Sunday, December 11, 2022

How Much Do You Really Know?

Have you ever been around someone who knows something about everything? You may have just gotten back from a trip to some place they have never been, but they still know more about the place than you do. They are so proud to share what they know and they like to hear their own voice. I know a few of those types of people. Normally, they are a source of enjoyment, because they make you laugh. They know just enough to be either funny or irritating, but normally you can share a few nuggets they didn't know. Many of those people would be considered to have a wealth of knowledge about different topics. And that might be true, but the amount of knowledge is all about perspective. 

We may have quite a bit of knowledge in comparison to some other people. But, what does that equate to? Why is that important? The fact that I know more than someone else just doesn't mean much in the long run? Because at the end of the day, our knowledge base is still limited. We don't have the capacity to absorb everything around us. We will never know as much as God does (Psa 139). 

I just turned 52 last week and while I have lived well and travelled to some awesome places experiencing some wonderful things, I've only learned a few of the secrets of the universe. In fact, I was just speaking to another minister about the fact that no matter how many degrees or experiences we have, in comparison to the God we serve, what we know wouldn't fill a thimble (Isa 55:8-9).  

We have the Bible and it's God's Word to us - inspired by the Holy Spirit and written by men (2 Tim 3:16-17). I think of Genesis and I'm in awe of how much I don't understand. The book of Genesis for the most part is narrated by God to Moses. It had to be - God was the only one there when creation occurred (Gen 1 & 2). So time is a thing - is one day a thousand years? Is it longer? How long is a day to God? Can you imagine the universe before time began? I can't, but the God who lives outside time, created a world for us to live in knowing from the beginning that I'd be up late writing this blog today, because He knows everything. 

It seems ludicrous to think that we can ever know enough about Him. After all, God has been around forever. At best, we only get 70-100 years, maybe a few more. What could we possibly learn in that time that would give any of us a reason to boast about what we know? That is why it's so imporant to remember who we are and be honest about our place in God. It is also a reason for us to exercise and live in obedience to Him (1 Sam 15:22). 

It amazes me that people want to do what they want and still have God bless them even when they know what they are doing is wrong. Why should He? He doesn't owe us anything and we owe Him everything (Psa 89:18). This is all the more reason for us to stay in His word and live our lives according to it so we can walk in His presence and His likeness. We have to study to understand what real love, peace, and joy look like so we can live in them. It's good to assess what we know so we're honest with ourselves; then do the work of learning more about Him and applying it. So it comes back to the question of what do you know? And a follow up to it is, what are going to do to learn more? You owe it to Him and to yourself.

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