Sunday, March 26, 2023

His Ways Are Not Our Ways!

So you know I’ve been on a journey to move from a place I lived for well over 20 years. On this journey, I had several ideas of the way things should go and I planned for them. I was going to move and find a house in a part of town I wanted to live in that was close to work and close to the airport. I was going to have a quick commute and it was all planned out in my head. 

Well, the best laid plans, right!?! The Bible says, we can make our plans but the LORD determines our steps in Proverbs 16:9. We know it’s true because the Bible says it, but I can testify that my life works out that way regularly. I find myself in places where I did not plan to be as my steps have been ordered by the LORD (Psa 37:23-24). What things did you plan for yourself that didn’t come to be? Or that you made to be and then regretted the choices? I am seeking God’s guidance on the steps I’m to take (Matt 6:33). 

So, as I am following God’s leaning, I trust that He is taking me to the place He has for me. Not the place I would choose for myself. That can be somewhat disconcerting because God’s ways are not our ways (Isa 55:8-9). His ways are high above ours and because He knows better than we ever will, He takes us to places we wouldn’t choose for ourselves. 

That is my case. The community and area where I planned to live and operate was not the area He pointed me to. It is very different, but God doesn’t operate the way man does. He does not make decisions based on my comfort. He leads and guides me based on what is best for me. He and I may not agree on what that is, but I trust Him more than I trust myself (Prov 3:5-6). I’ve messed up before by listening to myself and not to His leading. 

So, because His ways are not our ways, we have decisions to make. We either choose to follow His leading or our own. Sometimes, we want to follow our own and then have God fix it. That doesn’t work. But, God will use those opportunities to make us into who He wants us to be. So, consider what would happen if you totally surrendered to God’s leading. Where would He take you? If you didn’t limit Him, what would He do with your life? God’s ways are high above our ways. Trust Him to take you on a journey that you would not choose for yourself but will be more fulfilling than any you could ever take on your own.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

God's Got It

Last week was all about patience and the growth that comes with it. So what happens when you pray and pray and the thing you believe you need doesn’t come to fruition? What do you do? Well, I’m living that right now. I’ve been seriously looking and praying for a house for the last few weeks and I finally had the opportunity to make an offer on what I believed was the house. Just hours after making the offer, I was politely notified that while I had a very strong offer, the owner was going another way.

Needless to say, I was disappointed but not defeated. God’s Word says that He will supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory (Phil 4:19). So, while I haven’t gotten the house He has for me yet, I know it’s just where it should be and so am I. He has what I need and I just have to wait. It’s not easy, but sometimes like David, I have to encourage myself in the Lord (1 Sam 30:6), because He is faithful (Psa 33:4), no matter the circumstances. He doesn’t change (Mal 3:6). He is consistent. He is also merciful (Psa 103:8). Thank goodness!

At the end of the day, I have to remember that He’s got it, whatever my “it” is at the time. He already knows what I need (Psa 139:2-4), but I have to acknowledge my need and recognize that I don’t have all the answers (Phil 4:6-7). I have to remember that things will not always go the way I think they should, because I don’t know the future and I don’t know the blessing He has in store for me. Sometimes the path I take will be painful or uncomfortable because there is a lesson to learn (either for me or someone else) or the timing has not yet come. My ways are not His ways and my thoughts are not His thoughts (Isa 55:8-9).

God is so much bigger and better than anything I can come up with for myself (and I’ve experienced that before). So, I just have to remember that God’s got it. When I do, that provides encouragement and hope. Because He can’t fail (Josh 21:45) and the things that concern me concern Him (Psa 138:8). As long as I remember that, I remember that I’m not alone.

If I’m obedient and I seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness first, then all the things I need will be added (Matt 6:33). As I seek and trust Him, He will make clear to me what steps I should take (Prov 3:5-6), even when they aren’t the steps I would take because He’s got it. Since He owns everything (Psa 24:1), He can give me anything. So, remember if you belong to Him, God’s got “it” and He’s got you. Trust and believe!

