Sunday, March 7, 2021

It’s What God Thinks that Matters

Since I’ve been an adult, I’ve really stopped being concerned about what people think of me.  Yes, of course, I want to be thought highly of.  I mean, who doesn’t?  But I’ve worked hard to live a life that is pleasing to God, because when it all comes down to it, His opinion of me is the only one that really matters.  

If you take a moment to look back over your life, how many times have to done something or agreed to do something to please someone else?  Or because you wanted them to think a certain way about you?  How many of those times have you known it wasn’t really something you should do?  Why is it so important what other people think of you?  What can they do for you?  Other people’s opinions are just that, opinions.  Everyone has them and like armpits, some of them will stink.  The thing is that we’re all human and we sometimes get it wrong...for me that's often.  We can’t be concerned about people thinking highly of us, so we can get ahead or get further along (Prov. 29:25).  Leave it to God to elevate you to the place He has for you.  If we focus on doing what God has called us to do and we remain humble, He will exalt us (James 4:10) We won’t be concerned about tooting your own horn.  If we're doing things to exalt ourselves with people, if won’t be genuine and it won’t last, because the motivation is incorrect (Gal. 1:10).  Our motivations matter (Ecc. 4:4).  The means do not always justify the ends.   

After we consider our thoughts about what other people think of us, let’s deal with the elephant in the room…..our belief about ourselves (Prov. 21:2).  When we can’t do something, we think we’re a failure, as opposed to seeing the experience as a learning opportunity.  When we do something well, we think “I did that” or “I’m good”, but we need to recognize, we can do nothing on our own.  Our opinions of ourselves are so often based on what we accomplish and who we are.  

The real question is what does God think of us? God has said some things about His children and we need to make sure our opinion of who we are lines up with His (Eph 1:3-14).  That way we always recognize that God has given us everything we need to succeed in His calling for our lives and when we do the work, we can fulfill everything He has told us about ourselves (Deut. 8:18; 2 Peter 1:3).  When our thoughts are not consistent with God’s thoughts, we find ourselves unfulfilled and not giving Him what He requests of us.   Once we become part of his family, our identity is found in Him.  No matter what happens we are still His.  

God’s wisdom flies in the face of the world’s wisdom.  When we recognize that we don’t have to live trying to please others or ourselves, we are free from the emotions associated with pleasing or letting them down….because at the end of the day, no one is always going to happy about what we do. We need to not give them the power to drive our emotions or our actions.  If you decide to live in the space, where God’s opinion is the only one that matters, you only have one voice to listen to….His.  By following God’s will and not your own, you will love Him first and then your neighbors.  You will do well to those who mistreat you (Matt 5:44; Luke 6:28).   He will never lead us astray.  He loves us and wants what’s best for us.  Jesus came so we could have direct access to the Father and His powerful Holy Spirit, who empowers us to do what is right.  As we continue this journey, let’s keep our mind focused on the opinion that really matters.

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