Sunday, February 28, 2021

Who Do You Trust?

This week was a full one.  We had a meeting at work and as one of the leaders in the region, I helped to facilitate the meeting.  With lots going on in the background, I was privy to information that other people in the staff did not know.  For example, one of the mornings we decided to change the start time, unfortunately the night before after most had left work.  The person who was scheduled to present wasn’t available and it didn’t make sense to force everyone to come in early.  This might not have been a very big deal, except this meeting included staff in the Central Time zone.  

So on Wednesday night, I was sending out emails and text messages so no one would show up early the next morning and be sitting around waiting for the meeting to start.  One staff member apparently didn’t get notification (thankfully, someone on Eastern Time).  On Thursday morning, in hopes to catching anyone who may have missed my earlier message, I sent an instant message to all participants.  The one person who apparently wasn’t notified the night before replied that my peer had given an earlier start time.  

I paused for a minute because her supervisor works for me.  It was irritating that the staff member would question whether I was right.  Clearly my message came out later then the communication from my peer.  I’m equal in position to my peer who gave the earlier time.  And clearly, given my position I would have more information than the staff member would.  So, why would the staff member question whether I knew what I was talking about?  I recognized it was because the staff member thought they knew better and didn’t trust that my information was correct.  Instead of considering that surely I would not share incorrect information with everyone, the person thought they knew more than I did.  

I realized that is exactly how we treat God/Jesus.  The Lord has shared His word with us and given us instructions.  His ways are so much higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts.  He knew the end before the beginning, because He does not exist in what we know as time – He created it.  But, we still somehow believe that we know better than Him.  That’s why we get into so much trouble that we need Him to provide a way out.  We make decisions based on our own limited understanding instead of seeking Him first and getting direction.  

How many times have you made a decision that got you into something you could not see your way out?  The solution – Trust God (Psalm 18:30).  Don’t give in to the temptations and your own fleshly desires because it leads to death (James 1: 15).  God has all the answers and they will be better than any individual decision you or I can make.  He knows what’s best for our lives and even when it doesn’t look like it, He is working all things together for the good of those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28).  Don’t let what it looks or feels like deter you from trusting the One who loved you enough to send His only Son to die for you (John 3:16) and is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or think (Eph 3:20).  

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Knowing About Jesus is NOT the Same as Knowing Him

So, in my small group, I mentioned before we’re studying the book of John.  John is an amazing book because of all the imagery and connection of Jesus being one with God.  This week we studied chapters 5 & 6 and it struck me how people of the time were living and walking with Jesus and the majority of them did not perceive that He was the Christ – God with us – because of how they expected the Messiah to come and deliver God’s people.  They were glad for the miracles Jesus performed and were in awe, but still didn’t know who He was.  Because of past traditions and things they’d learned as children, they could not see who was right in front of their eyes.  

Can you imagine being in the presence of the person of Jesus and having no idea that He was God with us?  Imagine seeing Him do what God does instantaneously.  I mean, think about it.  God does the very things Jesus did, just slower.  God designed our bodies to heal over time (sometimes with intervention).  He turns water/juice to wine over time.  He feeds the multitudes through sowing/reaping a harvest, etc.  Jesus had the power to do all these things instantaneously to show us that He was one with God.  I’d like to think if I were in that time, I’d have no doubt, but I can’t say that if I’d been taught the law of the Old Testament my whole life, I would easily grasp that Jesus was the Messiah and the fulfillment of that law. 

How many of us do the same things the people of that day did?  We get caught up in what we’ve experienced and what we’ve been taught and we ignore the truth in front of us.  We don’t see Jesus for our own flawed perceptions.  Whether we see Him or not, Jesus Is.  He is the Bread of Life!  Like bread we eat with our mouths, He is a necessity for nourishing our spirit.  Until we believe on Him (know Him), we are not really alive.  I pray that if you don’t know Him, you’ll take this opportunity to do so.  Knowing Him will change your life!  

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Do You Live in Assurance?

This week has been a pretty good one…still long days and challenges but a recognition that God doesn’t place more on us that we can bear and He is always there to carry the load (Matt 11:28-30).  I continue to struggle with staying focused on Him, but I keep striving to do more.  Like Paul, the things I should do I sometimes don’t.  That’s how I know I need God more and more (Rom 7:21-25).  But, when I mess up I go back to Him who continues to take me in His arms and He comforts and keeps me.  

I don’t know how people who are not in relationship with Christ do it.  How do you get through each day on your own…pushing through the chaos and challenges and personal failures/frailties?  I can’t imagine the stress and overwhelming pressure of doing life on your own…and I don’t want to.  The question I have is whether some people even recognize it.  I mean, there are plenty of people who are in church and may have spent their lives there, who don’t know Jesus on a personal level.  I mean, they know who Jesus is – God’s son, but they are not in a personal relationship with Him.  They believe in God.  Some might ask, well if they know who He is, aren’t they good….aren’t they saved? If they believe in God, isn’t that enough?  No.  Even the devil believes in God (James 2:19)….and we know what happened to him – he got kicked out of Heaven.    

