Monday, September 23, 2013

Go Where the Wind Takes You

Have you ever done anything you really didn't think you'd enjoy, something you were almost afraid to try? Well, so have I. Taking a ride in a Hot Air Balloon was my thing. I was skeptical about it at first and that's a bit of an understatement. You see, I don't derive pleasure from heights. In fact, I don't really like them at all. That said, riding in that balloon was one of the most peaceful and amazing experiences of my life.

From the gentle take off to the moments soaring at 10,000 feet to the landing in the cul de sac of an exclusive neighborhood, the experience is not one I'll forget and would likely be willing to repeat. This is partially due to my pilot who was absolutely fabulous and his experience and expertise put me at ease right away, but it was more due to the knowledge that God has complete control even when we don't.

When flying in a hot air balloon you realize that no one has complete control of where they end up, they just go where the wind takes them and then they land on the safest spot possible. They use all their skills to land safely but the spot is never really predetermined. That is to say, they know approximately where they want to land and sometimes it works out just right but many times it doesn't. So, you just hold on and ride... you stay calm even when the winds whip around you because you know it'll all settle down given enough time.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Doing Anything Yet?

Have you taken a look at what you know God has for you and taken a step to get started? If not, get up right now and take that step. Stop procrastinating! Life is short. No matter how much time you think you have, it is not promised...nor has God promised to hold opportunities open for those who refuse to trust Him. We must move when the opportunity presents itself.

For example, when I was looking for a house, God led me to the house in which I now live. The day I went looking, the house had just come back onto the market. The sign indicating that the house was under contract was still in the driveway. But, the moment I walked into the front door, I knew the house was my house. When I went into the bedroom, it was further confirmed for me. As I was walking through, another buyer came to look at the house. Going back to the model home, I asked what additional steps I could take to obtain the house as I had no agent, had not been approved for a loan or anything else required to purchase a home. I was just out looking for a house and had found the perfect one for me. Upon asking the agent about steps to take, she offered to hold the lot for three days with a small deposit while I contacted the bank to be approved for a loan. While I was outside getting my checkbook, the other buyer along with her agent attempted to put the house under contract. The agent held to her offer and within an hour, I was approved for the loan needed to purchase the house and at an amount that God had already provided for with the salary I was making at the time.

Had I not moved when I was led to, I would have missed out on the blessing God had for me. That's the thing about God, He wants you to move when and how He directs, not how you feel or how you are driven by your fear of the unknown. Whatever God is leading you to do, do it when and how He tells you to. Don't wait until your fear no longer exists. You must trust that God knows better than you and trust that He knows what's good for you. Just do it!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Have Some "NO" People

Are you surrounded by "YES" people who agree with everything you say and do? Do you distance yourself from people who tell you the truth? Do you hang with people who just go along? If so, stop it.

Every one wants people to agree with them. I know I do. But, sometimes that can be more of a hindrance than a help. We all need someone in our lives who we can trust to tell us the truth no matter what. That doesn't mean we have to be around downers or people who are always discouraging us from reaching our full potential. That means we need someone in our lives who cares enough about us to tell us when we're wrong even if we get angry or to encourage us on things that might scare us. These people push us to be real and honest with ourselves. That is a good thing.

A friend loves at all times. A true friend loves enough that they will risk your wrath in order to do what's best for you. Take a little time and take inventory of those people in your life who are true friends. Let them know how much you appreciate them. Remember, they love you or else they wouldn't care.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Sun is Always Shining

You often hear people say that the sun will come out after the storm, but it's important to remember that the sun never stops shining. No matter how much rain or thunder or lightening, the sun is shining behind the clouds. Just as the sun is always shining, the Son of God is always there for you. No matter what storms are in your life, He is there with you. You are never alone.

So no matter what is going on, know that it's just a passing storm. Things will get better. Sometimes the situation doesn't change but the way in which you deal with it or see it does. You realize things could always have been worse. In the middle of the storm, we learn to appreciate the sunshine. And, in the middle of our personal storms, we learn to better appreciate Jesus' presence in our lives.

The bible says He will never leave us nor forsake us. What comfort do you gain from knowing that? The comfort I gain is immeasurable.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Seek God First!

Have you been somewhere and thought I would love to live here? Or, read a job description that felt as if it was written for you and thought I could do that job? Or, seen a house or apartment that you adore that's out of your price range, but if you make enough cuts you can afford it?

