Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Power of Yes!

When was the last time the Lord led you to do something difficult? How did you respond to it? Did you doubt, question, hem and haw about what you were being led to do because of your own abilities? Did you think you weren’t good enough? Did you think you weren’t smart enough? Did you think you didn’t want to work that hard? 

I know exactly how that feels. When I was compelled to apply for my current job, I didn’t know what to think. I had acted in the position for four months prior and really liked the team and for the first time considered that a role like this one could be for me. However, I had no real desire for it or plan to move from the home that was almost finished paying for. I had plans for that house and my retirement and none of that included a move to the Midwest and the cold (it snowed last night and has been below freezing for most of the day). 

But I knew God had something more for me to do. It wasn’t what I wanted, but I wasn’t able to sleep at night until I decided to apply. My prayer – if I wasn’t hearing from God and this job wasn’t for me, that He would block it. Like I said, I didn’t want the job, but I knew He was preparing me for more. Would it be a challenge? Absolutely. But would it be rewarding and fulfilling? Probably. Would I be stretched and sometimes uncomfortable? Sure – it’s not comfortable to grow (Isa 41:10). 

I was forced to remember that God doesn’t call us to anything we can do on our own. If we can do something in our own power, it’s not God. Think about all the heroes and heroines of the Bible – nothing God called them to, could they do on their own. He always leads us to something where we have to lean and depend on Him. He will get the glory – it will not be ours. When we trust and acknowledge Him, He will direct our path (Prov 3:5-6). 

The times I’ve said “yes” to God’s will for my life have been some of the most challenging but most fulfilling overall (this one included). It’s been in those times that I’ve learned the most about Him and myself and my relationship with Him. Saying “Yes” to the Lord is never a mistake. He knows what’s best for us and because He does, our following His leading always works out for our best (Rom 8:28). Saying “Yes” to God is really surrendering our will to His will (Jam 4:8-10). Recognizing that He knows better than we do and His will is better than ours, can only bless us in the long run.

Want to glorify the Lord and be blessed by Him, say “Yes” to Him. He will never disappoint. And even when trials come, He will never leave nor forsake you (Psa 55:22; Deut 31:6). Try Him for yourself.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Love in Action

We often hear people say they love someone or something. We say it often. But what does that mean? Do we have soft emotional feelings about a thing? Do we want what is best for someone or are we more focused on ourselves? Do we even understand what love is? 

First Corinthians 13 lays out what love looks like. Love is more than a feeling. It’s a change of heart and it’s action. Love is patient and kind and is not rude or arrogant. Love loves the truth. Love carries burdens for others. It is forever. Can you say you feel that way for someone else? If so, how do you show it? Love is an action word. It is not passive or complacent. 

God is Love (1 John 4:16) and He gives to us daily (Matt 7:11), so therefore Love Gives. According to scripture, it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). So if we love, we are patient, kind, not arrogant or boastful, we rejoice in the truth and we give. While there are other traits, these stand out to me. To live in this space, we have to be unselfish, putting others ahead of ourselves and our own desires. 

How often do you put someone else’s needs ahead of your own? How often do you make time for someone close to you instead of taking care of your own wants? How patient are you with your children or co-workers? How often do you calm irritability or stop resenting others? Love isn’t always easy, sometimes it requires sacrifice (John 3:16).  But it is worth it. We are all called to it - Love God and Love our neighbors as ourselves.

My regular prayer is that God would help me love as He loves. I’m a long way from it and I can get irritated or impatient just like the next person, but I strive more and more every day to look and act like He does. I can only do that under the power of the Holy Spirit. I lean and rest in Him. Take a long look at your life and see if love is obvious in your life. If not, now is the time to seek God and change it. 

As Paul wrote, we are nothing without love (1 Cor 13:1-3). So now faith, hope and love abide, these three, but the greatest of these is love (1 Cor 13:13). 

Monday, November 13, 2023

All Lives Matter

This weekend I spent some time at the African American Museum (my first time visiting) and it was phenomenal. I only viewed three floors (the history floors) and not everything on them but the thing that was clear and evident was the strength and courage of the Africans and African Americans who came before me. It’s only due to their commitment and passion for freedom that I can sit here writing this blog. They paved the way for me to even have the opportunity to be successful by human standards. 