The bible says in Romans 10:9-10, one must believe in their heart and confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus before they are saved.  It’s about more than knowing who He is.  Believing in the heart and confessing with the mouth leads to a spiritual change giving Christ Lordship.  When we are saved, we become new creations and the Holy Spirit comes to live inside.  We can tell this by seeing the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.) manifest (Gal 5:22-23).  That doesn’t necessarily mean someone will be outwardly changed, but our thoughts and our actions should reflect our relationship with Christ, if it is genuine.  As our relationship matures, so will our thoughts and actions. 

My small group is studying the Book of John and in chapter 3 when Jesus explained to Nicodemus one had to be “born again” to enter the Kingdom of God, He meant one had to be spiritually born….accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior.  I implore everyone to check their relationship with God through Jesus. 

I asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior when I very young and I've made so many mistakes along the way (and I know many more will come) - but I know Jesus died for me and I accept His gift of life and it more abundantly - not just in Heaven but here on Earth right now.  With everything going on in the world today, I absolutely have one certainty – my life in Jesus is secure and therefore my future is.   I don’t know what it holds, but I know God has me and I know that His Will will be fulfilled.  I rest in that assurance.  Do you? 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

You Haven’t Reached Your Full Potential

My trip to Tampa was uneventful for the most part, other than the rain both going and coming.  I must admit I was dreading the trip just a little bit, because I’d set some limitations on myself when it came to driving.  For the longest (pre-COVID), I’d set a limit on the distance I’d drive based on the time in the car – 4 hours.  So, anytime a place was more than 4 hours away, I’d just fly.  Well, of course, COVID changed all that.  So the 6 ½ hour drive to Tampa was a bit more than I was looking forward to, but I made it just fine.  My first stay in a hotel since COVID, was straight forward and surprisingly pleasant. I was able to remain socially distant from others in the hotel – took the stairs to avoid being in elevators and ordered food which I could store or heat in the hotel room kitchen.  I followed all the protocols, because obedience is better than sacrifice.  I can’t prevent getting sick, but I can sure do my part to prevent exposure.  Great is the faithfulness of God. 

So, I went to Tampa to evaluate and advise a group of managers, but I ended up learning more about myself.  At work, as a senior leader in my organization, one of my jobs is to remove obstacles and provide feedback and guidance to subordinate managers for addressing issues.  In this case, that meant talking to lots of employees and evaluating what they said and didn’t say.  After listening to them all week and providing feedback and some actionable tasks to address some gaps we identified, I realized that God has been developing in me the ability to evaluate leadership skills on an individual basis.  Who knew?  

I’ve always loved teaching people new things and giving guidance and being a compassionate ear, while still providing constructive feedback to move people in a positive direction.  What I didn’t realize was where God was leading?  I mean, I still have lots to learn about leadership, but I was able to help these managers understand how they might be perceived and some actions they could take (if they chose to do the work) to counter them.  

I’ve learned that many times, we have blind spots to our own weaknesses while the weaknesses of others are amplified in our eyes (Matt 7:5).  That’s what happens when we’re not self-aware.  You will think you’ve arrived or that you’ve reached your full potential or that you’re better than sliced bread and no matter how good we are, we could always be better – sometime much better.  There is always room to grow and learn and unless we’re willing to accept some uncomfortable feedback at times on who we are and our behaviors, we’ll keep doing the same thing which could be detrimental to us and to others.  We have to set aside our ego and be willing to see what others see.  We are not perfect and we have to accept that people see who and what we are.  A tree is known by the fruit it bears (Luke 6:43-45).  

Seeking God first and working to emulate Christ will take care of many of our failings.  The more we focus on Him and do what He says, the more we look like Him.  If you want to be successful as a leader, follow Jesus’ example.  He was the best leader who ever lived.  He loved His disciples and ensured they were provided for.  He provided clear instructions to them, but left it to them to follow.  When they didn’t, he gently rebuked them and held them accountable.  He served them and showed them how to serve others.  Jesus lived the life He talked about.  He was consistent.  He was direct.  He was honest.   He showed them how to live, even though He was only physically with them a short time.  

Are you a leader?  Do you want to leave a lasting legacy?  Have you faced your own weaknesses and put actions in place to minimize them?  Have you asked God to reveal those things that you need to address or leave behind? Or those things you need to learn and work toward?  Have you asked a group of trusted people to provide you real honest feedback that will make you better?  If you haven’t sought any feedback in the past or really evaluated yourself, I challenge you to do so.  If you want to be the best you can be and move closer to your full potential, seek self-awareness and do the necessary work.  You may be surprised at what God will do in you.  Remember, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or think.