Before making a decision that will impact your life, seek God's guidance...and follow it. That city or job or house may be exactly what you desire and everything may fall right into place. However, when we move under our own understanding, it may be that the city has an extremely high cost of living; the job could require you to work 100 hours a week; or the utility bill at the house is so high you have to pinch pennies to make ends meet. Hence why we need to seek God before we make a change. There is nothing wrong with looking at your options and knowing that you have them, but we must always count the total costs, i.e., time, peace of mind, money, etc., before we move.

Remember, God knows the future and He only wants the very best for us. If God is in it, He will give you peace about the choice. If there is no peace, take a moment and consider that now may not be the right time or this may not be the right choice.

And be sure not to confuse your fear or lack of faith with God's answer to you. Don't allow your fear to keep you from moving when God tells you to. When He clearly provides a door that you are to walk through, be obedient. We want to live life to its fullest and have all that God has for us. In order to do that, we must seek Him and listen to the answer. Moving without Him can make us miserable and lead us into territories from which we later need His deliverance.

Make sure you seek God first to ensure that the job, or house, or whatever it is, is the one with your name on it... that thing He created just for you.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Finding Your Shoes

I was watching a movie and this father told his daughter to find her shoes. I didn't initially understand, but as the movie progressed it became apparent that all he wanted was for her to find her place - that one place for which she was created. That is a great responsibility, when you think about it.

Finding your place first requires that you get to know yourself. Really know yourself. You may find things you don't like, things you've been running from, things that you're in denial about. I don't know about you but it's difficult for me to admit my faults. Don't get me wrong, but there are some things that are some times hard to face. But we must. If we want everything that is meant for us, we must be honest with ourselves.

It's said that admitting there is a problem is the first step toward healing/recovery. How true that is. How can you possibly determine treatment if you don't have a diagnosis? Once we've searched ourselves and acknowledged what we need to change, we must make the necessary changes. We must seek God's guidance for our actions and then ACT.

So many times instead of acting we just talk about it. The time for that is over. It's time for us to step into all that we are and are called to be, not the disguises we put on for those around us or even for ourselves. Finding our shoes requires us to be real and true to ourselves and those around us. How freeing must that be?

Don't waste another minute. Find your shoes.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Do Something!

What are you doing to reach your goals? You know, that thing your said your were going to do so that you could fulfill your God given assignment. That class you said you were going to take. That list of objectives you were going to write. That song you were going to compose. The program you were going to start. What have you done to bring that thing into fruition? Nothing? A little work?

What are you waiting on? Life is short, so what is the holdup? Are you waiting on it to just fall into your lap? For everything God has given us to do, He's provided a way for us to make it happen. But we have to get up and move. Take that finance class to start your own business. Take that computer class to get that better job. Write that mission statement for that program.

Do something to keep moving forward. Don't sit and talk about it. Move! That way when the opportunity arises you're ready to take hold of it. Do not be caught unprepared. That in many cases leads to regret and loss. Don't miss out on something that is yours because you haven't done the necessary work.

You can't miss something you've never had but think of your missed opportunities. Don't miss any more.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

We're Blessed! Why?

When you look at all the things you’ve accomplished and accumulated in your life, what do you think?  Sometimes, I get away with myself and think about how smart I am or what a good job I’ve done of managing the money I’ve made over the years.  I mean I have multiple degrees and I’m not doing too shabby for a single female who’s in a position to pretty much go where I want and do what I want.   And then I’ll catch myself and think how crazy I am.  Everything I have and have ever accomplished is all do to God’s hand on me and my life.  And it wasn’t even about me.

Don’t get me wrong, God loves me.  That’s not bragging, that’s a fact.  After all, He sent His son to die for my sins...and yours.  He does not want me to suffer and He wants me to have joy in life and the things He has given me a love for.  But, He has not just blessed me so I can say that He did.  He has blessed me so I can bless someone else.  Whether it is with my time, my money or my space, who am I to be selfish when they all belong to God anyway.  This same thing applies to you.  We all need a blessing.

Make sure you can reap the harvest you’ve planted.  Bless others with the gifts you have, even if it’s a kind word when they need it most.  Don’t just walk past people who are hurting when you’re moved to act.  Don’t be afraid of ridicule from those around you who don’t understand, even if it’s family.  Remember where your blessings come from and pass that on. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

You're Not Alone

How often do you find yourself wondering, what am I doing here?  “Here” could be the city where you live, your job or your major in college.  I’ve been there before and I visit on occasion now.  Not because I question whether I’m in the right place, but because there are some days that are difficult to get through.  I sometimes forget that I can’t fix every situation myself and that even I have to depend on someone else sometimes. 

