Sunday, January 28, 2024

God is Not a Genie!

Somehow in the past decade or so, we’ve gotten to a place of entitlement – thinking if we want it, we should have it. No real consideration to how we get it, but that it should be ours on principle. That is what has led to crimes to stealing things instead of working for them. That has led to murders over shoes and other nonsense. Somewhere along the way we got the idea that our happiness was the main thing – as long as I’m happy, it doesn’t matter about anyone else. It’s all about me. 

Along with that, people have come to believe that God should give us whatever we want, whether we believe or live according to His word and way or not. People believe He is some kind of genie or like Santa Claus. He is not. God loves us and will take care and provide for us (Matt 6:33). However, he does not jump at our beck and call or respond to our every whim. He also does things His way. He is not limited by our expectations. He owns everything and can choose to do what he wants to do with and to it (Deut 10:14). 

So, when we ask Him for anything He gets to decide whether or not He will do it. Sometimes the answer will be “No.” Not everything we want is good for us in the long run. God will protect us from ourselves. One thing He will not do is do for us what we can do for ourselves. So, when we make bad choices and we put ourselves in a predicament or even if someone else puts us in a predicament, we have to make better choices and take better actions to deal with the situation. Should we seek Him in the situation? Absolutely, but when He gives us an answer, we have to be ready and willing to move on it. For example, we are in debt (that we created) and now bill collectors are harassing us to pay, we need to make better choices, i.e., stop spending what we don’t have. It may mean we have to do without something else – cable, going out for lunch, shopping, etc. Those are things we can impact. Might God bless us in a miraculous way to get us out of debt? Sure, but until He does, we have work to do. Instead of spending the income tax check on a new TV or a new car, we pay off the debt. We have to be responsible and have self-control (2 Tim 1:7). 

God will provide us a way out of every situation, but we have to take it. We have to choose His way, which may be painful or uncomfortable. God is a loving father but he is not one who will give us indiscriminately when we have not shown we understand how best to take care of those things he gives us (Matt 25:14-30).

If there is no food, the Bible says that if we don't work, we don't eat, so that means we need to get a job. Or God is providing for us in another way if we can’t make enough to support us. For a child who doesn’t have food at home, in many cases they get a meal at school. There are food pantries and church giveaways. Just because God doesn’t provide for us in the way we expect or want, doesn’t mean He is not providing. Sometimes, we have to move past our own pride to see God. Pride goes before the fall (Prov 16:18-20). We’re so worried about what others think that we forget their opinions don’t matter. See past your pride and deal with the actual situation at hand. God sees you (Gen 16:13). 

He is not a genie, but He is a loving father who wants each of us to live in the purpose for which He created us. He wants our lives to honor Him. We must look beyond our own desires and wants and surrender to Him (Isa 55:8-9). He knows what’s best for us. If we trust and seek Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts – because they will align with His will and His way (Psa 37:3-5). Seek Him. Trust Him. Follow Him. He’ll help you do what you can do. He’s got the rest. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Slow Down and Meet God

For the past few weeks, Pastor Craig (Life.Church) has been ministering about having healthy habits and I know my habits aren’t the best, so I’ve really leaned into what he’s taught. I’m working on how to put the things into practice and started a bible plan today to get me started. I raise this because I’ve talked about resting before, but today I saw a practical example of how we pour out and pour out and pour out and if we are not replenished, we won’t be effective. 

Our staying busy may be the very thing that destroys our ability to do whatever God calls us to. We have to get still and recognize our weaknesses and vulnerabilities and other shortcomings so we go to the One who can meet us with them and make us whole. While I listened to the message, I went into denial mode. Do I stay busy because I’m afraid of failing or I’m afraid to be too quiet and hear all the voices tell me I’m not enough? Or am I just a bit self-involved and need to think about how “important” I am to the process of getting it all done? 

