Sunday, July 5, 2020

What are you not doing that you should?

In these extraordinary times, there’s lots of time for self-reflection.  I know I’ve been doing a lot of that over the past few months.  I’ve been taking stock of my life and what’s really important to me.  As always, God, family, friends, purpose, hobbies, etc.  So I’ve been more consistent with reading my bible and my devotionals.  In this time when I couldn’t get out in the public, I’ve been having virtual get-togethers with friends.  I check in with family members more frequently. 

Fortunately, I’ve been working the entire time we’ve been social distancing, except for a couple of weeks of vacation, so I haven’t had a lot of down time.  With the alone time I’ve had, I’ve been asking God and myself, what should I be doing with it?  What can I do to change the world in this time?  Who can I help during this time?  A few weeks ago, that looked like making notes for kids’ lunches for Action Ministries, who provides meals for kids who otherwise wouldn’t have lunch during the summer months.  It wasn’t a lot of effort but it was one way for me individually to help. Some may include donations, some may include time, some may be gifts and talents.  There are all sorts of ways to help.  You just have to look for them.  

What talents and gifts do you have that can be used to help someone else?  Everyone has gifts and talents and skills.  How are yours being used to make the world a better place?  Who can you help with their reading during the summer?  Or who needs you to pick up a few groceries?  What might your neighbor need from you?  It’s time for each of us to step out of our comfort zone and be what the world needs to move forward.  How can we with nothing but ourselves help someone?  What do you individually need to do?  James 2:26 indicates that faith without works is dead.  If you have faith, there should be some works because of it.  God did not give us gifts and talents to just sit on and be comfortable. He gave us exactly what we need to glorify him in not just our words but our actions (James 4:17).  It’s really between you and God, but know that He knows everything we do and everything we don’t.  Don’t be held accountable for the things you didn’t do.

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