Sunday, September 6, 2020

Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

I’m the first one to say “work hard and do your best.”  It’s how I was raised.  It’s really the only way I know, but I often find myself doing too much and not getting enough rest or eating right.  I get caught up and distracted by all the things going on around me.  I mean, at work, we’re doing more with less and there isn’t enough time to get it all done.  There’s never any down time and taking vacation can feel like punishment when you return to all the emails and assignments that still need to be done.  While it can feel overwhelming and be way too much, we have to take a step back.  We have to look at all the things on our plate and assess what has to be done.  We have to learn when to make adjustments in our lives.

This is not me judging or telling anyone what to do, because this is way more for me than you. I’m a culprit and I have to catch myself…realize that I can’t do everything.  I can’t work long hours and not take care of myself and still be ready to do what God directs.  I mean, God is amazing and He creates in ways we can’t even imagine or understand.  But one thing is clear, at the end of the day, our bodies are human and they have limits.  If we are to present our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1), it doesn’t just mean spiritually.  We are whole beings and that means we need to take care of our physical and spiritual bodies.    

When you stop and think about it, God designed our physical body to repair itself in so many ways – the liver regenerates, bones grow back, and so many other fascinating things.  But for it to do that optimally, we have to do our part to take care of it.  First, eating right.  We have to eat the right amounts and the right foods.  Second, regular exercise.  We need to move and maintain a healthy weight – it lowers risk of disease and bone weakness.  Third, sleep.  We need enough of it.  Apparently, we need to get approximately 8 hours a night.    

I, on the other hand, do these things periodically, but not consistently.  I should exercise every day, at least walk, but I don’t. I don’t know the last time I got 8 hours of sleep. So again, I’m guilty of not respecting the gift God gave me.  Are you?  I’m working on these actions, but I often get distracted by everything going on in my life and think I’m not as important.  Then, I remember the sacrifice Jesus made for me…..for all of me….not just my soul.  Jesus made the sacrifice so I could live more abundantly in all aspects.  So, I have to do better.  I have to take better care of this amazing gift.  I recommend you take a look at your own life and do the same.  We all have too many people to impact to let our own actions or inaction keep us from fulfilling God’s purpose for us. 


  1. For me, it's being productive with the extra time and the quiet space. I've been able to tackle some projects at home, and I'm happy to say that I can see some progress with the de-cluttering and such. As you've written, I know that the most important project is ME. So, I'm praying for direction and motivation to stay the course... in healthy eating (I've even dibbled and dabbled with veganism), and exercise. I ordered a jump rope, and found an inexpensive virtual exercise program. As for the most important thing, my inner-woman, I as relishing the quiet time, and trying to hear more. I know that God has been speaking all along. But have I taken the needed time to really hear? Have I allowed myself to really see? He is speaking.

  2. The blog has encouraged me to see the gift in all of that is before me. I recognize that it's not just me tying to know and to walk this life out in a way that pleases God. In your sharing, I find connection. That is the blessing.

    1. I'm so glad. No better connection than Jesus.


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