It’s been a while since we talked about self-care and rest, so I thought it appropriate to remind all of us to take care of ourselves. It might sound selfish in our world, but it may be the most selfless thing we can do. I don’t know about you, but I run until I hit the wall many times. Life happens and things get out of control (or my control) and I go and go and go. I work hard and sometimes forget to rest. I know I need to rest, but I put it off. Until I crash….and along the way, I miss lunch and eat junk. I do all the bad stuff, because I don’t take time to rest and rest in Him (Prov 19:23).
So, how do we take time away from all the things going on around us? How do we take a break when we have work, school, sports, homework, travel, etc.? We just do. God gave us the gift of the sabbath. He set aside the 7th day to rest in Him and be restored so we are able and prepared to meet the coming week (Gen 2:2-3; Exo 23:12). The Sabbath was made for man. God knows His creation and He knows that we need rest and restoration to be at our best for Him, so He gives us a day to reflect and spend focuses on Him to be restored.
I have to repent because I don’t always rest in Him. I push through, because I admit I’m a bit of a workaholic. I like accomplishing something. I like seeing results. But that is selfish. It is for me, when I should be listening and moving with God and making sure I’m at my best for Him. If you’re like me, if you’re not accomplishing something, you sometimes think it’s wasted time. But it is not. God created us in a way that we need time with Him and we need time of just plain rest (Jer 31:25). It is at rest that our bodies repair themselves because that’s the way God created them. I know that mentally, but don’t always act like it. Like Paul, the things I know are right to do, I don’t. That is sin. To know what is right and not to do it, is sin to me (Jam 4:17).
"LORD, forgive me for not following your leading and direction in this area of my life. Forgive me for not always doing what I know is right to do. Please keep me close to you and remind me when I step out of line. Give me the power to take time out and rest in you. Remind me why it’s important and help me to be all that you have for me to be. I love you and want to please you. Please continue to make me more and more like Jesus. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!"
I hope and pray that you are doing what you know is right and getting proper rest. It’s so important to our health – physical, mental and spiritual. Join me in setting the allotted time aside and resting in Him. I know we won’t be disappointed.