Sunday, June 20, 2021

God’s Plan Will Prevail

Back in December, I wrote about God’s plans not being our plans.  That is absolutely true.  Because God has all knowledge and wisdom, He knows everything and we do not (Isa 55:8-9.  The scripture says we don’t even know what to pray for (Rom 8:26).  Our capacity is not His and because of that, we can’t possibly know what is best for us, even if we are “Type A” personalities and believe we can control the things around us.   To a point we are in control of our destiny, as God has given us free will to accept Jesus’s free gift of salvation or to reject it.  The issue is if we truly accept the free gift of salvation, we also accept Jesus’s lordship over our lives.  Our problem is that we want the gift of salvation but don’t want the responsibility of following Jesus.  We want our cake and to eat it, too.  

Today, I was listening to a minister and he said something that got me.  He said God is more committed to our destiny than our desires.  That made me think about all the ways I’ve planned my life and how God has taken my life in a different direction.  His plans were definitely not mine.  When I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a doctor.  From the time I was eight or nine years old, I was going to be a doctor.  When I was twelve, my cousin passed away from cancer and I was going to be the oncologist who cured cancer.  Clearly, that didn’t happen.  But God moved me to an occupation where we can literally help prevent people from being exposed to cancer causing agents at work.  I’m still helping to stop cancer but in a different way than I imagined.  Only God could work this out, because I didn’t even know about this work until my fourth year of college.  

God is always preparing us for the next big thing in our lives.  Nothing happens by chance and nothing is wasted.  Even when we’re wasting time, we’re committing sin and there will be consequences but there is a lesson learned in that.  We grow as God is preparing us, because we can depend on God not moving us into something until we are ready.  That doesn’t mean we’ll feel prepared for it, but that God is ready for us to move into it and He is there to carry us through it.  If we’ve moved into something without God’s leading and guidance, it usually doesn’t go the way we want it to.  

Anything we can do in our own strength isn’t ultimately what God has for us.  God is going to get His Glory (Isa 42:8).  If you can do something on your own, then you get the glory for it.  When God puts the "super" on your "natural, He gets the Glory for it and you can’t take credit for anything other than your obedience to Him and His Word.  

His plans will prevail, when everything else fades away.  Don’t allow yourself to be frustrated when your plans don’t go the way you want.  Frustrations come when we have set our expectations (without consulting God) about something and then those expectations and goals fail to come to fruition.  Set aside the expectations you have and look to God who will order your steps.  If you diligently seek Him and delight ourselves in Him, He will make the desires of your heart line up with His plans for you (Psalm 37:4).  Those desires He will fulfill (Psalm 21:2). Regardless of what we want, God’s plan will prevail (Prov 19:21).  It’s so much better for our peace of mind, if we get on board with that.

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