Saturday, July 22, 2023

Are You Free?

Over the past couple of days, I virtually engaged with Godly women at the Desperate for Jesus Women's Conference in Dallas, Texas. It was amazing. It was eye opening. It hurt. I cried. I laughed. I cringed. The ministers and minstrels did not come to make anyone comfortable, but came with the Word and the Truth to transform the women so they would not go home the way they arrived. The whole conference was about territory and it was based on Deuteronomy 1:8 – “See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the land…” 

The women who ministered did not hold back or just provide flowery feel-good words. They brought the Word with power and authority given of the Holy Spirit.  The Word cut and convicted and, I hope and pray, healed. It’s amazing how much brokenness is in the world. And it’s amazing how much of it we bring upon ourselves, by not trusting that God is the one who knows best for us. We say we do, but as one of the ministers pointed out, we hold on to things “just in case” God doesn’t do what He said. Thank you, Dr. Sarita Lyons, for making it clear. What are you holding on to “just in case?” Are you trusting money, or your education, or someone God didn’t bring, or something else more than God? When you think about it like that, how insulting is it to God who is the creator of everything? He owns everything? Without Him, nothing moves or breathes or has being. Who am we to even consider that we know better? 

As I listened to each one of these women speak about letting go of fear and whatever is holding us back, and taking the hand of Jesus trusting Him to be our Savior. Trusting God to finish the work He is doing in and through us (Phil 1:6). I realized the common denominator in our failing to complete any task God gives us, is us. Don’t get me wrong. The devil is busy. He is on the warpath to keep us from completing the purpose of God (John 10:10). He is doing everything he can to keep God from getting the Glory He so rightly deserves. But, we let him. We let him distract us, and torture us with things that were never ours to hold.  Scripture tells us to lay down every weight and sin that so easily besets us (Heb 12:1). But do we, sometimes maybe, but not if it’s something we really like. If we really like it, we might pick it back up by staying a little too close to it.

The Word of God points us in the direction we are to follow (Psa 37:23-24). When we disobey, we are basically allowing our pride to drive us to rebellion. As James states, to know what is right and not to do it is sin to us (Jam 4:17). When God tells us to do something, not doing it is sin. When we choose to do something contrary to what God chose for us, we are stepping into the place of God in our own lives and we are sinning. And there will be consequences. It’s time to repent and step into whatever God has called us to do. We need to ask for His help to tear down anything keeping us from fulfilling His purpose for our lives (2 Cor 10:4). We need to get into the Word and keep our thoughts and eyes on Jesus. 

Until we surrender to Him, we will remain bound by all the things that keep us from Him. In Him is liberty and peace (2 Cor 3:17; Psa 29:11)). So, I ask the question – are you free? Seek the truth and do it. For the truth will make you free (John 8:32). 

Lord, I pray for anyone reading this right now, that you would release them from anything that is binding them. Lord, let them seek you and the power of the Holy Spirit to heal brokenness and to give them peace. Let them step boldly into what you have called them to and empower them to stay focused on you, our first love. Let us be obedient to your Word and your Ways. Let our lives glorify you in all we do. In Jesus Name, Amen!

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