Sunday, July 17, 2022

How Does Your Character Stack Up?

Ever been in a situation where you knew you were supposed to do something, but you could lie your way out of it? Where it would be more convenient and just plain easier for you, if you got out of it? Recently, a friend of mine showed real character and integrity when she was traveling for work and someone who was with her tested positive for COVID. She was masking while on travel, but was in close contact with the person. She wasn’t symptomatic, but she wasn’t boosted. Everyone on the trip was advised that if you were in close contact with a COVID positive person and weren’t vaccinated and boosted, you should quarantine and remain at the travel location for 5 days. 

Now this friend was fully vaccinated and could have lied about being boosted. There was no way anyone would have known different unless she revealed it to them. She could have put on a more protective face covering and faked it for the rest of the trip. She may have been tempted to lie and continue on with her trip. But, she didn’t. She stood on who she is in Christ and did the right thing (Jam 4:17)…..even though she wouldn’t be able to go home on time and even though there were no signs she was sick. She understood that God would know, because He knows everything (Psa 139:1-3). She was more concerned with pleasing Him than her own comfort. 

What about you? What would you do in that situation? Would you have just lied and gone home? Would you be honest and transparent? I ask myself that question and while I’d like to think I would do the right thing, until you’re in the situation you just don’t know. She set a great example for me to follow as she follows Christ (1 Cor 11:1). Can you say that you’ve set a good example for following Christ to those around you? 

Someone said something recently to me and it’s true – people are watching you. No matter who you are, people are watching. They are taking note of who you say you are compared to who you really are. What lessons are you teaching them (Matt 18:6)? Do you do what you say you will do? Do you lie? Do you cheat? Do you steal? Are you really a person of integrity or are you just a talker? 

My friend showed me who she was by admitting the anger at self for not having found time to take a booster but still standing on what she knew to be the right thing. I’m so proud to call her my friend and even more ecstatic to call her my sibling in Christ (Prov 31:10). What about you? How does your character stack up?

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