God is good! No matter what we are facing, He IS good (Psa 103:8). That is hard sometimes to grasp because the world can be a treacherous place and bad things happen to threaten our happiness and comfort. We tend to think of anything that makes us unhappy or sad as bad. But if we think about our lives, there are always things that cause great pain at the same time as things involving great joy (thanks Pastor Craig).
I recently lost someone who has been like an aunt to me most of my life and I will miss her dearly, but at the same time I just celebrated my mom's birthday. The fact that I am suffering this loss doesn’t make God any less good. If fact, the fact that I am grieving speaks to the love that I felt. When I consider the experience, I wouldn't wish away the years I had with her to prevent the pain of losing her.
I recently heard the story of Katherine Wolf (thanks Desperate for Jesus), who provides some interesting perspective around suffering well. And finding joy in what we do Have, not what we don't. This speaks to learning to be content regardless of our circumstances. Even when it's painful or we have circumstances we can to choose to be joyful. The scriptures tell us to rejoice in all things (1 Thes 5:16-17; Phil 4:4). We have to remember He is working all things together for the good of those who love Him (Rom 8:28). He cannot lie (Tit 1:2), which means he is trustworthy. He does what He says He will do.
This is a clear reminder that God IS good.....not because we deserve it, but because that is who He is. We can trust Him!