It’s been a while and I’m not completely sure what has been the hold-up for me in writing this blog. I don’t want to say I’ve been rebellious, because that’s not what I’ve felt. I think I began to feel like it was me writing the blog and not me being a vessel for God to write through. Maybe I just needed a break. Either way, today I felt like the Lord had something to share through me, so here I am sitting at my computer sharing with you what he is sharing with me.
Today I went to church and was blessed by the message. The main theme was that change is hard, but we can change with Jesus. How true that is! I know I’ve attempted to make changes in my life and when it gets hard to continue, I’ve often times reverted back to old behavior in multiple areas of my life - Exercise! Eating! Sleep! Reading my bible! Writing! There are others that I just won’t name here, but you get the idea.
The minister today said something that stuck with me – “change is a one-time decision with a daily commitment.” Wow! I sat with that and it’s still working on me. How many things have I given up on because I thought it was too hard? I realized today that it wasn’t too hard. I didn’t give it my all. I didn’t continue when I didn’t see the results I wanted. I stopped. And I wonder how much further along I’d be if I had stayed firm with the really good eating habits of years ago. Or if I’d kept writing that novel I started over a decade ago. Do you have things in your life like that? I don’t know if I’d call them regrets, but I definitely wonder if I somehow took the easy road and would be healthier, more mature, or developed had I stayed consistent.
I feel our relationship with the LORD is similar – if we consistently flex our faith muscle, how much deeper would we be with Him? How much stronger would our relationship be? One thing is sure – the more we invest in a relationship, the stronger it will be. And the more we trust the LORD and what He calls us to, the more He will give us to do. The minister said today that God calls ordinary people to His extraordinary purpose. I’m a witness of that. In fact, my whole life reflects that.
But I wonder about those things where I have not been consistent. Would the LORD have trusted me with more, had I done the work? I don’t expect I will know the answer to that until I stand before Him and have to give an account of my life. I know I can’t change the past, but with Jesus’s help, I can change the future. I can do what I haven’t done before and see how He takes my actions and turns them into results. Faith without works is dead (Jam 2:14).
The LORD is the God of the impossible, so I need to have confidence that if He can do the impossible, He can do that with me. Scripture says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” (Phil 4:13) even the hard things or maybe especially the hard things. That means I don’t have to try – I can do. May be hard, may take a while to learn, and may require me to get a little bit better every day, but I CAN do. As Yoda says, “Do or do not, there is no try.”
Having a firm belief that we can do all things, takes the limits off. No more, I can’t do that because... Yes, we have some limitations to our skills and talents, but many of them not born to us naturally can be learned. Yes, it takes work, but if God calls you to something, don’t question why you. He made us – He knows us better than we know ourselves. He also knows where He wants us. He gives us the power to do what pleases Him (Phil 2:13). Take the next step as He directs even if it’s scary. He will never lead us to anything that is not for our good (Rom 8:28). We may not always like all the aspects of a thing, but God knows better than we do. Trust Him to do the impossible in and through you.
As we end 2024 and begin 2025, let go of fear and step into all God has for you. Jesus came that we could have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Don’t squander it - live it to the fullest. All the best for a 2025 that blows your expectations away.