Sunday, January 29, 2023

Are You a Strategist?

How often are you given an assignment or a project and you tackle it the way you always have? No thought to ways that may be better or more impactful, just doing it the same way you always have. No thought to challenging the status quo. How often have you thought to stop and consider whether there is another way, a better way? Over the past few weeks, I've learned that I'm a great tacticion - I execute actions well. I have not been a great strategist - thinking strategically, implementing and evaluating regularly. 

A tactician is a person who uses a carefully planned strategy to achieve a specific end. A strategist is a person skilled in planning the action or policy to achieve a specific end. So a tactician does the work and a strategist determines how best to get it done. As I mentioned I'm a great tactician and I'm not a bad strategist when I take the time to actually plan instead of going right into the doing (Prov 21:5). And being one who gets things done is great - it's taken me far. A strategist can go so much further, because they are not doing the work themselves - they are making and writing plans so others can take up the mantle and join them in the effort (Hab 2:2). 

What is it you want to accomplish or that God is leading you to accomplish? Who do you need to take with you? What resources do you need to get there? What has worked in the past? What could be better? What could go wrong and how do you reduce those risks? These are just a few of the questions a strategist would ask, while the tactician is already working on doing what's been done for years. It may work, but could it have more impact? Could it be done faster? Could it be done cheaper? Could it be done better? 

I believe all of us want to leave our world a bit better than we found it. In order to do so, we need to have a plan that not only ourselves but those around us can follow. Little of what we do or have is about us. Our purpose is to point those around us to Christ. So He should be incorporated in everything we do. We have to be intentional and consider our strengths and weaknesses, as well as, external forces that may impact the outcome. We will face opposition and challenges, but what will we do about them? A good plan should account for most of those. Where do we go for help with plans? To the Lord, who has a plan for us (Jer 29:11). If we ask Him for wisdom, he will give it. He also tells us to seek wise counsel (Prov 12:15, 11:14, 15:22). We don't have all the answers and a good strategist knows that.  He/she is willing to listen to others to get to the best possible outcome. 

I don't know if you're a tactician or a strategist, but I encourage you to consider the latter. I'm working on it myself and while it may take a long time, I can't wait to see the harvest. Be blessed. 

Sunday, January 22, 2023

How Resilient Are You?

Everywhere I turn I hear about the bad things happening in the world. Just last night there was mass shooting with 10 people killed and several wounded. Apparently, the gun man is still at large. While we don't know the motive, we do know that 10 people have lost there lives because someone could not find a better way to voice their issues. It is a travesty in this country of plenty that anyone would take lives that are no threat to theirs. How do we bounce back from incidents like this? How do we cope? 

When things like this happen, I turn to my Father in heaven who knows everything and is ultimately in control of the outcome of every situation. Yes, we have free will do to what we want to do, but God will hold us accountable for our choices - both good and evil. In Romans, Paul tells us not to avenge ourselves. "Vengence is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord (Rom 12:19). Make no mistake, no matter what it looks like, no one will get away with the evil deeds they do. They may not face consequences where we can see it, but they will pay. 

So if we can't take action against the one who wronged us, how do we cope with situations for our own wellbeing? We pray for peace and for God to help us forgive. Remember, forgiving is not the same as forgetting. We never forget the things that hurt us the most, but we can chose to not hold it against a person. It doesn't mean we have to put ourselves in a situation with them again. We forgive because God forgives us (Matt 6:14-15). We forgive for ourselves so we don't grow bitter and hard - that takes a lot of work and we have more important things to focus on. We are to love God first and our neighbor as ourselves. In order to do that, we have to release ourselves from the anger and let the hurt go. That's the only way for us to be whole. 

Resilience is the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult situations. So, how do you recover from difficult situations? Do you take time to reflect on the situation and how God is moving on your behalf? Do you put strategies in place with the wisdom of God to address the obstacles? Do you choose to trust that as you move in God's will and trust Him that the situation will work out? Or, do you speak defeatist? Do you consider that you are done? Do you speak negatively over your life (Prov 18:21)? Yes, bad things happen to each one of us. But we can choose how we will respond - if we get up and keep moving or if we give up. Don't give up. If you accepted Jesus as savior and belong to the Lord, He is working on your behalf even when you can't see it. 

Don't ever doubt that He has you. God gives us the ability to bounce back through the power of the Holy Spirit, if we let Him. So, how resilient are you? I pray you will put on the whole armor of God and allow the Lord to strengthen you so you can withstand the forces of the devil (Eph 6:11-13).

Sunday, January 15, 2023

You Can!

