Somehow in the past decade or so, we’ve gotten to a place of entitlement – thinking if we want it, we should have it. No real consideration to how we get it, but that it should be ours on principle. That is what has led to crimes to stealing things instead of working for them. That has led to murders over shoes and other nonsense. Somewhere along the way we got the idea that our happiness was the main thing – as long as I’m happy, it doesn’t matter about anyone else. It’s all about me.
Along with that, people have come to believe that God should give us whatever we want, whether we believe or live according to His word and way or not. People believe He is some kind of genie or like Santa Claus. He is not. God loves us and will take care and provide for us (Matt 6:33). However, he does not jump at our beck and call or respond to our every whim. He also does things His way. He is not limited by our expectations. He owns everything and can choose to do what he wants to do with and to it (Deut 10:14).
So, when we ask Him for anything He gets to decide whether or not He will do it. Sometimes the answer will be “No.” Not everything we want is good for us in the long run. God will protect us from ourselves. One thing He will not do is do for us what we can do for ourselves. So, when we make bad choices and we put ourselves in a predicament or even if someone else puts us in a predicament, we have to make better choices and take better actions to deal with the situation. Should we seek Him in the situation? Absolutely, but when He gives us an answer, we have to be ready and willing to move on it. For example, we are in debt (that we created) and now bill collectors are harassing us to pay, we need to make better choices, i.e., stop spending what we don’t have. It may mean we have to do without something else – cable, going out for lunch, shopping, etc. Those are things we can impact. Might God bless us in a miraculous way to get us out of debt? Sure, but until He does, we have work to do. Instead of spending the income tax check on a new TV or a new car, we pay off the debt. We have to be responsible and have self-control (2 Tim 1:7).
God will provide us a way out of every situation, but we have to take it. We have to choose His way, which may be painful or uncomfortable. God is a loving father but he is not one who will give us indiscriminately when we have not shown we understand how best to take care of those things he gives us (Matt 25:14-30).
If there is no food, the Bible says that if we don't work, we don't eat, so that means we need to get a job. Or God is providing for us in another way if we can’t make enough to support us. For a child who doesn’t have food at home, in many cases they get a meal at school. There are food pantries and church giveaways. Just because God doesn’t provide for us in the way we expect or want, doesn’t mean He is not providing. Sometimes, we have to move past our own pride to see God. Pride goes before the fall (Prov 16:18-20). We’re so worried about what others think that we forget their opinions don’t matter. See past your pride and deal with the actual situation at hand. God sees you (Gen 16:13).
He is not a genie, but He is a loving father who wants each of us to live in the purpose for which He created us. He wants our lives to honor Him. We must look beyond our own desires and wants and surrender to Him (Isa 55:8-9). He knows what’s best for us. If we trust and seek Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts – because they will align with His will and His way (Psa 37:3-5). Seek Him. Trust Him. Follow Him. He’ll help you do what you can do. He’s got the rest.
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