Monday, August 28, 2023

Don’t Miss Your Moment

Every day the news reports the latest tragedy and hardship available whether a natural event like a hurricane or a shooting. It reminds each of us that we are here walking the earth for a very short time and have only a small window to do something impactful or reach the goals we set in childhood. We are reminded that time is not promised and we are vulnerable to sickness and the happenings of life. 

Those of us who know Jesus are not exempt from the tragedies of life (Jam 1:2-4). We will see and face them, however, we know that God has called us to more. He has a purpose and a plan for our lives, that came to be before we were even born. While we were still in our mothers’ wombs, He planned and knew us (Jer 1:5). While things may come that are scary for us, we must step into the unknown believing God when He said He will never leave nor forsake us (Heb 13:5-6). We have to seize the moment. 

There are no guarantees when it comes to our time on earth (Jam 4:13-15). Last week, three teenagers were in a car accident. They never should have been driving. All three ended up in critical condition because of a few bad choices. None of them walked away unscathed. This is an opportunity to allow the Lord to teach and provide guidance and strength. Will they? Only God knows. But the fact that they are still here says they still have an opportunity to take advantage of this moment and God can show Himself strong and mighty even in the midst of their recovery (Psa 68:28). 

God’s plans for us are always to prosper us and to make us better (Jer 29:11). That doesn’t mean that we won’t face adversity. We will (Psa 22:11). Adversity is a certainty as we move down any path, but with each adverse situation, our faith grows and as we use God’s tactics we become stronger (1 Pet 1:7-9). We have more of a testimony of God’s favor and grace (Psa 77:11). We can speak to what we know about God and how He got us through each situation. It makes us more courageous for the next one. 

Are you missing out on what God called you to? I hope not. His plans are better than ours. Even when they hurt as we go through them, He knows better than we do. Endure. Don’t miss your moment. Don’t miss your calling. Be who God created you to be and see where He takes you. Remember who you are. You are loved (Eph 3:18-19). You are never alone (Josh 1:9). You are chosen (John 15:16). 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Generous Living

How generous are you? That’s really a question only we can answer about ourselves. I like to think that I’m generous and I love to give gifts and not just any gift, but the right gift. The one that will grab someone and make their day. I love that. I believe in paying my tithes and giving offerings (Mal 3:10). I love giving to charity and supporting people less fortunate (Prov 28:27).  It makes my heart glad to give. 

On the other hand, I’m not as generous with my time. I love my alone time. Don’t get me wrong. I love people and spending time with them, but my time is valuable to me. In some cases, I’d much rather give a gift than my time. 

So, I’m working to be more generous with my time and my talents. I have to remember they don’t belong to me (Deut 10:14). Just like God has blessed me to be able to bless others with gifts they will like, he also blessed me with time and talent to bless others (2 Cor 9:10-15). He wants all of me. And He wants me to give all of me away like Jesus did. I have to remember that. I’m to love my brother as I love myself. I’m to think of others before myself. 

Does that mean that I’m not to enjoy what I’ve worked so hard for? Absolutely not (1 Tim 6:17-18). But I always have to remember that I’m only a steward of God’s resources and while He wants me to be content and have joy, I’m also to help my brother or sister when they are in need (1 John 3:17). That doesn’t mean that I’m to step into His place and get into situations where He’s working something out of or into them. It means, I’m to listen to Him and move when He tells me to move, whether financially, physically, or prayerfully. 

While it’s sometimes difficult, it is God’s will that we are generous as He has been generous to us. We follow His example when we are generous givers. He has given us so much, it’s only right that we bless someone else (Heb 13:16). God loves us so much that Christ died for us (John 3:16). We are saved into the body of Christ. We are His hands and feet. If we say we are of Christ and we are not generous, do we not teach the world that Christ really isn’t generous (Prov 11:24-25)? We would be teaching a lie. Our lives wouldn’t be consistent with who God is. If we are of Christ, we have to reconcile ourselves with the fact that generosity must be part of our walk with Him. 

If Jesus is our standard, we need to line up with His sense of giving. Where are you on the scale? I know I have work to do. What about you? 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Miracles, Signs, and Wonders

Who doesn’t want to experience a miracle? Who doesn’t want something turned around in their favor? Who doesn’t want God to intervene on their behalf? We all do. When we are in a bad situation, we all want God to help us. What happens if He doesn’t? Do we lose faith in Him? And, if so why? 

