Sunday, June 9, 2024

Who are you telling about Jesus?

Talking about Jesus can sometimes feel daunting. What do you say? Who do you tell about Him? What scriptures do you quote. I know I feel like I should know more about Him than I do and I feel inadequate or undeserving. Today, I learned that talking about Jesus all starts with a conversation (Thanks Willie Robertson).  How powerful is that? How profound? 

It made me think of all the times I discussed my relationship with Jesus and shared my faith. It all started as something else. Maybe the conversation started as the result of a work interaction or meeting someone on an airplane or looking for something in the grocery store. Or, maybe it was the result of seeing someone hurting and giving a word of encouragement. Sharing Jesus is more about my relationship with Him than any religious efforts. 

I’ve mentioned our Family Bible Study before and we’re still going strong. In addition to us attending churches in different parts of the country, every week, we intentionally talk to each other about Jesus. If you don’t have a family time together, maybe you assemble together with your church family on Sunday or another day of the week. Maybe you have a small group at church that you interact with regularly. But what about the other days of the week? Who should we be talking to about Jesus? The world, according to Mark 16. 

Jesus directed us to preach the gospel to every creature in Mark 16:15-16. Many think you have to be a preacher or a pastor to preach, but the word means to publicly proclaim or teach. We don’t have to be theologians to tell the good news of Jesus. Don’t get me wrong – it’s important that we study the word of God so we can use it as the weapon it is (Eph 6:17). Studying God’s word helps us to know His character, His voice, His will and His love, as well as His direction (2 Tim 3:16), but we don’t have to know scripture and verse to talk about the Good News of Jesus or to tell someone what He did for us.

The real question is whether we care enough about people having a relationship with Jesus to talk to them about Him. I can honestly say I don’t want anyone to be lost, even the people I don’t necessarily like. I want all the people around me to find Jesus and have eternal life and not be condemned (John 5:24). As an ambassador sent by Christ, I’m responsible to love God first with everything I have and then love my neighbor as myself (Matt 22:36-40). 

I’m to look beyond my own comfort because the souls of others is more important that my being comfortable in situations. I know the Holy Spirit will be with me and since God did not give me a spirit of fear but one of power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7), I can talk about Jesus even when it’s uncomfortable. I don’t know what God will do with my obedience and I don’t know how it will impact the lives of those around me. 

So, the question remains, who are you talking to about Jesus? If you find the answer lacking, it’s not to late to get started. Share the love of Jesus and see what happens. Even if it’s hard, remember you’re being obedient to God’s Word – He’ll be with you. He’ll never leave you alone (Heb 13:5).

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