I hope you had a great Christmas! Mine was a bit quiet but still beautiful. As I reflected on the gift of Jesus whom God gave over 2000 years ago, I thought about the gifts I continue to get and early Christmas morning, I sat and thanked God for them. I also thought about the time I’ve squandered in 2020. Since the pandemic started, I’ve had to stop myself from complaining about the harsh reality of not being able to do the things I want and like doing. I realized that while I’ve made some good decisions and used some of my time wisely, I haven’t done that consistently in all areas.
I’ve been working more hours than I should. I’ve been spending more on stuff than I should – although much has been for other people. I should have cleaned out so many things in my house and didn’t. While I’ve been spending more time with the Lord, it still hasn’t really been enough. There are so many things I could have done better this year. I’m not beating myself up, I’m just being real about my human frailties. I have many, but I thank God for loving me anyway.
I say all this because we’re only a few days from 2021 and we usually say it’s an opportunity to start again. For those who make resolutions, it’s an opportunity to redefine some goals for the year. I’m not making any resolutions, because they don’t work for me. I am, however, setting some goals with milestones. There are many things I want to accomplish over the next few years and I’m going to put them down on paper so I can reflect on how far I go in reaching them. While I’m putting those items down, I’m also going to seek God’s guidance on them, so I can make sure they line up with His purpose as well.
This fall during my small group, we studied the book of Joshua and Judges and throughout these books, it’s evident that the Israelites back then were just like us now. God continues to take care of us and provide for us and we want to do what we want to do, until we get in trouble and then we call on Him to get us out of it. Once He does, we start the cycle back over again, except sometimes we get so far into a mess that we get comfortable. I’m striving in the future to not just do what I want to do, but to listen to God’s leading and pray that He will take away any desires that are not according to His Will and His Word. I know that will require me to stay closer to Him, because the devil is real and he is always seeking to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). The devil will use any means to distract us from serving God and doing His Will. That’s the devil’s job and he’s good at it. The only way to counter him is with the Power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, which means we need to have them and be armed to use them. We fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers (Eph 6:12).
2020 was a hard year, and we have no guarantees that 2021 will be better. We hope and pray it will, but we have to be prepared that it might not. We have to go into 2021 expecting God to show up and continue to bless and keep us. While there have been some significant losses for many in 2020, God is still God and He is still Good! He does not change, no matter how we think or act – He is still the same (Ps 102:27, Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8). So let’s take a look at where we are and purpose in our hearts to be more like Christ in 2021. Remember life is a journey….we are all growing and changing every day, but let’s make sure the growth and change will result in God being glorified as opposed to Him being angered. Let’s purpose in our hearts to be more of a reflection of Him in a world that definitely needs more love and peace and joy. In 2021, let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus seeking His guidance and wisdom and everything we need will be provided (Matt 6:33).
I hope and pray that you have a prosperous (in all aspects of your life) and Happy New Year. May you be blessed beyond measure in ways you cannot even begin to imagine.