Sunday, April 30, 2023

Rest and Restoration

It’s been a while since we talked about self-care and rest, so I thought it appropriate to remind all of us to take care of ourselves. It might sound selfish in our world, but it may be the most selfless thing we can do. I don’t know about you, but I run until I hit the wall many times. Life happens and things get out of control (or my control) and I go and go and go. I work hard and sometimes forget to rest. I know I need to rest, but I put it off. Until I crash….and along the way, I miss lunch and eat junk. I do all the bad stuff, because I don’t take time to rest and rest in Him (Prov 19:23). 

So, how do we take time away from all the things going on around us? How do we take a break when we have work, school, sports, homework, travel, etc.? We just do. God gave us the gift of the sabbath. He set aside the 7th day to rest in Him and be restored so we are able and prepared to meet the coming week (Gen 2:2-3; Exo 23:12). The Sabbath was made for man. God knows His creation and He knows that we need rest and restoration to be at our best for Him, so He gives us a day to reflect and spend focuses on Him to be restored. 

I have to repent because I don’t always rest in Him. I push through, because I admit I’m a bit of a workaholic. I like accomplishing something. I like seeing results. But that is selfish. It is for me, when I should be listening and moving with God and making sure I’m at my best for Him. If you’re like me, if you’re not accomplishing something, you sometimes think it’s wasted time. But it is not. God created us in a way that we need time with Him and we need time of just plain rest (Jer 31:25). It is at rest that our bodies repair themselves because that’s the way God created them. I know that mentally, but don’t always act like it. Like Paul, the things I know are right to do, I don’t. That is sin. To know what is right and not to do it, is sin to me (Jam 4:17).

"LORD, forgive me for not following your leading and direction in this area of my life. Forgive me for not always doing what I know is right to do. Please keep me close to you and remind me when I step out of line. Give me the power to take time out and rest in you. Remind me why it’s important and help me to be all that you have for me to be. I love you and want to please you. Please continue to make me more and more like Jesus. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!"

I hope and pray that you are doing what you know is right and getting proper rest. It’s so important to our health – physical, mental and spiritual. Join me in setting the allotted time aside and resting in Him. I know we won’t be disappointed. 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Procrastination is an Enemy!

Managing time is a necessity to getting things done. It is a skill that many of us need to develop. How often to you say or hear, I don’t have time for this or that. Is it a true? Is there really not time? Or, are there other obstacles to us getting things done? One thing that poses a problem for us to getting things done is procrastination. 

According to the Britannica dictionary, procrastination means to be slow or late about doing something that should be done; or to delay doing something until a later time because you do not want to do it, because you are lazy, etc. 

I know I suffer from it. When there is a thing I don’t like or a thing I don’t really know how to do, instead of tackling it, I will find any other thing to do. It might be something productive, but it’s not what I should be doing at the time. I make these plans to do a thing and then I’ll find another something that I would prefer – maybe it’s reading a book I needed finish, cooking a meal, taking a much-needed break, taking a walk, or finishing some other work. While all of those may be beneficial, they may not be what I should be doing. 

However, it’s up to me to make things happen and to do them right the first time. When I procrastinate, I’m taking time from something else….maybe it’s a priority or maybe it isn’t. It could be a waste of my time. Either way, what I’m not doing is what I know I should be doing. Like the Apostle Paul, the things I know I should do, I don’t (Rom 7:15). At the end of the day, what does that get me? Stress. Confusion. Drama. 

Time is not promised (Jam 4:12-14). Our days are numbered and we only have so much time (Job 14:5). None of us know how much time we have and if we don’t do our part, the things assigned to us either don’t get done or someone else will have to do them. How do you feel when someone leaves work for you to do because they didn’t get to it? It’s frustrating to me, but I don’t think about how I do that to others. Loving others as I love myself means I take care of what I need to do so others won’t have to (Mark 12:31). 

Procrastination is the enemy of accomplishment. If we want to accomplish anything, we have to do the work (Prob 6:4). Things worth having don’t just fall in our laps. We have to prepare and move the needle forward. Putting off that class, will only prolong the promotion. Delaying the visit to the gym and healthy eating habits, will only prolong good health. What are you avoiding or delaying because you don’t like it? What is it keeping you from? 

Let’s take a long look at ourselves and identify our time sucks and call it what it is. Let’s follow God’s example in creation – do the work first and then rest (Gen 1-2). We’ll be better for it.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Honesty is the Best Policy!

Have you ever been around a person who rarely tells the truth? How did that make you feel? For me, it makes me feel undervalued and disrespected – as if the person telling the lies thought they were the smartest person in the room and would never be caught. It also made me not trust anything the person said or did. If a person would lie to my face, what else would they do (Luke 16:10). If I couldn’t trust them, what did that mean for our relationship? How unhealthy was it? 

So, that informs how we should operate with the people around us. We should strive to be honest with people, whether in an intimate/familial relationship or as acquaintances. We should be honest even if it’s uncomfortable. If you want to be trusted, you have to be trustworthy and tell the truth as you know it. That is why as Christ followers when teaching or advising or ministering, it so important to stick with what the bible says and not add our opinions to it as if it were gospel. The Word speaks for itself, as the bible says let God be true and every man a liar (Romans 3:4) for if God says a thing it is the Truth. 

But what about you? Do the people around you trust you? Can people trust what comes out of your mouth? Do you tell the truth when you speak? Do your actions line up with your words? In the area of trust, honesty and integrity work together (2 Cor 8:21). Honesty is to tell the truth or be true, whereas integrity is about having consistent behavior based on truth or religiously following moral principles (Prov 11:3). So, in essence, you can’t have integrity without honesty. 

