Monday, August 28, 2023

Don’t Miss Your Moment

Every day the news reports the latest tragedy and hardship available whether a natural event like a hurricane or a shooting. It reminds each of us that we are here walking the earth for a very short time and have only a small window to do something impactful or reach the goals we set in childhood. We are reminded that time is not promised and we are vulnerable to sickness and the happenings of life. 

Those of us who know Jesus are not exempt from the tragedies of life (Jam 1:2-4). We will see and face them, however, we know that God has called us to more. He has a purpose and a plan for our lives, that came to be before we were even born. While we were still in our mothers’ wombs, He planned and knew us (Jer 1:5). While things may come that are scary for us, we must step into the unknown believing God when He said He will never leave nor forsake us (Heb 13:5-6). We have to seize the moment. 

There are no guarantees when it comes to our time on earth (Jam 4:13-15). Last week, three teenagers were in a car accident. They never should have been driving. All three ended up in critical condition because of a few bad choices. None of them walked away unscathed. This is an opportunity to allow the Lord to teach and provide guidance and strength. Will they? Only God knows. But the fact that they are still here says they still have an opportunity to take advantage of this moment and God can show Himself strong and mighty even in the midst of their recovery (Psa 68:28). 

God’s plans for us are always to prosper us and to make us better (Jer 29:11). That doesn’t mean that we won’t face adversity. We will (Psa 22:11). Adversity is a certainty as we move down any path, but with each adverse situation, our faith grows and as we use God’s tactics we become stronger (1 Pet 1:7-9). We have more of a testimony of God’s favor and grace (Psa 77:11). We can speak to what we know about God and how He got us through each situation. It makes us more courageous for the next one. 

Are you missing out on what God called you to? I hope not. His plans are better than ours. Even when they hurt as we go through them, He knows better than we do. Endure. Don’t miss your moment. Don’t miss your calling. Be who God created you to be and see where He takes you. Remember who you are. You are loved (Eph 3:18-19). You are never alone (Josh 1:9). You are chosen (John 15:16). 

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