Years ago, I was working in Florida and I found myself miserable in the job.  I didn’t understand at the time that I was going through that situation to show me that I couldn’t make it better for myself…only God could.  For months, as all the friends I’d made at work in Florida slowly moved away, I searched for another job.  Nothing came.  I was so desperate at one point that I was ready to pack up my car and move back home with my parents. 

I can remember practically hearing God’s voice say to me that it didn’t matter what my parents said about me moving home, He wasn’t done with me in that place.  It wasn’t until weeks later that I realized that as long as I was fighting it, I would continue to be miserable.  With that in mind, I made a decision…to be content with where I was.  Not necessarily pleased, but satisfied with where God placed me.  I was determined to be satisfied with my position until God moved me.  In order to make that happen, I focused on Him.  I learned many lessons over the next few months, but during that time, I was not focused on my situation but on God’s promise that He would never leave nor forsake me.  Things got better and then one day I got a call about a job that I hadn’t even applied for.  The job was one I’d prayed about years before.  My time definitely wasn’t God’s, but His time was absolutely perfect.  The experience I’d obtained in that job I had grown to hate was invaluable in my new one. 

God knew better than I ever could.  Had I not listened to Him, I would not be where or who I am today.  So, just remember even when you’re in that place and you don’t understand how you got there or why you haven’t left, trust God and act when He tells you to, not before.  Don’t move on your own.  We inevitably make bad decisions because we can’t see all the angles.  Only God can and He has your best interests are heart.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Treat Others Right

When was the last time you did something for someone else just because . . . you knew they would enjoy it or it was just the right thing to do?  If you haven’t in a long time, you should try it.  Not for their gratitude, because you might not get that.  Not even for their friendship.  Sometimes it’s just right to do something for someone else.  Whether it’s buying a meal for someone whose hungry, giving a friend a pair of shoes that they mentioned loving, or dropping off a bag of fruit at the local nursing home, the sacrifice (no matter how small) will make you better understand that this life is not really about you. 

We are here for a short time (even if you live to be 100 years old) and ultimately, the most important thing we can do, is show others the love of God.  His sacrifice was more than I can really understand.  I mean its one thing to buy groceries for a needy family, but it’s something entirely different to sacrifice your only son to save a group of people who don’t even really appreciate it.  By doing something for someone without them even asking, you’re sharing a little bit of that love God continually shows to us.  After all, we should be treating people the way we want to be treated.
So, the next time you find something that you know a friend of yours would love or you see someone hungry on the street, just think of what you’d want if you were in their shoes and try to do that.  But for God’s grace there go all of us.  We’re only a breath away from losing everything God has entrusted to us.  Never forget that.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Reminded of Jesus

So Easter Sunday was the culmination of our Easter celebration at church.  After a Passion play on Friday night and an Easter party for the many children in the neighborhood around the church on Saturday, Pastor ministered on how God, through Jesus' sacrifice, provided us a way from condemnation to justification to salvation to reconciliation with Himself.  How awesome is that?  Pretty awesome.

But what's even more awesome is the fact that Jesus made that sacrifice with full knowledge that we, the chosen, still wouldn't fully treat Him with the respect or love that we should. Don't get me wrong there are others who deny who He is.  But for those of us who claim to know Him, we treat Him worse.  We say He is God's son and our saviour but we only spend time with Him when it is convenient for us and even then, we are easily distracted.  But let there be something that we want to see - a TV show, a movie, a concert or a football game - that has our full attention.  And God bless anyone who dares to interrupt us, because we certainly won't. 

As I was watching The Bible's final installment (not completely accurate according to historians and the scripture but still a pretty good adaptation) Easter Sunday night on History, I was convicted.  I watched as Jesus was beaten,  ridiculed and killed for me - someone totally unworthy of His love.  I watched how the disciples and other followers of Jesus were persecuted for the Gospel and now we have the freedom to worship as we choose and we take it for granted.  I thank God that He is not like us, but I also know that there are consequences to our choices.  When we don't do what we are called to as Jesus' followers, for what ever reason, not only do we suffer but the world suffers.

What if I am the only example of Jesus someone sees?  What kind of example am I giving them? Am I just as worldly as they are? Can people tell any difference between me and my coworker who can't even spell Jesus?

Please be reminded of who Jesus is and how much He loves you.  Do what He's called you to.  Don't delay, for tomorrow is not promised and I, for one, don't want to have to explain that I was too tired or busy or just didn't want to do what He called me too.  What kind of punishment might that bring?  I hope to never find out.

Be blessed and remember God loves you so much.  Give Him His due!