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Patience is a Virtue!

So the last few weeks have been trying for me. I’m used to feeling as if I’m in control (I know we’ve talked about this before), even though logically I realize I have very little control of the things around me. I’m used to making quick decisions and powering through to a desired outcome, recognizing that everything is in God’s hands. Given that, the last few weeks have really reminded me how little control I actually have. 

For several months, I’ve been working with a real estate agent to find a home in Kansas City (KCMO) and while I’ve found some prospects, I don’t feel like I’ve found it. I don’t want to be too picky and overlook the good thing God has for me, but I also don’t want to settle. I got to KCMO a week and two days ago and I’m already tired of looking at houses, but I need one and I know that God will provide my every need (Phil 4:19). That said, I also want “my stuff.” Sorry to whine, but I do. I want the things I’m most comfortable with around me. But, I can’t get them until I have a place to put them. 

So, I’m having to take a step back and be patient on this journey. It is not something I’m known for in most situations. I’m used to making things happen. And now despite all my efforts, I can only wait for the right house to come on the market and to actually see it when it does. Not fun for me, because waiting doesn’t mean sitting around waiting for something to drop in our lap. It means doing the work in the meantime.  And I see how it is necessary for my own growth. James 1:4 tells us to let patience have her perfect work, that we may be perfect (mature) and complete, needing nothing. That is profound. If we let patience work in us, we will grow to be mature and complete needing nothing outside the Lord (because we always need Him). 

Delayed gratification is a work of patience. Have you ever gotten something right away that you wanted but knew you needed to wait for? I have and have thought later how much better off I would have been had I waited as I knew I should. There are other things I waited for and my joy and appreciation was so much greater when it finally came. 

Patience is a virtue, a behavior showing high moral standards. Patience is a display of self-control and that is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). So, as you are on this journey through life consider self-control and patience that they would help grow you into a more mature and complete Child of God, needing nothing other than Him. Pray for me as I will pray that you, too, develop patience and wait for the amazing blessings God has for us.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

What's Your Next Adventure?

I think I mentioned recently that I was promoted and would be moving. That was a difficult thing for me since I had lived in the Atlanta area for 20 years. Prior to the job listing, I had no plans to move from Metro Atlanta. In fact, I was planning to retire in my house and spend months in my movie room catching up on all the media and books I’d collected and not found the time to enjoy. It was to be an epic time for me. 

However, God had other plans. Not that I’d ever compare myself to Abraham, I kinda felt like I think he might have when God told him to leave his home and go to a place He would show Abraham (Gen 12:1). I, too, was headed to a place I didn’t know. Yes, I’d visited twice since I was promoted, but other than all the talk of BBQ and the Kansas City Chiefs, I didn’t know much about the city I was moving to. I still don’t. But, I know that this is the place I’m purposed to be and I know that God will not leave or forsake me. 

My trip was an interesting one. I was scheduled to take the road trip from Atlanta to Kansas City (KCMO) with a good friend, but at the last minute she couldn’t make the trip to Atlanta. Then no one else was available to ride shotgun. So I made the three day road trip – Jesus and me. He kept me safe along the way and I didn’t get lost. It was a good trip. 

Then I got to KCMO and drove myself around for the first time. Traffic is way different and the area of town where I’m staying is almost too quiet, but in its difference is beauty. All the places I’ve been have their own character and personality and KCMO is no different. I’m looking forward to getting to know the city and to this new adventure from finding a house to building new relationships and finding a local church to attend. Overall, I’m just excited to see where God is taking me and what He has in store (Jer 29:11). 

So, since I’m being brave and taking on this new adventure, my question for you is, what is your next adventure? What has God given you that is scary or feels too big for you to take on? Don’t be scared (Josh 1:9). Know that if He brought you to something, He’s faithful to complete it (Phil 1:6). Yes, you have to do the work, but God will bless the work of your hands (Deut 28:12). So, what’s your adventure? Where is God taking you? Go!