So, where do you line up in this area? Is it one to change? This shows up in every part of your life. Your intimate relationships, your business relationships, your finances, your work, etc. Dishonesty has consequences that are usually detrimental and the longer it goes on, the more detrimental it becomes. Another issue is that when you’re not honest with others, it’s not likely your honest with yourself. And that is a dangerous place to be. 

If you can’t be honest with yourself, you will give others more power than they actually have. You will allow yourself to believe that others hold you back. You will allow yourself to believe that you can’t do any better. You will allow yourself to believe that things just happen to you. You will never see the hand you had in your outcomes. Most of the time, our outcomes are a result of the choices we’ve made (Gal 6:7). Until we admit those choices to ourselves and how we played a part in where we are, we will never seek to reflect and change them where needed. We will always be a victim? What lies are you telling yourself that cause you to be stagnant and unproductive? Stop it. Embrace the truth, get up and do something about it. There is hope. There is a way out. Ask God to give you wisdom for the next step (Jam 1:5). He is faithful and just to complete what He started (Phil 1:6-7).

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Jesus is Not Dead, He is Alive!

As we go through this life, we often face challenges and obstacles that will knock us for a loop. We see things happen in the world and can’t understand how they can be allowed. We face chronic illnesses and natural disasters and mass shootings. All of which can, if given enough weight, shake our faith. 

Some might ask, how can a loving God allow such things to happen? Does God really exist if these things happen as frequently as they do? Where is Jesus in all this? Well, while we can’t always see Him working, the Bible tells us that God is everywhere and He knows everything (Psa 139:7-12; Heb 4:13). Nothing catches Him off guard or by surprise. In fact, before the world was created (2 Tim 1:9), God already knew His son would have to die to save humanity, and He still created us. He had so much love to share that there was still an abundance of that love for the world He would create by the Word and the Spirit (Gen 1). The same world that would reject Him and all He had to give. 

So, well before the fall (Gen 3), He determined Jesus would come into this world as a human baby, grow up and be the blameless sacrifice to carry the sins of the world to the cross in a horrible death. And then…..three days later, He would rise again with power over death and the grave (1 Cor 15:55-57). He is NOT dead! He is alive. 

And even though bad things happen, because we as humans reject the love and sacrifice of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – He still loves us. Bad things happen because we live in a fallen world.  People are messy and have all sorts of issues. People are selfish and greedy and consequences are the result of our actions. We use all the natural resources of the earth and pollute our environment and expect the earth not to react with terrible storms and weird weather conditions and patterns. We want what we want with no regard to others, and then we expect God to intervene when we destroy it all. There are consequences for our actions – good and bad. 

Yes, there will be trials and tribulations to make us stronger, if we are in Christ (Jam 1:2-4). It’s really up to us. Jesus is where He has been since He ascended into Heaven all those years ago. He is alive, sitting at the right hand of the Father interceding for us (John 17:22). But will we accept the gift he offers – eternal life that begins right here, right now (John 3:16). When we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit seals us as Christ followers (Eph 1:13). Then we go from death into life (John 5:24). We’re still here in this world, but we have a new home with God in Heaven. We are adopted into His family and we become joint heirs with Christ (Rom 8:16-17). As we seek our Heavenly Father first and His righteousness, we can call on Him when we are in need – for peace, for protection, for provision, etc. 

Jesus is Alive! He is NOT dead! No matter what it looks like, don’t ever forget that. Be encouraged because what we see is only temporary (2 Cor 4:18). He went to prepare a place for us that where He is we can also be (John 14:2-3). Don’t lose hope! Don’t lose faith! Stand on the Word. Because He lives, we can face our tomorrows and we have hope (Heb 10:23). He lives! He lives! He lives!

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Where Do You Fit?

Ever worked on a puzzle with 300 pieces or more? Those pieces are everywhere and all out of place. It takes forever just to turn them all right side up. Then it’s a painstaking process to work your way through moving the pieces to where they fit. No matter how much they look alike, each piece has its own perfect place. It can never fill the place of another piece unless you force it. And if you do, the puzzle will never be quite right. You need all the pieces to complete the puzzle. Even one missing piece will prevent you from getting the full picture. 

That is the way we are as part of the body of Christ. We are many members of one body (1 Cor 12:12). We were each created for a specific purpose and plan (1 Cor 12:18). When we choose to put ourselves or drive others into places that are not ours, the puzzle or the body is never quite right. When we are out of place, we create hardship for ourselves and for others. When we plug ourselves into a place that isn’t ours we force others into wrong spots as well. It’s never comfortable being a place that isn’t ours. While it may be a struggle or challenging to get into our specific place, we fit when we find it. 

As we are seeking God’s guidance and following His leading, we find the proper place for us. If might not always be easy and even when we find that spot, we still need the wisdom of God. But it’s so much better to be in the will of God then to be disobedient, have to repent and deal with the consequences (1 Sam 15:22). When we operate in God’s will, we know that we are aligned with Him, instead of us doing it our way and then praying for Him to get us out of it or to fix it. 

Trust in the LORD will all your heart and acknowledge Him. Don’t lean on your own understanding and He will direct your steps (Prov 3:5-6). Just as Jesus did what the Father told Him to do (John 5:19), we are to follow His example. So, the question is where do you fit? Make sure you step into that space boldly because if God made you for that place, He will give you the grace to walk in it (Phil 2:13).