God doesn’t owe us anything. He created us and gave us the tools to live a fulfilling life when we put Him first and give Him credit for who and what He made us. I mean, when we are fulfilling the purpose He gave us before birth, not when we’re leading and guiding ourselves down a path that we like that has nothing to do with God’s purpose and will for our lives. Even then bad times come, and we ask God to fix them, and when He does or doesn’t what do we do? Do we testify about the goodness of God that He would get the glory in either situation or do we stand by quietly and let people believe whatever they are going to believe? Whether he answers our prayer the way we want Him to or not, He is still good and He’s still faithful (Lam 3:22-23). His nature does not change (Mal 3:6). 

When I think back on all the miracles, signs, and wonders performed in the bible, I realize none of them were done for people’s comfort. In all the cases, people had to walk through some things, some of them horrible, and the Lord was on the other side of them, not necessarily for the comfort of that person but that they or others would see the power of God and believe in Him or because people had other work to do (John 2:11; Luke 18:27). In all the cases I remember, the miracles, signs, and wonders were about saving souls and building the kingdom of God (Mark 16:20). It wasn’t about the comfort of those people. It was about God’s glory and lives saved.

It appears we sometimes get it twisted and think God is moving so we will not suffer. I don’t believe that is the case. Jesus suffered and died, so to believe that we will not suffer in doing what is right, we are fooling ourselves. We will suffer through some things, but the question is why? Is it to strengthen our faith or those around us? (Job 5:8-9) God doesn’t just do stuff to be doing it. He’s got a purpose, a plan in mind in everything He does (Heb 2:4). Even the beautiful skies are to remind us of His glory. 

Remember, when you’re asking God to move have faith that He definitely can do whatever we ask Him to do…..but never forget He may choose to go a different way. That’s not doubting, that’s the truth. That should not change our faith walk because again God is still God and He is still good (Deut 3:16-18). 

God is in charge. We are not. Just because we ask doesn’t mean we’ll get. We know He can do the impossible. He is a good parent who will do what is best for us, even if we don’t like His decision. The thing to remember is that regardless of His decision, it’s all grounded in love for us and what’s best for us. So are the miracles, signs, and wonders that point us to the Father – they are grounded in His love for us and His desire that all would be saved. 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Changing Direction

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been attending Life Church instead of attending church remotely. It’s been an awesome experience. While I still don’t know “know” people at church, it’s great being in the room with others gaining insight and learning more about the Lord together. This week, Pastor Craig taught from the Book of Ruth and the lesson got me. Pastor made me think differently about the first chapter of Ruth. 

As the chapter begins, we find that the world was much like we see it today. People were living where everyone did what was right in their own eyes (Jud 21:25). People were living their best life and according to their truth. They were doing what they thought was best even if it was against God’s Word and His ways. During this time, Elimelech took his wife, Naomi, and two sons to Moab, a country God considered his washpot (Psa 60:8). The Moabites were the descendants of Job and his daughter, the product of incest. They also worshiped false Gods, practices sexual immorality and sacrificed to these false Gods. God forbid the Israelites from intermarrying with them. However, Elimelech’s sons married Moabite women. 

Elimelech followed his own direction to Moab when there was famine in the land. Pastor described how Elimelech went to Moab to save his family and all of them died except Naomi. She survived the time in Moab, but she was left alone with her daughters-in-law when her husband and sons died (Ruth 1:1-5). But God’s plan will come to pass, even when we go our own way and take steps according to our thoughts instead of His. 

Ruth, Naomi’s Moabite daughter-in-law, would not leave her alone. She turned for the false Gods of her people and claimed the God of Israel as her God (Ruth 1:6-17). And when she turned and went back to Bethlehem to live among God chosen people, He interceded on her and Naomi’s behalf. Because of the trust placed in God and obedience to His way, both Naomi and Ruth were provided for. Ruth changed her direction and it changed her life. 

In what areas do you need to change direction? What do you need to stop doing or start doing? Do you need to start saving, instead of spending everything you get? Do you need to say “no” to someone? Do you need to remove someone from your life? Do you need to block a phone number? Do you need to step back and give someone to God? Do you need to start walking three days a week? Do you need to take a class? What is the thing you need to do under God’s direction that will change your life for the better? 

Elimelech made some poor choices, but God can use anything for His glory. What choices have you made in the past that you need to change? Don’t wait to do what you can do today! Change direction now.