The word Christian is tossed around by folks who occasionally go to church or who know who God is. It’s a word those enslavers used and then used the bible to justify their actions. It’s a word those in politics use even as they would cut the protections or support for those without. It’s the word people use to disassociate themselves from other religions in the world. But what does the term actually mean? The definition is a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Christianity. So, can one believe in Christianity and not have a relationship with Christ? Sure. How many people recognize there is a God? Lots. Of them, many just acknowledge Him, but don’t follow Him or have relationship with Him? Are they better off than those who don’t believe there is a God? For the purposes of this conversation, they are the same.
Anyone who has not confessed Jesus as Lord, repented of their sins and accepted the gift of salvation (Romans 10:9-10), acknowledging that the only way to the Father is through the Son, is in the same boat – whether they believe there is a God or not (John 14:6). They are still unsaved and if that doesn’t change, will find themselves in a very real Hell upon their physical death. It’s a sad and tragic reality. All this leads to the main topic – living a Christ-Centered life.
In all our doing, our main responsibility is to be in relationship with God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) – loving Him first and then loving our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). If we love God first and foremost with everything in us, living Christ-Centered with be our focus. Every thing we do will be to grow closer to Him and to bring God glory – not as an add on, but engrained into every aspect of our lives. We’ll acknowledge that God is our source in everything and give Him thanks for the blessings we have (Rom 11:36). We will find Him even in our biggest challenges (e.g., sickness, financial problems, job loss, deaths, etc.) where we can glorify Him in the way we face our trails. And if we love others as ourselves, we’ll build relationships that will build us up instead of tear us down (1 Thes 5:11). We’ll have someone to share our burdens and not have to carry them alone (Gal 6:2). We were never meant to walk this life alone – God made Eve as a comparable helper for Adam (Gen 2) and Jesus walked and mentored the disciples during His three-year ministry (Mark 3:13-19).
A Christ-Centered life looks like seeing and talking about the Lord in all things. When we’re blessed in some way – how was His hand in it? When things turn out in a way we don’t necessarily like or we’re hurt – how does God show up? Our attitude? Our behavior? What lesson do we learn? How do we incorporate the Lord into our actions? Are we the same when no one else is watching? Christ is always watching. Remember if we have truly accepted Jesus, the Holy Spirit is on the inside of us and we take Him where we go. He has a front row seat to us “borrowing” the pens from work or wasting our time or eating that extra piece of cake we said we wouldn’t.
Leading a Christ-Centered life is one where we spend time with the Lord – in prayer and reading our bible. You will be transformed as your mind is renewed (Rom 12:2). It’s one where we listen for His guidance and instruction instead of going with our gut. It’s where we do what we say we’ll do. It’s one where we recognize He is everything to us. It’s one where we recognize, we can do nothing worthwhile without Him. It’s one where we recognize, we are lost without Him. It’s one where we tell the good news and model what a real relationship with Him looks like.
Do you want a Christ-Centered life? First, accept Jesus as Savior. Then, make Him the priority. Spend time with Him. Incorporate Him fully into every aspect of your life and your everyday. Build relationships within the body of Christ – once we’re saved, we are all part of His body. And watch the changes in your life. There will still be people and things that let you down and there will still be hard times, but He will be with you through them. You’ll never be alone (Matt 28:20).
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