Our Father is a provider. When we come to end of ourselves and lean on Him, we realize He provides what we need when we need it. God never leaves us to our own devices when we seek Him. We may not hear or see Him, but we can stand on the promise that He is working all things out for our good (Rom 8:28).
As I think you know, I recently moved to the Midwest with no ties to the area. I don’t have any family in the area nor did I know any significant number of people before moving. I felt I was being led to the area and in a desire to be obedient, much like Abraham, I moved to a place that I did not know to fulfill a plan I was unfamiliar with (Gen 12). I am just taking steps as they come to me. I have no real sense of what the future holds, so I just take one small step in front of the other.
In this move, God has provided for me from the very beginning. First, friends to help me pack...and unpack. Then, help with finding and paying for housing. Help with both selling and purchasing a new house. I can see God’s hand in way too many other things to count. He has been here for it all. He has opened doors no one else could open. God continues to provide for all my needs.
God’s limitless grace and mercy blows my mind. Even when I’m off the rails, God keeps me. Yes, he will chasten me if warranted (Heb 12:6-7), but He also affords me His mercy. The fact that He continues to love, protect and provide for us speaks to His character as Father. His word says, He will “supply all our need according to His riches in glory (Phil 4:19-20).” Since He doesn’t lie (Num 23:19), I can stand on His word, whether I am well off or living paycheck to paycheck. He will always do what He has said.
What is He saying to you? What are you standing on? Unlike us, God is faithful to complete whatever He starts (Phil 1:6).
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