Sunday, February 14, 2021

Do You Live in Assurance?

This week has been a pretty good one…still long days and challenges but a recognition that God doesn’t place more on us that we can bear and He is always there to carry the load (Matt 11:28-30).  I continue to struggle with staying focused on Him, but I keep striving to do more.  Like Paul, the things I should do I sometimes don’t.  That’s how I know I need God more and more (Rom 7:21-25).  But, when I mess up I go back to Him who continues to take me in His arms and He comforts and keeps me.  

I don’t know how people who are not in relationship with Christ do it.  How do you get through each day on your own…pushing through the chaos and challenges and personal failures/frailties?  I can’t imagine the stress and overwhelming pressure of doing life on your own…and I don’t want to.  The question I have is whether some people even recognize it.  I mean, there are plenty of people who are in church and may have spent their lives there, who don’t know Jesus on a personal level.  I mean, they know who Jesus is – God’s son, but they are not in a personal relationship with Him.  They believe in God.  Some might ask, well if they know who He is, aren’t they good….aren’t they saved? If they believe in God, isn’t that enough?  No.  Even the devil believes in God (James 2:19)….and we know what happened to him – he got kicked out of Heaven.    

The bible says in Romans 10:9-10, one must believe in their heart and confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus before they are saved.  It’s about more than knowing who He is.  Believing in the heart and confessing with the mouth leads to a spiritual change giving Christ Lordship.  When we are saved, we become new creations and the Holy Spirit comes to live inside.  We can tell this by seeing the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.) manifest (Gal 5:22-23).  That doesn’t necessarily mean someone will be outwardly changed, but our thoughts and our actions should reflect our relationship with Christ, if it is genuine.  As our relationship matures, so will our thoughts and actions. 

My small group is studying the Book of John and in chapter 3 when Jesus explained to Nicodemus one had to be “born again” to enter the Kingdom of God, He meant one had to be spiritually born….accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior.  I implore everyone to check their relationship with God through Jesus. 

I asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior when I very young and I've made so many mistakes along the way (and I know many more will come) - but I know Jesus died for me and I accept His gift of life and it more abundantly - not just in Heaven but here on Earth right now.  With everything going on in the world today, I absolutely have one certainty – my life in Jesus is secure and therefore my future is.   I don’t know what it holds, but I know God has me and I know that His Will will be fulfilled.  I rest in that assurance.  Do you? 

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