Whatever the case or the excuses, I’m not following Jesus’ example. Jesus regularly went off alone to spend quiet time with God (Mark 1:35; Mark 6:46-47; Mark 14:32-39; Luke 6:12). He did not depend on His human body to carry Him through. He leaned and depended on the Father as His source. The first thing Jesus did after being baptized and being acknowledged as God’s beloved son, was to go off for 40 days and nights to be with God, to be strengthened in His spirit (Matt 4:1-11).  

I don’t consistently spend time with God and wait to hear from Him. I do read a scripture passage and study for bible study and pray regularly, but not consistently and intentionally. I can be pretty haphazard – catch time when I find it. I mean, I don’t know about you, but I make time and give attention to the things I want. How insulting is that to God? 

I know He’s always with me, but He created me and gave His son for me. I owe Him more than that. I owe Him all of me. And beyond owing Him, I love Him. I want to please Him. I can’t do that if I don’t know Him intimately. The more private time you spend with anyone, the more you get to know them. You get to understand their likes and dislikes, their quirks, their nuances, their humor, how their voice changes depending on mood, etc. If we want to know God intimately, we have to spend time with Him. Be still and know that I am God (Psa 46:10), the Psalmist wrote.  

At the end of the day, if I really recognize that He is the most important one in my life, I have to make sure I meet Him regularly. I need to plan for my time with Him. I’m working on my time and place of meeting, but He is that important and I need Him. Everyday! In Every way! I know I’ve been in a place in the past where I was worn out and it was my fault. Going without taking time to be filled is not healthy for me and anyone I’m impacting. 

Lord, give me grace and perseverance to seek you intentionally and consistently. Give me courage to face the parts of myself I’d rather ignore. Help me past my fear of failure and disappointing others to a space where I can quiet the noise and hear you! Amen!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Less is More

I’ve gotten a rude welcome to the Midwest this week. I’ve lived through my first snowstorm and subzero temperatures, all while fighting an ear/sinus infection – not fun. While the 5-6 inches of snow were beautiful, they put a damper on the week and limited the ability to freely get around. While I was stuck at home, when I wasn’t working, I spent quite a bit of time playing video games and reading books. Shopping! I did spend some time with the Lord, but I allowed other stuff to take up time and serve as a distraction to me. I also took some time to do a little more unpacking – finding that I have way too much stuff and need to unload it to someone who needs it. 

I have so much stuff that I don’t have enough room for it. I folded clothes and added items to the giveaway pile. What are you allowing to take up your time? What stuff is taking space that Jesus should fill? Matt 6:19-21 tells us to not store up treasures on earth but to store up treasures in heaven. So, where are your treasures? Are you busy making more money? Buying more stuff? Wasting more time? I know the feeling. Me, too. 

I realized today during the message from Pastor Craig that I have been operating in a way that makes the stuff way too important. I have all this stuff and I have a hard time letting it go – because of course I’m going to need it at some point, because can you ever have enough stuff? Yes, you can. In fact, most of us have more than enough. 

Isn’t that how the serpent in the garden convinced Eve to take from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen 3)? He convinced her that more was better. He fooled her into thinking that what God had already given them in the garden was somehow not enough. He made her question God’s authority and believe she might know better than God. And Adam just stood by and let it happen, doing nothing to put a stop to it. So whether he agreed with her actions or not, he mimicked them when it came right down to the wire. Their destruction and ours all started with a desire for more when less was enough. They had all they needed, but it wasn’t enough for them. In exchange for their desire and the poor decision of not following God’s leading, all of humanity paid the price. 

So, what are we losing by our desire and actions to get more? What will it gain us? What good is gaining the whole world and losing our soul (Matt 16:26)? All the stuff we can obtain is temporary (2 Cor 4:18) so what good will it really do for us anyway? Let’s remember that less really is more.  

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Making the Most of It

Well, the year didn’t start off the way I planned. You know 2023 was a chaotic year for me. From the beginning of the year, where I was away from home for a month, while trying to sell a house and get ready for the biggest move of my life to the actual move and my current incomplete settling in of the new house (I’m still trying to finish the unpacking and get rid of stuff I no longer need), chaos has lived with me a bit. 

