Sunday, February 12, 2023

Write the Vision and Make it Plain!

Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to write the vision and to make it plain. In order to follow that instruction, we must first understand what vision is. From my study, vision is a supernatural revelation from the Lord with can teach a spiritual truth or convey future happenings. So, one question is what is the Lord telling you about your life or your ministry or your career, etc.? What possibilities have you shot down without even really considering them? What is holding you back? 

Recently, I began crafting a vision for my new job or rather for my new region as a whole. I had to seek God for the possibilities of what could or should be. When I put it on paper, it didn’t completely resonate with me, so I had to tweak it until the meaning settled over me like a warm blanket. I needed to be comfortable and settled with the vision, understanding that to achieve it I would have to go outside my comfort zone. There was nothing easy about it except writing it down, and it wasn’t completely easy to articulate the vision. 

Some would say, “Just do it.” That might work, but if you don’t write the vision down, you’re dependent upon your memory of what the true vision was. You might hit it, but how far off might you be without having that evidence of the vision somewhere you can reference it. It’s the same for your goals and plans. If they are in your head, they are fragile and may get cloudy. Once they are on paper or your electronic notebook, you have something solid to lean on. When you get discouraged, you have something to go back to and can encourage yourself (1 Sam 30:6). When things aren’t going according to plans, you have something on which to focus to keep you on track. 

Writing the vision is the first step to real success. You can always go back to it as you move forward to see where you are in regards to the vision. It can become your measuring stick. As always, the Lord opens doors and windows, but we have to be prepared to walk through them. Writing the vision puts us in a place to recognize the opportunities when they come. It also helps to prepare us to take advantage of them. When we write the vision, we are expecting those doors and windows to open. We’re looking for them. 

If you haven’t done so, I challenge you to take some time and seek the Lord for His vision for your life or whatever aspect of your life you need to move in (Prov 3:5-6). I know I’m headed into an awesome adventure from pursuing the vision God has given me. I hope you have the courage to do the same. Write the vision so it’s plain to you and anyone else who needs to walk along side of you. 

Remember, even if it’s scary - we do it scared. God has us and He won’t let us go!


  1. Since you and I are “aligners” rather than “visionaries” or “executioners,” it will help to see if our visions for our jobs are aligned with His will for our lives. As an authentic leader, I tend to merge my personal and professional lives (unlike Toby Jr.) to be true to myself and more resilient. Keep the blog entries flowing, sister in the Lord. Good stuff! -Enoch

    1. So right! Like you, what you see is pretty much what you get no matter the arena. I see His hand in all parts of my life and strive to honor Him in all I do. I mess up sometimes but always go back to Him for guidance and next steps..


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