Along the way through the history floors, I got angry at certain sections where Black people were mistreated, abused, and thought of as nothing more than property and then I realized I was able to stand in that area. I was proud of who we are and who many of us are becoming. Are there some who are wasting their lives away and an embarrassment to me and my ancestors? Of course. I don’t think our ancestors suffered and died so some could be “free” to squander their God-given talents and abilities. We can be so much more than that but we have to make a choice to be and to do the work. But that’s a story for another day. 

As I walked along the wall and saw the names of all the slave ships that brought Africans to America, the Caribbean, Europe, etc., and all the lives that were lost per ship during the Middle Passage, I could only think of all the dreams and accomplishments that were lost due to greed and ego and desire for power. It was evidence of the truth that the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim 6:10).  It was also clear the people who perpetrated the atrocities didn’t know Jesus in their hearts. The Bible says a tree is known by its fruit (Matt 7:16-20), so if the fruit is evil or bitter, so is the tree. Only an evil or bitter or greedy person could believe the violence and terror aimed at the slaves was okay. 

At the end of the day, all lives matter. Meaning no lives matter more than others – Black lives matter just as much as all the others. Everyone has something to contribute – some smaller than others. None of us deserve more than others – we all deserve death, but Jesus. God has given us talents and gifts (Rom 16:6) for His glory and He’s provided what we need to gain wealth (Deut 8:18), but it is up to us to live up to the potential He has placed in us. That pesky free will allows us to choose. 

When we realize all lives matter, we realize we all miss out when lives are lost or dreams die.  It also helps us to realize that we have a responsibility to support equality and fair treatment – what people do with it is up to them.  But as bringers of peace and the Good News – accessibility to the Prince of Peace is for everyone, if they choose and it’s our responsibility to be about our Father’s business pointing them to Him because all lives matter. He wants none to be lost (2 Pet 3:9), but He won’t push Himself on anyone. Your life matters! What will you choose to do with it?

Sunday, November 5, 2023

How are you spending your time?

Can you believe it’s the first Sunday in November? It still feels like the year just started. The older I get the more time flies. I plan something and before I know it, the time has arrived. When we lost the hour for Daylight Savings Time several months ago, I thought of how I couldn’t wait to get that hour back and now it’s here, but I don’t know that the hour means all that much except now I’ll be coming home from work in the dark – I did enjoy being able to lay in bed for a little while longer this morning. 

At the end of the day, we all have only so much time. According to the bible, a man’s (or woman’s) days are numbered (Job 14:5). Only God knows how long we have. And given I believe that, the only thing left for me to decide is how I will spend the time I have. Will I throw it away playing video games or watching movies (two things I love) or will I be about my Father’s business? Now the two don’t have to be mutually exclusive, but it does require me to be intentional about my actions. I can watch a movie or play a video game, as long as I don’t put them before what God is calling me to do. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying come clean things in life as long as they are not getting a higher place than our purpose in God (Eph 5:15-16). 

God calls us to not have any other God’s before Him or to have idols (Exo 20:3-5, Lev 26:1). We have to be careful we are not making idols of things or people - where any opinions or desires weigh more than God’s. He created us for His glory (Isa 43:7) and, like the money we’ve been blessed to steward, how we spend our time, shows what has the greatest importance in our lives (Matt 6:21). Take for instance someone who says the Lord and their family are the most important things to them, but they work all the time or spend all their time at the local casino or bar. They are saying one thing and doing something else.  Our actions speak more for us than our words. 

Of course, there are excuses – “I’m working to give them a better life” or “They are better off without me.” Better than what? Is giving them things or your absence more important than giving of yourself? Or is it just easier or more comfortable? Do they really know you? Do you know them? Is a life full of stuff really more fulfilling that a life of experiences with people who truly love and are there for you? 

So how are you spending your time? Take a look at what you say you value and look at how the use of your time shows that or whether it shows something completely differently. Stuff is nice, but you are better. Never underestimate the power of showing up and giving of yourself. Life is too short to have regrets when you can do something about them.