Sunday, March 19, 2023

God's Got It

Last week was all about patience and the growth that comes with it. So what happens when you pray and pray and the thing you believe you need doesn’t come to fruition? What do you do? Well, I’m living that right now. I’ve been seriously looking and praying for a house for the last few weeks and I finally had the opportunity to make an offer on what I believed was the house. Just hours after making the offer, I was politely notified that while I had a very strong offer, the owner was going another way.

Needless to say, I was disappointed but not defeated. God’s Word says that He will supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory (Phil 4:19). So, while I haven’t gotten the house He has for me yet, I know it’s just where it should be and so am I. He has what I need and I just have to wait. It’s not easy, but sometimes like David, I have to encourage myself in the Lord (1 Sam 30:6), because He is faithful (Psa 33:4), no matter the circumstances. He doesn’t change (Mal 3:6). He is consistent. He is also merciful (Psa 103:8). Thank goodness!

At the end of the day, I have to remember that He’s got it, whatever my “it” is at the time. He already knows what I need (Psa 139:2-4), but I have to acknowledge my need and recognize that I don’t have all the answers (Phil 4:6-7). I have to remember that things will not always go the way I think they should, because I don’t know the future and I don’t know the blessing He has in store for me. Sometimes the path I take will be painful or uncomfortable because there is a lesson to learn (either for me or someone else) or the timing has not yet come. My ways are not His ways and my thoughts are not His thoughts (Isa 55:8-9).

God is so much bigger and better than anything I can come up with for myself (and I’ve experienced that before). So, I just have to remember that God’s got it. When I do, that provides encouragement and hope. Because He can’t fail (Josh 21:45) and the things that concern me concern Him (Psa 138:8). As long as I remember that, I remember that I’m not alone.

If I’m obedient and I seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness first, then all the things I need will be added (Matt 6:33). As I seek and trust Him, He will make clear to me what steps I should take (Prov 3:5-6), even when they aren’t the steps I would take because He’s got it. Since He owns everything (Psa 24:1), He can give me anything. So, remember if you belong to Him, God’s got “it” and He’s got you. Trust and believe!

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