Sunday, September 20, 2020

What are You Believing God to do in Your Life?

I remember when I bought the house I live in now.  It’s funny.  I didn’t have any inclination to really start looking, but I overheard some co-workers talking about how at the time it was easy to purchase a home.  I was living in an apartment and didn’t think I could afford a home on my own.  But when I overheard that conversation, I grabbed hold to home ownership.  I was God’s child and if other people could have a home, why couldn’t I?  That weekend, I started looking at houses, with no agent and no loan approved.  I was in a hurry because my lease would be up in just a few months and I didn’t want to renew, because by then I knew in my spirit that God had a house for me.  It wasn’t easy to find the house God had for me, but He was working on my behalf even before I knew to start looking.  

So, the day I found the house, I started early in the morning and a close friend accompanied me. I had already done my research and knew the monthly budget God had blessed me with and the house design I was looking for.  So, I had three new subdivisions to search because I was expecting to find what God had for me.  The first subdivision was a bust.  In the second, the house had been built, but it was under contract according to the sign in front and the resident agent.  However, I promised the agent that I would return as she was busy at the time.  The third subdivision could build the house, but it would be months before it was complete.  At first, I was discouraged because I was on a timeline.  I mean, I wanted to be out of that apartment before I had to sign a new lease.  Then, I remembered that God keeps His promises and that if you ask according to His Will He will answer and provide.  

So, understanding that God’s answer might be “Not yet,” we went back to the second subdivision.  When we got there, we found out the house that had been under contract earlier that morning had come back onto the market….just in time for us to arrive back at the subdivision.  God had someone else build the house for me with all of my preferences.   He worked out all the details just for me….financing, closing date, etc.  It was like clockwork.  Only God can plan and orchestrate something like that.  When I think about it, I realized He was just waiting on me to do my part…to trust him and to act on that trust.  

What are you believing God to do for you?  What actions are you taking toward that end?  Are you regularly saving and looking for that house?  Are you taking that class?  Are you writing everyday on that book?  Are you consistently practicing that instrument?  Are you doing the work that leads to the next job you want?  If you’re not, do you really trust God to do it? If you believe with all your heart that God is going to do something for you, why wouldn’t you prepare to walk into it?  You won’t get it from God until you’re ready to receive it.  Now, you’ll still need Him through it to be successful and if you operate in self and get something out of God’s timing, there will be obstacles.  As James said, Faith without works is dead.  Be patient and make sure your Faith is alive and well and that you are working in what God has told you.  

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