Merry Christmas! I can only imagine the breath you just released. It's Christmas and all the running around have finally led to a load of food and wrapping paper left behind after opening presents. Why do we do it? It feels good to give and be together. We want our children to have more than we did. But, what does all the stuff gain them and how long will they even enjoy all the stuff? We have to remember to teach them about character, compassion, and that it is more important to store up treasures in heaven instead of all the latest games or toys.
While we are so busy getting stuff to give, are we considering the real reason for the season? God gave the perfect gift when we didn't even want it (John 3:16). It was a case of not knowing what we needed until we met Him. Christmas is a time for us to reflect on that perfect gift of Jesus and how we can give back to Him.
While we celebrate this wondrous, joyous season and the amazing gift God gave, let's not forget those less fortunate. Let us follow God's example and help those in need. Many of us have so much yet give little. One thing I've learned is the more you give, the more He will give to you (Luke 6:38).
What better way to honor Him ťhan to intentionally give of our treasure, our time and our talent for His glory. After all, it's Jesus's birthday. He deserves it.
Praying that you have a wonderful Christmas holiday and a fantastic New Year! Be blessed!