Sunday, August 29, 2021

Learn the Lesson!

You may have read in earlier blogs that we have to be patient to hear God’s voice and for God to move in His timing and not ours.  Both of those things is true.  However, this does not take away our responsibility to be learn and master what God has given us to do right now.  If we’re sitting around waiting for God to move and not giving our current job or situation our best effort, we may be prolonging the process for God to move because He will not bring anything to us until we’re ready for it.  God knows everything, including who we are and what we can do.  Remember, He gives us the power to get wealth (Deut 8:18) and everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).  He know us!

Wherever we are right now, He knows if we are giving it our best.  He knows if we’re ready for the next assignment (1 Sam 17:32-37).  He knows if we are handling our money appropriately.  He knows if we’re making good decisions.  He knows if we’re practicing what we say.  If we are poor money managers, we will not get more money to manage – in fact we may lose some (Matt 25:14-30).  If we are too lazy or scared to learn our current job, we may miss out on the next promotion or opportunity because we missed learning a skill we need (Prov 10:4-5, 12:24).  If we are inconsistent with what we say and do, our integrity comes in question and people will not believe us – we damage our ministry and testimony (Prov 12:22, Psalm 15).  All of these things prevent us from moving forward. 

How do we counter these obstacles?  Master your craft, whatever it is.  I don’t mean be perfect (none of us are), but do whatever it is in excellence. Be not only a hearer of the Word, but a doer also (James 1:22-25).  If you paint, be the best painter you can be.  This might require you asking questions and taking a class.  I may require you working with a couple of other painters so you can see what works and what doesn’t.  It would mean being honest about the work and going the extra mile to get a job done.  If you work on cars, it would mean actually doing the repair you say you can do and not cheating someone or indicating work needs to be done that doesn’t.  If you work for someone, it would mean doing your job and not having them have to tell you to do what you know needs to be done – it means anticipating what they need before they know they need it.  If you’re an accountant, it would mean handling someone else’s money with integrity and accounting for every cent – not taking what you can get away with.  In all of these instances, it would mean working for men as if you are working for God (Col 3:23).  This is important because at the end of the day, we are.  He is the one we have to give an account to for all we do – every thought and every decision and every action – Everything Matters! 

We have to remember for those of us who know better, we will be held accountable to do better (James 4:17).  When you look at your life, think about whether are you waiting for someone to hand you something, or are you taking every opportunity afforded to you to learn everything you can where you are?  I’ve learned over my life until you learn the lesson being taught whatever it is, you will not move forward. It’s sort of like having to repeat a class in school when you fail.  The lessons may look different (different scenarios or situations), but it is still the same one and until you learn what the lesson being taught it stays on repeat (Prov 26:11-12).  If you’re in a situation that appears to keep repeating and you keep doing the same things, ask the Lord to help you identify what you should be doing and what lesson you need to learn.  God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  He is patient where we are not.  He has all the time in the world and we do not.  Learn the lesson and be ready.  

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