Sunday, September 27, 2020

What Will Your Legacy Be?

Recently, a friend who writes a daily inspiration, wrote about how he hopes people see him.  And it made me think.  What do I want my legacy to be?  What have I done to make the world we live in a better place?  Who have I helped along the way?  Who have I spoken up for when they didn’t have a voice?  Have I done my part?  Have I been light in the world? 

Those of you who know me, know that I work with middle and high schoolers, as well as, college students through my church.  I have been blessed with a strong desire to see young people succeed and the Lord has given me some ideas and tools to help them along the way.   He’s also blessed me with an awesome team at church who works to make sure we provide support and resources to the students.  But that isn’t what I want to be remembered for.  

If I were gone today, what would I want people to say about me?  That I was generous?  That I loved people?  That I told the truth, even when it was hard?  That I would help people when I could? That I worked hard?  Sure, I’d want people to say all those things.  But, ultimately, I want people to know I love Jesus and I’m working hard to be more and more like him every day.  Don’t get me wrong….I miss every day, but I keep striving.  

The thing is, people talk about what they believe but then don’t live consistent to their words.  That’s just hypocritical and much of what is wrong with the world today.  The only thing we really have are our words and deeds…our integrity.   When it all shakes out, it doesn’t matter how much money we earned, but what we did with it.  It doesn’t matter how many degrees we obtained, but what we did with the knowledge.  I’m striving every day to live according to God’s Word and not just speak it (James 1:25).  James said it best, “Faith without works is dead (James 2:26).”  

What do you want your legacy to be?  What are you doing toward that end? 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

What are You Believing God to do in Your Life?

I remember when I bought the house I live in now.  It’s funny.  I didn’t have any inclination to really start looking, but I overheard some co-workers talking about how at the time it was easy to purchase a home.  I was living in an apartment and didn’t think I could afford a home on my own.  But when I overheard that conversation, I grabbed hold to home ownership.  I was God’s child and if other people could have a home, why couldn’t I?  That weekend, I started looking at houses, with no agent and no loan approved.  I was in a hurry because my lease would be up in just a few months and I didn’t want to renew, because by then I knew in my spirit that God had a house for me.  It wasn’t easy to find the house God had for me, but He was working on my behalf even before I knew to start looking.  

So, the day I found the house, I started early in the morning and a close friend accompanied me. I had already done my research and knew the monthly budget God had blessed me with and the house design I was looking for.  So, I had three new subdivisions to search because I was expecting to find what God had for me.  The first subdivision was a bust.  In the second, the house had been built, but it was under contract according to the sign in front and the resident agent.  However, I promised the agent that I would return as she was busy at the time.  The third subdivision could build the house, but it would be months before it was complete.  At first, I was discouraged because I was on a timeline.  I mean, I wanted to be out of that apartment before I had to sign a new lease.  Then, I remembered that God keeps His promises and that if you ask according to His Will He will answer and provide.  

So, understanding that God’s answer might be “Not yet,” we went back to the second subdivision.  When we got there, we found out the house that had been under contract earlier that morning had come back onto the market….just in time for us to arrive back at the subdivision.  God had someone else build the house for me with all of my preferences.   He worked out all the details just for me….financing, closing date, etc.  It was like clockwork.  Only God can plan and orchestrate something like that.  When I think about it, I realized He was just waiting on me to do my part…to trust him and to act on that trust.  

What are you believing God to do for you?  What actions are you taking toward that end?  Are you regularly saving and looking for that house?  Are you taking that class?  Are you writing everyday on that book?  Are you consistently practicing that instrument?  Are you doing the work that leads to the next job you want?  If you’re not, do you really trust God to do it? If you believe with all your heart that God is going to do something for you, why wouldn’t you prepare to walk into it?  You won’t get it from God until you’re ready to receive it.  Now, you’ll still need Him through it to be successful and if you operate in self and get something out of God’s timing, there will be obstacles.  As James said, Faith without works is dead.  Be patient and make sure your Faith is alive and well and that you are working in what God has told you.  

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Where is Your Focus?

