It’s a week before Christmas and all through the town there are families running around……buying and wrapping gifts, sending last minute cards and packages, stressing about how much is left in the budget and so many other things. At this time of year, more than any other, folks are sprinting to closest store to get those last-minute treats and gifts….in many cases grabbing things that will never be used. Why do we do that?
As a giver, I get excited about picking just the right gift. Finding the thing that I know will bring a smile to my friend or family member’s face. I want to make them happy and let them know how important they are to me. However, I sometimes forget that the best gifts are those where I give a little bit of myself - where I create something for them or plan an adventure. Those tend to be the gifts my people remember and the experiences I remember as well.
And, given the best gift of all time, it seems appropriate. God gave His best to us when He gave us His only begotten son more than two thousand years ago (John 3:16). God didn’t give us a material gift that was temporary and would deteriorate (2 Cor 4:18). He gave us the gift of eternal life which only comes through His son (John 14:6). That is a matchless gift. We could never do better, but we can give of our time and talents to those around us and to Him (Luke 6:38).
We are all so busy, it’s difficult to set aside time for those who are important to our lives and to set aside time just to be. This Christmas holiday season take a look at all the loot you’re buying and giving and just evaluate whether that is the best gift you can give. Is there a way to give of yourself? Is there an experience you can organize? I know it’s a week so it can’t be a formal event, but getting together to look at Christmas Lights or singing carols or making cookies don’t take very much planning. You’ll get to make memories that will be with you no matter what comes. What gifts are you giving? Will they last? Or are they just temporary? Give your best gifts.
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