So, my plan was to kick off the new year with some order. I was going to finally get rid of all the stuff I’ve already collected to give away and finish unpacking the boxes or give the stuff away. If I can’t use it, someone should be, right?!? That was my full intention. The first week of the new year was to be a productive one. What is it they say about the best laid plans? The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry (Robert Burns). Well, they’re not wrong – or rather God often has plans that don’t align with ours (Isa 55:8). 

Since, I believe that God is always in control (Prov 16:9), I know that the things that happen in my life are designed to make me more and more like Jesus. So, when I got sick on Jan 1 and have been sick all week, preventing me from doing any of the things I planned to do, but forced me to rest and hydrate and such, I realized I really am not my own. I would have done differently under my own power. But I don’t have any. 

My will may be contrary to God’s (sin) and I can do some things that don’t line up with God’s will (sin), but I still have no real power of my own. I am weak and He is strong (2 Cor 12:8-10). When I recognize that I am nothing without Him (Gal 6:3) and that I need Him for everything, it brings some perspective that depending on my own strength is not only stupid but futile. I only breath because He allows it (Gen 2:7). My heart beats because He allows it. 

A God who created the universe (Gen 1) and everything in it, is far stronger than I can ever hope or dream to be. That also drives home that I have no need to worry about anything I am depending upon Him to handle (Phil 4:6-7). He is more than able to do exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask or imagine (Eph 3:20). 

If I do what I’m supposed to do and I trust Him to do what He said He would do, how can I worry? That has been a lesson while I’ve been sick in a new place (10 months) with some developing friendships and relationships (several offers of help during my sickness) and no doctor of note. God is still God and He still has me no matter what I face. So, I’m making the most of my situation knowing God has me even when I can’t see it. What about yours? Are you making the most of the situation you’re in and not being a victim of it? How you move forward is up to you. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Start Again

Happy New Year! Every New Year feels like a new beginning. After reflecting on the past year during the Christmas season, the New Year allows you to start over. Almost. We make resolutions and plans for the coming year. Then we revert. We tend to carry over what we were carrying at the end of year. What if we could lay down the burdens we had at the end of the year and start anew? We can. 

Jesus said in Matt 11:28-30, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” How often do we say we’re leaving something with God, but pick it back up and take it with us. We don’t have any different strategy and we haven’t consulted God, but we still feel we can handle it better the God – the Father – who knows everything. 

This year, let’s try something different. To get different results, we have to do something we’ve never done. Because let’s face it, if we knew how to fix our problems and could, we would have already done it. So, let’s take a look at our lives and actually leave some things we’ve been trying to change with God asking Him to give us the strength not to pick them up again. Let’s also give ourselves some grace. We won’t turn it all around in a week. We need to learn patience so we can endure the wait. We have to remember that God’s grace is sufficient for us and His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor 12:9). 

While we are doing things differently this year, we should consult God on what He wants us to change. We should be prepared for it to take work from us. God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves. He doesn’t operate in a place where we will get the glory belonging to Him. Yes, He will direct our path and make our way straight, but we have to move. We have to choose His way. There is only His way and death. We are either following the Lord, or we are not. There is no middle ground. There is no gray. 

If you don’t have a personal relationship with the Lord and you’re looking for one, no better day than today. You can ask Him to be Lord of your life wherever you are. Ask Him to forgive your sins, admitting your need for a savior (we all need Jesus). Ask Him to come into your life as Lord and to lead and guide you. Ask Him to help you turn from your old ways, leave them behind and follow Him. Rom 10:9 states, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Because of God’s great grace (unmerited favor), we are justified by faith through Jesus Christ and therefore saved (Rom 5:1; Eph 2:8-9). It’s up to us, but don’t wait too long. Time is winding down and we don’t know how long we have. No time like the present. 

I hope and pray that 2024 is your best year yet! Be blessed.