Sunday, July 9, 2023

How do We Deal with Fear and Failure?

We all know fear. It’s that emotion that got us when we were little and the lights went out or the one that made us jump when that first crack of thunder broke. The dictionary defines fear as an unpleasant emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; anxious concern; reason for alarm; to be afraid or apprehensive. I’ve experienced all of these. I’ve also allowed this emotion to prevent me from taking advantage of an opportunity or trying something new because I was afraid to fail. Failure is defined as a lack of success or falling short. In instances where that fear didn’t paralyze me, it drove me to give my best and keep going. 

Earlier today, I was listening to a video with Lisa Nichols, Motivational Speaker, about failing forward. What?!? What a concept! Acknowledging that none of us are perfect and we’re going to fail at things. The question is what do you learn from it. Does it stifle you or do you learn what doesn’t work for the next time. Do you get through the struggle and find another way to do the thing? Do you take time to evaluate the lessons you picked up along the way so you don’t repeat them? The discussion really gave me some perspective and a desire to never quit (Prov 24:16). More than anything, it made me question what I’d missed out on by allowing my fear of failure to keep me from trying something things. 

What about you? What are you afraid of? What is it keeping you from? A couple of questions to help get past the fear include – What’s the worst thing that will happen? What am I missing out on? What’s on the other side of my fear? What happens if I stay still? What opportunities will I miss? What am I teaching my children or my family? 

Fear serves a purpose. It’s gives us a warning that danger may exist. We shouldn’t just ignore it, we should take action to mitigate it. But we also shouldn’t allow it to keep us from moving forward (2 Tim 2:7). We should be strong and courageous (Josh 1:9). Remember, courage isn’t the absence of fear. It’s going forward despite the fear. Whatever it is that scares us should never have the power to prevent us from taking on new challenges and trying new things or moving in a direction God is sending us. 

The real question is whether our fear is more important than being obedient and following the leading of God. It is not! How will you deal with fear and the possibility of failure? Will you be still? Or will you go forward? Only one of these choices leads to success and it’s not being still (Phil 4:13). Get moving! 

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