Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas - What are you giving Him?

Merry Christmas! I can only imagine the breath you just released. It's Christmas and all the running around have finally led to a load of food and wrapping paper left behind after opening presents. Why do we do it? It feels good to give and be together. We want our children to have more than we did. But, what does all the stuff gain them and how long will they even enjoy all the stuff? We have to remember to teach them about character, compassion, and that it is more important to store up treasures in heaven instead of all the latest games or toys.

While we are so busy getting stuff to give, are we considering the real reason for the season? God gave the perfect gift when we didn't even want it (John 3:16).  It was a case of not knowing what we needed until we met Him.  Christmas is a time for us to reflect on that perfect gift of Jesus and how we can give back to Him. 

While we celebrate this wondrous, joyous season and the amazing gift God gave, let's not forget those less fortunate. Let us follow God's example and help those in need. Many of us have so much yet give little.  One thing I've learned is the more you give, the more He will give to you (Luke 6:38).

What better way to honor Him ťhan to intentionally give of our treasure, our time and our talent for His glory. After all, it's Jesus's birthday. He deserves it. 

Praying that you have a wonderful Christmas holiday and a fantastic New Year!  Be blessed!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Best Gifts

It’s a week before Christmas and all through the town there are families running around……buying and wrapping gifts, sending last minute cards and packages, stressing about how much is left in the budget and so many other things. At this time of year, more than any other, folks are sprinting to closest store to get those last-minute treats and gifts….in many cases grabbing things that will never be used. Why do we do that? 

As a giver, I get excited about picking just the right gift. Finding the thing that I know will bring a smile to my friend or family member’s face. I want to make them happy and let them know how important they are to me. However, I sometimes forget that the best gifts are those where I give a little bit of myself - where I create something for them or plan an adventure. Those tend to be the gifts my people remember and the experiences I remember as well. 

And, given the best gift of all time, it seems appropriate. God gave His best to us when He gave us His only begotten son more than two thousand years ago (John 3:16). God didn’t give us a material gift that was temporary and would deteriorate (2 Cor 4:18). He gave us the gift of eternal life which only comes through His son (John 14:6). That is a matchless gift. We could never do better, but we can give of our time and talents to those around us and to Him (Luke 6:38). 

We are all so busy, it’s difficult to set aside time for those who are important to our lives and to set aside time just to be. This Christmas holiday season take a look at all the loot you’re buying and giving and just evaluate whether that is the best gift you can give. Is there a way to give of yourself? Is there an experience you can organize? I know it’s a week so it can’t be a formal event, but getting together to look at Christmas Lights or singing carols or making cookies don’t take very much planning. You’ll get to make memories that will be with you no matter what comes. What gifts are you giving? Will they last? Or are they just temporary? Give your best gifts. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Time Flies

Birthdays are times to reflect on who you are, where you’ve been and where you’re going. I celebrated another birthday last week and went on my annual birthday trip. This year, a girlfriend met me in one of favorite places and we had an awesome time – catching up and hanging out. It was great. I’m so grateful for good friends and family. I have an extremely fulfilling job where I practically impact people’s lives every day. I get to bless others as a result of how God has blessed me (Prov 11:25). In spite of the challenges, God continues to strengthen me and show me new mercies every morning. 

As I reflected over the last year, I thought of all the ways my life changed. Selling a house, moving to a new city, buying a house and all it entails, have been the major changes but there have been lots of small ones. I found a church I really like and have made some connections here. I am getting to know my neighbors. I’ve been blessed with a great group of co-workers. Sure, there have been challenges – getting my office bookshelf finished and finding a doctor, etc., but the pros outweigh the cons by far. 

So now, I’m thinking on the next year. What is my focus? I’m striving to align my life with God’s will consistently over the next year (Rom 12:2) – regardless of topics or issue. What I know for sure is that His ways are not mine and His thoughts are not mine (Isa 55:8-9), but I want them to be. I want to look more and more like Him. I only have so much time and it flies, so I need to be intentional about how I spend my time (Psa 90:12). I understand that the enemy is all about distracting me from my goals but it’s totally up to me what I do with that information. I can allow it to happen or I can do what I know to do and press forward anyway. I just have to remember that time continues to fly and there is no time to waste. 

God bless you!

Sunday, December 3, 2023

What's Your Next Move?

I’ve been thinking lately that my life is good. I can really complain about anything in it. Yes, I could lose a little weight and I could save a little more money. I could give a bit more of my time. I’ve also been wondering about my next steps. I’m almost settled in my new town and home. I don’t know what the Lord has in store for me, but my career is in a great place – I couldn’t ask for a better job (outside of retirement).

So, what am I supposed to be doing? Or getting ready for? While I have this “down time”, there are plenty of things for me to work on. 

1) My health – I do need to lose a bit of weight and exercise. God wants us in good health (Psa 104:14) and being overweight contributes to all sorts of illnesses. So, while it’s not easy, I’ll be working on a bit of discipline. 

2) Enhancing my skills and talents. I regularly assess where I am and while I’ve done a lot, I still have a long way to go. The more skilled I am, the more opportunity will present itself (Pro 22:29; Matt 25:14-30). I’ve learned that many of the skills we develop are transferrable. I don’t know how they will be used in the future, but I know they will be. 

3) Finding ways to give. This time of year, there are so many in need and not enough resources, so I’m looking for ways I can give to others and inspires others to give cheerfully (2 Cor 9:7; Acts 20:35). It’s better to give than to receive. 

4) Seeking God more. I tend to have so many balls in the air all the time, I sometimes move before I seek the Lord and His will for a thing. I need to consistently seek Him first so I’m allowing Him to always lead me (Matt 6:33, Pro 3:5-6). If I lean on him and not my own understanding, He will direct me. 

So, what is your next move? If you haven’t stepped back and taken a look at your life to identify areas needing work, you should. We all have choices to make about our lives and the more reflection, the better we’ll be at making those choices. Remember, God is faithful to complete what He began in you (Phil 1:6). All the best on your journey! Be blessed!