Sunday, June 13, 2021

Can you hear God’s Voice?

I’m the first to say that I sometimes struggle to hear God’s voice and know where He is directing me.  I believe that is because I’m sometimes so busy that I’m not meditating on His word (Josh 1:8) and spending time with Him (Rom 10:17).  I get so distracted that I don’t stay in His presence.  He’s always there, but sometimes I’m not.  What about you?  God is always speaking to us – sometimes His voice is quiet and peaceful.  Sometimes His voice is so direct it grabs you.  I’ve recently learned that sometimes He’s silent and still that is Him speaking to us.  

What is God saying to you?  What has He called you to do? What have you heard from Him? What are you doing to meet His expectations? Are you waiting for Him to move? What are you doing to prepare? What are you waiting for? 

When we hear His voice, the expectation is for us to move in the way He calls us.  We don’t have time to waste even if we don’t feel qualified to do what we’re called to or go where we’re directed.  I mentioned recently that my family started having family bible study together.  It was my idea and I have been leading it.  By no means am I qualified by any standards to lead family bible study.  Yes, I’ve had a relationship with Jesus since I was nine.  Yes, I’ve read and studied my bible over the years (I must admit, not all of it).  But none of that would really qualify me to be able to teach God’s Word – I don’t have a degree in seminary and I’ve not been to a bible school.  However, God clearly has other plans.  My greatest fear in this was that I would somehow teach something that is not consistent with God’s Word, but I remembered the Holy Spirit, who has always been with God (even before the world was created). lives on the inside of me.  He knows what God wants me to say and I trust Him (John 6:63).  When I’m teaching I surrender to Him so that I can do what I’ve been called to, since I can do nothing without His empowerment (John 14:26).  

That is what God wants from us in every aspect of our lives.  Many times, we want to separate or compartmentalize parts of our lives where Jesus is Lord and others where we still rule.  As followers of Christ, He must be allowed to be Lord over every aspect of our lives.  Only then will we be in a place to lean and depend on Him no matter what.  It’s in those times where we hear and obey that we can walk in liberty.  God will not direct us wrong.  He has our best interests at heart.  Remember, we are blessed to be a blessing to others and introduce them to the Good News of Jesus.  We are already saved.  Our future is secure as long as we remain in fellowship with God (Psalm 85:8).  So once we are saved from Death, Hell and Damnation, our job and our purpose is to spread what we have learned about Him – He is Lord and Savior – whether people choose to follow or not.  He is the only way to the Father.  Our lives should point to Him.

Seek to hear God’s voice and then wait for it.  He may not speak when we expect or may not say what we want to hear, but listen for it.  Wait to hear Him and follow His direction (Heb 3:15).  Whatever He says is truth.  Study His word so you can distinguish His voice from the others (2 Tim 2:15).  His sheep hear His voice – they will not follow a stranger (John 10:27).  Make sure you’re part of His flock and that you’re spending enough time with Him to know His voice.

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