Thank you to those writing comments.  It's so encouraging to know that the blog provides connection and to see the ways it causes you to think more about your life with Christ.  I pray it blesses you and helps you grow more in Him.  


Today's blog is a bit of an extension of last week.  Life is bit difficult to navigate, especially right now.  The last few weeks have proved that to me more than anything.  Between the pandemic continuing to spread and work that seems unending, days can sometimes feel overwhelming.  I find I need to lean more and more on God for strength and peace and wisdom.  I’m reminded that I’m not in control of much, in fact, I’m not in control of practically anything other than my reactions…..and sometimes not even those.  Apparently, my face shows what I'm thinking even if I don't voice it.  

I’m working to push through the hard tasks or times and focus on Jesus.  Like Paul in Philippians 3:14, I’m working hard not to get distracted by my past mistakes, but rather focus on the actions I need to take today and tomorrow and the next day to live according to God’s Word until I meet Jesus face to face.  I will make new mistakes, but I know my ultimate goal – to have God say – this is my daughter in whom I’m well pleased. 

That’s what this life is all about when you think about it.  If we keep our focus on God, He will direct our paths.  If we seek Him first, He will add everything we need to us.  Have you ever thought about what He has in store for you, if only you focus and seek Him?  

If God can do more than we can ask or imagine (Eph 3:20), what does He have in store for us, if only we are obedient to Him?  What would He show us, if we just spent more time with Him?  Have you ever felt like an answer was just beyond your reach?  Well, God has all the answers.  How often do you sit and commune with Him and give Him time to talk to you?  To give you a revelation?  To give you direction?  

I know I get distracted by life many days, but I’m working more and more on listening to Him and staying focused on what’s important – the things I need to do and change.  I heard a saying that God gave us two eyes, two ears and one mouth for a reason.  We should be quick to listen and watch and slow to speak.  Listen and watch to understand, not just to respond.  Focus on Jesus!  Seek His guidance!  You can’t go wrong if you’re listening to Him and doing what He says.  Through it all, He will grant you peace and rest.  

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

I’m the first one to say “work hard and do your best.”  It’s how I was raised.  It’s really the only way I know, but I often find myself doing too much and not getting enough rest or eating right.  I get caught up and distracted by all the things going on around me.  I mean, at work, we’re doing more with less and there isn’t enough time to get it all done.  There’s never any down time and taking vacation can feel like punishment when you return to all the emails and assignments that still need to be done.  While it can feel overwhelming and be way too much, we have to take a step back.  We have to look at all the things on our plate and assess what has to be done.  We have to learn when to make adjustments in our lives.

This is not me judging or telling anyone what to do, because this is way more for me than you. I’m a culprit and I have to catch myself…realize that I can’t do everything.  I can’t work long hours and not take care of myself and still be ready to do what God directs.  I mean, God is amazing and He creates in ways we can’t even imagine or understand.  But one thing is clear, at the end of the day, our bodies are human and they have limits.  If we are to present our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1), it doesn’t just mean spiritually.  We are whole beings and that means we need to take care of our physical and spiritual bodies.    

When you stop and think about it, God designed our physical body to repair itself in so many ways – the liver regenerates, bones grow back, and so many other fascinating things.  But for it to do that optimally, we have to do our part to take care of it.  First, eating right.  We have to eat the right amounts and the right foods.  Second, regular exercise.  We need to move and maintain a healthy weight – it lowers risk of disease and bone weakness.  Third, sleep.  We need enough of it.  Apparently, we need to get approximately 8 hours a night.    

I, on the other hand, do these things periodically, but not consistently.  I should exercise every day, at least walk, but I don’t. I don’t know the last time I got 8 hours of sleep. So again, I’m guilty of not respecting the gift God gave me.  Are you?  I’m working on these actions, but I often get distracted by everything going on in my life and think I’m not as important.  Then, I remember the sacrifice Jesus made for me…..for all of me….not just my soul.  Jesus made the sacrifice so I could live more abundantly in all aspects.  So, I have to do better.  I have to take better care of this amazing gift.  I recommend you take a look at your own life and do the same.  We all have too many people to impact to let our own actions or inaction keep us from fulfilling God’s purpose for us.