Sunday, June 25, 2023

Find Your Joy!

I’ve heard people say to find the thing you’d do for free and it will never feel like work. I must say I understand the sentiment since writing is that for me. While I can’t do it fulltime, I do love it. I’ve thought about what I would do if I had all the resources I needed and I could do anything. I would read and write. The thing is that even though I don’t have all the resources and I have to work in the place God has me right now, I still find time to read/edit and write. I stop and start but it’s something that’s never far away from me.

This blog is in part a result of that passion for reading and writing. It’s another way God uses me (Col 3:23-24). Yes, I have a day job, but that doesn’t mean that my passion is lost. I use it in my work, but it fulfills a higher purpose. Each week, I get to touch each of you because I’m walking in this part of me. The part of me that God gave me to touch people with words. Now its not something that just happened, I’ve been writing since I was in college….a long time ago. The skill has been built over the years. I’ve taken writing classes and read books on writing. I’ve done quite a bit of writing over the years. It’s a passion that fulfills me (Psa 128:2).

What’s yours? What has God put on the inside of you that you love? What has God put on the inside of you that you would do for free? Have you ever looked at your life and figured out what brings you the most fulfillment? Have you sought God on how you should use it? What brings you joy? If you had all the resources you need to survive and thrive, what would you do? What are you doing about it? What are you doing to prepare for that thing? What will you regret when you come to the end of your earthly life that you didn’t do? What are you waiting for? What are you willing to sacrifice to fulfill it? 

When we come to the end of our lives, we’ll have to give an account of ourselves to God (Rom 14:12). What will your account include? What have you done with what He put in you? Who have you blessed with it? It’s time to remember that we are all more than one thing. Yes, I’m a daughter, an aunt, a niece, a friend, a minister, a boss, an employee, a writer, and so many other things. In all of those roles, I have a particular purpose. They are different, but I will have to answer for what I did in all of them. Have you considered your responsibilities in all your roles? It’s a balancing act. More of some at different times than others, but never dropping them completely. The main point is to fulfill the purpose you’ve been given (Acts 20:24).

Take a look at your life. Don’t live with regret (Phil 3:13). Find the things that bring you true joy and do them.

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