Sunday, April 14, 2013

Treat Others Right

When was the last time you did something for someone else just because . . . you knew they would enjoy it or it was just the right thing to do?  If you haven’t in a long time, you should try it.  Not for their gratitude, because you might not get that.  Not even for their friendship.  Sometimes it’s just right to do something for someone else.  Whether it’s buying a meal for someone whose hungry, giving a friend a pair of shoes that they mentioned loving, or dropping off a bag of fruit at the local nursing home, the sacrifice (no matter how small) will make you better understand that this life is not really about you. 

We are here for a short time (even if you live to be 100 years old) and ultimately, the most important thing we can do, is show others the love of God.  His sacrifice was more than I can really understand.  I mean its one thing to buy groceries for a needy family, but it’s something entirely different to sacrifice your only son to save a group of people who don’t even really appreciate it.  By doing something for someone without them even asking, you’re sharing a little bit of that love God continually shows to us.  After all, we should be treating people the way we want to be treated.
So, the next time you find something that you know a friend of yours would love or you see someone hungry on the street, just think of what you’d want if you were in their shoes and try to do that.  But for God’s grace there go all of us.  We’re only a breath away from losing everything God has entrusted to us.  Never forget that.

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