I’ve talked about leadership skills in the past. I’ve also mentioned that we never know who may be watching us and the way we live. Many believe you aren’t a leader unless you have a position or a title. This is absolutely not the case. Position and title don’t make a leader – it may make a boss or a supervisor, but not necessarily a leader.
A leader is someone who inspires passion and motivation in followers. A leader is someone with a vision and the path to realizing it. I’ve heard movie stars and successful athletes demote their role as leaders or role models in communities, but they are, whether they want to be or not. But, what role are they modeling for those around them or their fans? For those of us who love Christ, we pray that our vision comes from Him, so that we are obedient to follow the path He has set for us. We want to do His will and operate like He would. But He gives us skills and talents, we have to work to develop into maturity, that will help us inspire the passion and motivation of others.
The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor 11:1, “imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.” He understood that He was nothing without Christ (Rom 7:18), but he also understood that he was a leader of those around him. He wanted to set a good example indicating he was a follower of Christ and that others could follow him because he was going to imitate Christ. To be a good leader, you have to know how to follow well (Matt 20:26-28).
Paul is a good example of one inspiring passion and motivating others. When you think of his story, it is an amazing one. He was originally an enemy of the Church – the followers of Christ. But, even when He was an enemy, He was passionate and action oriented, but he had also done the work since he was a child. He had learned “the law” and he was applying it as he understood. When he was converted, all those skills and talents changed direction based on the changing of His heart. Paul applied all those skills in his preaching, teaching, writing and missionary work.
Just like Paul, we are born with skills and talents, but they must be developed so that we can apply them to the mission or purpose God has for us (Rom 12:4-8). We have the ability to inspire, influence and motivate others based on what we do with those skills and talents. The question is - what are we doing with them? How are we modeling Christ-like behavior? Do we recognize that there are people watching to see how we live and how we react to certain situations? Are we living a life that can be imitated? These are answers to ponder and pray about. We have to remember we are providing an example for someone – we’re leading them somewhere. Hopefully, we’re leading them to Christ, who is the only way to the Father.