This week was a full one. We had a meeting at work and as one of the leaders in the region, I helped to facilitate the meeting. With lots going on in the background, I was privy to information that other people in the staff did not know. For example, one of the mornings we decided to change the start time, unfortunately the night before after most had left work. The person who was scheduled to present wasn’t available and it didn’t make sense to force everyone to come in early. This might not have been a very big deal, except this meeting included staff in the Central Time zone.
So on Wednesday night, I was sending out emails and text messages so no one would show up early the next morning and be sitting around waiting for the meeting to start. One staff member apparently didn’t get notification (thankfully, someone on Eastern Time). On Thursday morning, in hopes to catching anyone who may have missed my earlier message, I sent an instant message to all participants. The one person who apparently wasn’t notified the night before replied that my peer had given an earlier start time.
I paused for a minute because her supervisor works for me. It was irritating that the staff member would question whether I was right. Clearly my message came out later then the communication from my peer. I’m equal in position to my peer who gave the earlier time. And clearly, given my position I would have more information than the staff member would. So, why would the staff member question whether I knew what I was talking about? I recognized it was because the staff member thought they knew better and didn’t trust that my information was correct. Instead of considering that surely I would not share incorrect information with everyone, the person thought they knew more than I did.
I realized that is exactly how we treat God/Jesus. The Lord has shared His word with us and given us instructions. His ways are so much higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts. He knew the end before the beginning, because He does not exist in what we know as time – He created it. But, we still somehow believe that we know better than Him. That’s why we get into so much trouble that we need Him to provide a way out. We make decisions based on our own limited understanding instead of seeking Him first and getting direction.
How many times have you made a decision that got you into something you could not see your way out? The solution – Trust God (Psalm 18:30). Don’t give in to the temptations and your own fleshly desires because it leads to death (James 1: 15). God has all the answers and they will be better than any individual decision you or I can make. He knows what’s best for our lives and even when it doesn’t look like it, He is working all things together for the good of those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28). Don’t let what it looks or feels like deter you from trusting the One who loved you enough to send His only Son to die for you (John 3:16) and is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask or think (Eph 3:20).