heart of the need.  And, if you find that there is a hole in your life that needs filling, try Jesus (Matt 6:33).  Having a relationship with Him and studying the Word of God will fill those empty spaces if you let them.  And then when the time is appropriate and you are ready for the promotion, God will give it (1 Peter 5:6-7)……not for your glory, but for His.  

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Be Light and Salt

So, I mentioned earlier that I’m working in a new job for three months.  I’m about six weeks into this assignment and so far so good.  God has been faithful as He always is.  I’ve learned a lot during my time in the new position, as much about myself as any work activity.  As a supervisor or leader of other supervisors/leaders, it can be really easy to start believing your own press.  You have the position, but this life is about so much more than having a position or fame or prestige.  What do you do with it?  I am committed to being light and salt in the world (Matt 5:13-16).  I doesn’t mean that I shove Jesus at people, but at every turn I give God/Jesus/Holy Spirit glory for everything I accomplish, because I can do nothing without them.  

That said as I work each day, I strive to live according to God’s Word because light blocks out darkness and allows those in a place to see and be enlightened.  It brings wisdom and understanding in those places where confusion and chaos reign.  That’s what I strive to do each day – lead in such a way that people are enlightened and pointed to Christ (Mark 16:15).  I get giddy when I get to explain that I’m not wise on my own – I seek God’s help every day and on the day’s I don’t, I recognize real quick what has gone wrong.  It doesn’t mean things don’t happen on the days I seek God first, it means I’ve invited Him to help me on those days and He is right there to intervene for me.  

I also work to be salt each day – to tell the truth in love – share difficult messages while not crushing a person (Col 4:6).  I work to share in such a way that people not only get it, but want to do better.  Every day is an adventure, because I don’t know what God is going to do or what will happen.  I do know that I have an opportunity to help build God’s kingdom but I have to be in my right place doing the things He leads me to – not operating in my own priorities which are likely self-serving.  

Being salt and light is being more like Jesus.  That is our goal – to be like Jesus (1 Peter 2:21).  It’s hard to get out of our own way sometimes, but if we strive each day to bring a little more light and Godly seasoning to our journey (keeping our mind stayed on Him), we’re on the right path.  We never know who needs a little of what we have or who we can influence by our life's journey.  We don't know who is watching, because someone is always watching.  Let’s remember that.  Be the light and the salt the world needs – it needs it now more than ever.

Monday, September 6, 2021

A Life of Gratitude

So I had to repent yesterday morning (as I need to do every morning) because I was just complaining Saturday about what some other folks I’m working on a project with hadn’t done.  I was feeling self-righteous as I talked about all the things this person had not done, and then yesterday I woke up repentant (Psalm 139:23-24).  Who am I to complain about what anybody has not done after all the things I haven’t done in accordance with God’s will and grace?  Needless to say, I was convicted and had to repent.  I’m sure I will fall for this one again, but now that I’ve been checked by the Holy Spirit, I’m hoping I’ll keep it on my radar so I can self-regulate (with His help).  

All that being said, I was reminded of how much I need to live in gratitude even when things are not going the way I think they should.  After all, God has given me everything I need to live a godly life (2 Peter 1:3).  It’s up to me to remember that and operate there.  I have to remember all the grace God has given me.  I don’t deserve it but He loves me so much that He gave His Only Son to buy me back (John 3:16).  

Let’s think about that.  I was born in sin due to what happened in the Garden and I turned my back on Him every time I sinned.  The very one who gives me breath each day and provides for every one of my needs – I choose many days to go my own way instead of seeking Him first (Matt 6:33).  Yet, He still remains right there waiting for me to come back to Him.  

He loves us just the same.  He will not leave or forsake us, even when we leave and forsake Him.  He loves us enough to punish us when we need it for our own good.  He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Heb 13:8).  He does not change.  He is not fickle – He won’t love me today and then change His mind tomorrow.  He is steadfast and faithful (Lam 3:22-23).  He gives me all good gifts.  It may not be the gift I want at the time, but it is working for my good (Rom 8:28).  He gives me sunshine so I and everything around me can live.  He brings the rain to water the plants and replenish our fields.  He sustains us.

Given everything He has done for me, I realized I should not complain about anyone else.  I need to be thankful I can do something for someone else.  I need to remain grateful that He loves me and I need to show grace to others because He loves me so much.  If I’m operating in loving God, I have to love others, not just because He told me too, but because I want to please Him.  The love I have for Him should overflow onto others.  The more I love Him, the more I care about the things He cares about – my soul and the souls of my neighbors.  If I’m a Christ-follower my whole purpose in life is to make disciples – and I don’t have to preach at people – I just have to tell them the good news of Jesus and show them God’s love just as Jesus did (Matt 28:19-20).  

No matter what is happening in my life, it doesn’t change the fact that God is GOOD (Nah 1:7).  God is good whether things are going my way or not.  God is good even when I’m sick or hurting.  God is good when my finances aren’t adding up.  God is good when the world is in chaos.  God is GOOD! I have to remember to thank Him and praise Him continually because of His goodness toward me.  A life of gratitude is a reflection of my acknowledgement of His goodness.  He deserves that and so much more from me.  

Sunday, September 5, 2021

God is Committed to His Will

I don’t know about you, but every so often I will get caught up looking at my circumstances or what’s going on in the world and I lose sight of who God is.  I will pray for something and the opposite will happen and I question whether God heard me.  The times are fewer and fewer, but sometimes I look around and the world looks dark and I know that was never God’s intention.  I know He is in control and I know He can do anything, but bad things are happening and it appears God is not intervening.  

Then I have to remind myself that God doesn’t owe me anything including an explanation.  My thoughts are not his thoughts.  I don’t know what He knows, no matter how much I think I know.  God knows the end at the beginning (or before the beginning).  I can’t make God do anything – He is God!  He’s not Santa Claus or a genie whose lamp I can rub to get my wishes granted.  God is sovereign and in control.  He makes the final call regardless of my personal wants and desires.  Sometimes His answer to me is, “No.”  I recently heard a minister say, “God is not committed to my dreams but to His purpose for my life.”  I sat with that for a long time because I’d interpreted other scriptures as I’m saved so I can ask for what I will and He will do it – and He will as long as it’s consistent with God’s purpose and will for my life.  

God’s Will is His priority and that is what will stand no matter what I ask Him.  He will not be moved or manipulated by me.  He cares for me and loves me – enough not to give me what I want that will ultimately be harmful to me or someone else.  I really dealt with this with the recent storms which I prayed God would cease.  I realize now that God has a purpose and a plan for everything and He knows what He is doing.  He never said He would prevent hardship or harm, but He would never leave nor forsake me.  

I’m special in that He made me different and gave me a purpose.  I have the choice to live my life according to it or not, but He is unchangeable.  He is not fickle like we are.  When He says a thing that is it, regardless of whether I agree or not.  

And since He is creator, He can do what He chooses regardless of my agreement.  Consider your life with Him.  Are you living in a place where you are striving to live according to His purpose even when you don’t agree or like the answer?  Or, are you purposing your own way of doing things?  Obedience is the best way.  I struggle sometimes but I’ve learned it is the best way.