Sunday, August 22, 2021

Train Up a Child!

I’m sure I’ve mentioned that I work with the middle and high schoolers at my church through a couple of ministries.  By the time they get to us, they have fully formed personalities and they know what they like and don’t like.  They are already well on their way to being who they will become.  I always wonder what has shaped them…..some are very intuitive and thoughtful and some are bit quiet and reserved.  Some of them are eager to read scripture or to prayer during class or outings and some are not.  It’s always a bit of struggle to figure out where they are.  

One thing that comes across clearly is that the families who pray and have bible study together raise children who are comfortable talking about Jesus and expressing what they have learned.  They are more comfortable praying in a group and not concerned about what others think.  In families where they have dinner together and talk about what is going on in their lives, the children are much more likely to discuss when they are having a problem at school and the parents are more likely to recognize something is going on and address it early.  

Don’t get me wrong, I get that parents and guardians are busy going to work and taking care of a household.  I just want to encourage you, where you have influence and participate in a child’s life, to remember that they do what they see (Prov 22:6).  If they never see an adult praying or reading their bible, that is what they will do.  If it’s not important to the adults in their lives, it won’t be important in theirs (at least until they have an experience for themselves).  We show the children around us what is important by what we do.  

If we never spend time with them, we tell them they are not important to us.  What ever gets our time and attention is what is important to us.  So, even if it’s a 10 minute conversation that is designated just for them – because you’re working or tied up doing something that has to be done – make time to show them they are important to you.  If you have to work all hours, make sure they understand why.  Give them a voice to express themselves.  When we don’t spend time with the children around us, the devil will surely send others into their lives to spend time with them.  How do you think most children end up in gangs and cults and such?  They offer them something they are not getting at home – a sense of belonging.  

I know it’s not easy having bible study with kids, they can’t be still and maybe picking on their siblings, if they exist, but bible study doesn’t have to be an hour or even 30 minutes.  It might be reading a bible story and talking about a couple of principles, while they color on the floor or sitting at the kitchen table over breakfast and talking about one verse.  Just find a place to start because God’s Word will not return void (Isa 55:11).  

Just as we get our worth and identity from God, our heavenly father (Eph 1:3-14).  Our children get their identity from their parents and guardians.  If parents or guardians aren’t there to give it, they will find it in other places.  I’m not a parent, but if those of us who participate in children’s lives plant the seeds, they will be watered – God will ensure that happens.  We just have to be diligent to make sure the children in our lives are exposed to the only one who can save and protect them – Jesus, the Christ.  

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