Sunday, December 13, 2020

It’s the Season of Giving

My birthday was last week and it was great.  I got away and it was a wonderful change of scenery.  I needed it, way more than I was ready to admit.  Just being away from my own home and in a different environment allowed me to breathe and to distance myself from all the stuff that has piled up over the last nine months.  I was able to take a much needed break.  A couple of friends (including my niece) spent socially distanced time with me and it was great to disconnect.  When I got home, a couple of friends threw me a socially distanced birthday party – it was just the three of us and we wore our face covering (except when eating) and maintained social distance.  

Even though my birthday wasn’t how I originally imagined it early in the year, it was great because both sets of friends went out of their way to show me how much I meant to them.  One of them, who never cooks, cooked for me….and it was good.  The other wrote me my own birthday song – too cute – by the way, she should be recording….but I digress.  My point is this experience brought home an important point.  It is so important to let others know how much they mean to you and to give to others.  And I’m not talking about always giving money or things to other people – but time and attention and caring and support. 

The Bible teaches us to Love God first and to love our neighbor (brother) as ourselves.  I don’t know about you, but this time of isolation has made me long for the presence of other people.  I been around very few people since this whole thing started and I’ve realized that just because I can’t physically be around a lot of my family and friends, it doesn’t prevent me from being there for them.  With so many people in need this year (for comfort, for companionship, for a friend, etc.), it really is an opportunity to show Christ’s love.  Who do you know who could use a card or a call?  What’s your hold up?  Yes, some of them need monetary or practical items, and if you’re in a position to help them, you should.  I’m not saying let people take advantage of you or manipulate you, but you should seek guidance and wisdom from God to show you to whom you should give.  God loves a cheerful giver.  

For me, giving is a way of life. That doesn’t mean I give to any and every one; or for any and everything.  I usually seek God’s guidance before I give.  As always, when I don’t, I normally make a mistake. I love to see people’s faces light up when I’ve picked the exact right gift for them.  For some, it the pleasure of knowing that someone is thinking about them.  For some, it’s meeting a need.  For others, it’s just the fact that I cared enough to be thoughtful in the gift giving.  I believe it's as fulfilling for me to see someone get something that moves them as it is for the person receiving the gift.  I don't always get the gift right, but it always comes from a place of loving my neighbor as myself.  

Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as selfish as the next person with certain things, particularly with my time, but I’m getting better.  My biggest obstacle is giving God enough of me.  Sometimes, I get so caught up in the doing, that I don’t sit and rest with Him.  I don’t know about you, but I get distracted by all the things going on and I can easily get off track.  I’m quick to pray, but I don’t always meditate on the Word, so I can hear back from Him.  I’m working on that.  

The Word says it’s better to give than to receive (Luke 6:38; Hebrews 13:16).  The bottom line is the principle if you give you will receive.  God keeps His promises and it's a principle He created.  I don’t give with the motive to receive, but I give without hesitation when I know I’m hearing from God because nothing I have belongs to me anyway.  I’m just a steward of the resources God provides.  He owns it all.  So, when I get over the fact that none of the money or stuff or time or even myself belongs to me, it’s much easier to give to others and to give back to God.  He promised that if I accepted Him and obey Him, He will never leave me, so I don’t have any worries for my day to day sustenance.  

God has provided for me for 50 years and I’m hoping He’ll give me another 50 where He can use me to do exceedingly more than was done the first 50.  Trust God and give as he directs you.  Be a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7).  I challenge you to look at your life and consider whether you are stingy or a reluctant giver.  If so, then look at what you receive.  The Bible indicates that with the same measure you give, it will be given to you.  If you aren’t receiving, you may want to consider what you’re giving.  

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