Sunday, July 18, 2021

Where are You Spending Your Time?

This weekend was the first one I’ve had in a long time, when I didn’t have anywhere to be or anything I had to do.  I spent much of it sleeping and laying around….not sure that was the best thing, but I do feel rested in a way I haven’t in a long time.  I know I’ve said many times we need to spend more time with the Lord in His Word and my behavior this weekend doesn’t change that.  Even though I didn’t spend a lot of time actively studying my bible, the Lord was consistently in my thoughts.  I had some time of contemplation this weekend.  A big question that came to me was where I am really spending my time.  

Back in February, we started family bible study and we are still going strong.  Since I teach each week, no matter what is going on, I have to do some studying so I’m prepared to teach each Thursday night.  That has been a blessing to me.  I study because I want to be prepared to teach God’s Word, not just from what I know, but from what God reveals to me when I study (2 Tim 2:15; Josh 1:8).  But, am I wasting some time, too?  Absolutely.  

For instance, a large part of yesterday was spent playing some games on my phone and tablet.  I know, don’t tell anyone, but there are a few of them that I could be considered addicted to.  I try not to play too often, but I can easily get caught up in them.  So I have to put myself on a time limit or I have to take myself off them for a while.  I also spent some time reading fiction.  I love reading but some of it just doesn’t provide any real value other than the opportunity to blank out for a while.  So, I have to be careful that I’m not pulled off track or course when I allow my mind to wander (1 Cor 10:12-13).  

For this reason, we have to be intentional about our lives and how we spend our time.  We are here for a purpose and while sometimes we all need rest, we have to be careful about how we plan that rest.  Ultimately, we were created for God’s glory (Isa 43:7) and to praise Him (Isa 43:21).  Because of sin, we now have the purpose of witnessing of His goodness and testifying so that others will be pointed to Him.  It’s our job to spread the Good News of Jesus so others might be saved (Mark 16:15-16).  We have to make sure we’re not allowing ourselves to be distracted from this goal.  Our time is not our own (I Cor 6:19-20) and we need to make sure we are in God’s will and following His direction.  

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