Sunday, April 2, 2023

Where Do You Fit?

Ever worked on a puzzle with 300 pieces or more? Those pieces are everywhere and all out of place. It takes forever just to turn them all right side up. Then it’s a painstaking process to work your way through moving the pieces to where they fit. No matter how much they look alike, each piece has its own perfect place. It can never fill the place of another piece unless you force it. And if you do, the puzzle will never be quite right. You need all the pieces to complete the puzzle. Even one missing piece will prevent you from getting the full picture. 

That is the way we are as part of the body of Christ. We are many members of one body (1 Cor 12:12). We were each created for a specific purpose and plan (1 Cor 12:18). When we choose to put ourselves or drive others into places that are not ours, the puzzle or the body is never quite right. When we are out of place, we create hardship for ourselves and for others. When we plug ourselves into a place that isn’t ours we force others into wrong spots as well. It’s never comfortable being a place that isn’t ours. While it may be a struggle or challenging to get into our specific place, we fit when we find it. 

As we are seeking God’s guidance and following His leading, we find the proper place for us. If might not always be easy and even when we find that spot, we still need the wisdom of God. But it’s so much better to be in the will of God then to be disobedient, have to repent and deal with the consequences (1 Sam 15:22). When we operate in God’s will, we know that we are aligned with Him, instead of us doing it our way and then praying for Him to get us out of it or to fix it. 

Trust in the LORD will all your heart and acknowledge Him. Don’t lean on your own understanding and He will direct your steps (Prov 3:5-6). Just as Jesus did what the Father told Him to do (John 5:19), we are to follow His example. So, the question is where do you fit? Make sure you step into that space boldly because if God made you for that place, He will give you the grace to walk in it (Phil 2:13). 

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