When was the last time you attempted something that was hard and outside your comfort zone? How did it go? Did you keep going until the end or did you quit because it challenged you? How committed were you in completing the task or the program or the race? While ability definitely plays a part in the outcome, I've found that my commitment and dedication to anything (with the Lord's help) is the determining factor in whether it gets done or not. What this means is that we really can do anything through Christ, we just have to know that we can. 

So, what is God calling you to that you haven't walked into yet? What have you been afraid to try? What has been holding you back? No, what has really been holding you back? Fear? Time? Money? Skill? Other obstacles? What are you doing to face your fears? What actions have you taken to remove them or to limit them? What time sucks can be reduced? What things can you live without buying? What skill do you need to develop? What are you really called to do? What will you commit your time, money and skills to do? We can do what we are called to do if we will just do it. 

God has already told us to be strong and courageous and promised to always be with us (Josh 1:9). Further, the scriptures tell us to wise with the use of our time (Eph 5:15-17). Where we put our money and other treasure is where our heart is (Matt 6:21). As for our skills, if we develop our skills, we will stand before people in high positions (Prov 22:29). If these scriptures are true, and they are, what decisions and actions are you taking that prevent you from moving forward? What excuses are you telling yourself to justify why you haven't moved forward? 

All of us have things that come against us, but with the Lord's help we can overcome them all. We are overcomers (Rev 3:21). We are the only real thing holding us back. If you could not fail, what would you do? There is no failure in God (Luke 1:37). We either have faith and trust that or we don't. Believe it and walk into what He has for you. You CAN!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Priorities! Priorities! Priorities!

Every day, we determine which of our many priorities takes precedent. I don’t know about you, but I have many priorities in my life – God, family, church, home, work, projects, hobbies, employees, training, etc. Like everyone else, my priorities shift as I move through my day. The priority of the moment may not be the priority of the next moment. That makes it hard to stay focused on any one thing.

Last week, I wrote about keeping first things first. As followers of Christ, our first priority should be the Lord and His will (Exo 20:3). He should be at the top of our list each and every day. I know that becomes difficult as we are hit by our current circumstance, whatever it is. But we have to be intentional to ensure we’re allowing Him to guide us as we navigate our lives.

Keeping Him first also means we surrender our will to His. Have you thought about what happens to us when we recognize our dependence on Christ? We realize we can’t control everything and understand our need for the Christ to intercede on our behalf. We also give our lives to Him to lead and use as He sees fit.

As we make His priorities ours, we reflect His actions and His attitudes in our everyday interactions. Since His will is that none would be lost (Psa 95:6-7), pointing others to Him becomes very important to us. One way to make sure this remains a priority for us, is to layer it on top of all our other priorities. If we ensure we are living for Christ in all aspects of our lives and not compartmentalizing Him, we can point people to Christ whether we’re in a mall or a board room.

Let’s make God’s priorities our priorities and watch Him work!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

First Things First!

Happy New Year! I didn’t think I’d be saying that this soon. If feels like time has flown by over the last year and here we are in another one. So many changes in 2022 and I’ve been reflecting and thinking about what is to come in 2023. I’m expecting great things because we serve a Big and Great God, who is able to do all things but fail (Luke 1:37). 

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you actually believed and embraced that we can do all things through Christ (Phil 4:13)? That you can do anything because He is with you and won’t let you fail? How would that change your approach? Would you be more confident? Would you be bolder? Would you move instead of sitting on a vision? Would you take steps instead of waiting for something to fall into your lap? 

If we commit our ways and actions to Him, He will establish our plans (Prov 16:3). If we’re committing our ways to Him, they will line up with His word and His ways. In order for this to be the case, we have to know His word and not just the parts we like. The whole of His word is one way He speaks to us and shares His thoughts and will with us. The more we are studying and spending time in His word, the better we know His voice and have the ability to operate according to His ways (Josh 1:8). If we want our lives to change for the better, that is a place to start. 

We have to put first things first! According to scripture, if we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, He will provide what we need (Matt 6:33). I think our problem is that we have it backwards, we seek what we need first and then give God what’s left over, after the kids and family, work, friends, play, etc. What if we really sought God’s kingdom and His righteousness – FIRST? What would happen? How would He bless us? I don’t know but I want to practice this and make it a habit – seeking God through His son Jesus and His righteousness – first. I want to know what He has for me and how far He will take me for His glory.  

If I put Him first, how might I be changed? For that matter, how might people around me be changed because I’ve been with Him? What might be revealed to me as I study His word and spend time with Him and how might that strengthen my walk with Him? What might change in your life if you put Him first? I’d like to find out. Today is the first day of the New Year, so we should start now. No time like the present to pivot and start something new. I think we might be surprised what happens when we make the Lord first in our lives. 

May God richly bless your life beyond what you can think or imagine in 2023!