Sunday, October 11, 2020

Give Thanks

I’ve been thinking about all that’s happened this year and it’s so easy to be distracted by all the chaos and calamity.  The virus hit and we’ve been overwhelmed in ways I never imagined – more than 200,000 dead and millions infected over the course of the pandemic - and it still rages against us.  The country partially shut down in response to COVID19 and hasn’t completely recovered.  The stock market dropped significantly when it was clear the virus wasn’t going away or being contained. Racial tensions rose with the killing of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd and so many others.  Add to that the division of the country over the elections and voting, plus the increased hurricane (severe weather) activity.  It feels like too much to handle when you just think of all that. 

When we take a step back though, we have to take a breath and think about what’s really going on.  Remember, we live by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).  No matter what it looks like, God is still in control.  He can do anything (Luke 1:37).  Why would God allow this to happen, some ask?  Why wouldn’t He, I answer.  

We’ve expelled Him from every worldly place – no prayer in schools, separation of church and state, no mentioning His name at work, etc.  We don’t follow His Word or guidance, but we want Him to fix our problems.  How arrogant of us?  He is not a genie, where we can pull Him out when we want something and then put Him back on the shelf when we’re done or we’ve gotten what we want.  Why would our creator keep coming to our rescue when we are so disobedient to His Will and His Way?  Because He loves us.  Could you imagine what would happen if he didn’t?  I don’t even want to try.  

But this all brings me to the point today….how much we have to really be grateful for.  God continues to love us in spite of who we are and the disobedient things we do.  I mean, I know I don’t always do what’s right and God still loves me and keeps me.  What about you?  

Now is a time more than ever to remember that He is waiting for us to choose to serve Him.  Salvation is a choice not a feeling and if we want it we can have it – Believe and Confess (Roman 10:9-10).  It’s not about going to church, although we should.  It’s not about some title, it’s about a change of the heart (which is naturally wicked) and following Christ, living as He did – serving others.  

While I strive to do God’s Will each day, I know that I fall short each day – whether in thought or deed. But still, God wakes me each day and allows me in His presence when I surely don’t deserve it.  He provides food and shelter for me, even when I’m not the best steward of His resources.  He is mindful of the things that I care about and He moves when I ask Him according to His will.  

Even now in the middle of hurricane season, God has kept us safe and sound.  He protected or healed many of us from COVID19.  He is so especially good.  We have to remember that……even in the midst of chaos and nonsense, God deserves our gratitude. He is still GOD – the One and Only Wise GOD!  No matter what is going on or what we see, God is good to us.  The situation may not be, but God is still good.  Paul said it best in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  

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