Sunday, December 27, 2020

New Beginnings and Opportunities

I hope you had a great Christmas!  Mine was a bit quiet but still beautiful.  As I reflected on the gift of Jesus whom God gave over 2000 years ago, I thought about the gifts I continue to get and early Christmas morning, I sat and thanked God for them.  I also thought about the time I’ve squandered in 2020.  Since the pandemic started, I’ve had to stop myself from complaining about the harsh reality of not being able to do the things I want and like doing.  I realized that while I’ve made some good decisions and used some of my time wisely, I haven’t done that consistently in all areas.  

I’ve been working more hours than I should.  I’ve been spending more on stuff than I should – although much has been for other people.  I should have cleaned out so many things in my house and didn’t.  While I’ve been spending more time with the Lord, it still hasn’t really been enough.  There are so many things I could have done better this year.  I’m not beating myself up, I’m just being real about my human frailties.  I have many, but I thank God for loving me anyway.  

I say all this because we’re only a few days from 2021 and we usually say it’s an opportunity to start again.  For those who make resolutions, it’s an opportunity to redefine some goals for the year.  I’m not making any resolutions, because they don’t work for me.  I am, however, setting some goals with milestones.  There are many things I want to accomplish over the next few years and I’m going to put them down on paper so I can reflect on how far I go in reaching them.  While I’m putting those items down, I’m also going to seek God’s guidance on them, so I can make sure they line up with His purpose as well.  

This fall during my small group, we studied the book of Joshua and Judges and throughout these books, it’s evident that the Israelites back then were just like us now.  God continues to take care of us and provide for us and we want to do what we want to do, until we get in trouble and then we call on Him to get us out of it.  Once He does, we start the cycle back over again, except sometimes we get so far into a mess that we get comfortable.  I’m striving in the future to not just do what I want to do, but to listen to God’s leading and pray that He will take away any desires that are not according to His Will and His Word.  I know that will require me to stay closer to Him, because the devil is real and he is always seeking to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).  The devil will use any means to distract us from serving God and doing His Will.  That’s the devil’s job and he’s good at it.  The only way to counter him is with the Power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, which means we need to have them and be armed to use them.   We fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers (Eph 6:12).  

2020 was a hard year, and we have no guarantees that 2021 will be better.  We hope and pray it will, but we have to be prepared that it might not.  We have to go into 2021 expecting God to show up and continue to bless and keep us.  While there have been some significant losses for many in 2020, God is still God and He is still Good!  He does not change, no matter how we think or act – He is still the same (Ps 102:27, Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8).  So let’s take a look at where we are and purpose in our hearts to be more like Christ in 2021.  Remember life is a journey….we are all growing and changing every day, but let’s make sure the growth and change will result in God being glorified as opposed to Him being angered.  Let’s purpose in our hearts to be more of a reflection of Him in a world that definitely needs more love and peace and joy.  In 2021, let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus seeking His guidance and wisdom and everything we need will be provided (Matt 6:33).  

I hope and pray that you have a prosperous (in all aspects of your life) and Happy New Year.  May you be blessed beyond measure in ways you cannot even begin to imagine.  

Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Real Reason for the Season

Just five days until Christmas!  Can you believe it?  It feels like we were just here a minute ago.  This year has been so different that time has run together and I found myself behind the 8-ball.  I just got some Christmas cards in the mail and still have several to get out there – of course, I’ve been planning to get them out since Thanksgiving and it just didn’t work.  So, I get how this year feels different.  I’ve even heard some mention cancelling Christmas.  For that, I call a resounding, “NO.”

The real meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-20).  That’s it.  Yes, we give gifts and yes, families get together during this time and while some of those traditions may be different or changed this year, Jesus was still born as a gift from God to the entire world (Titus 3:4-7).  That doesn’t change no matter how our circumstances change.  Given that and everything going on in the world, this is an even more important time to remember God’s gift and to celebrate Jesus’ birth.  

I don’t know about you, but when I look at the world today and my own life, I see an even greater need to share and celebrate the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus on a wide scale.  The one great thing about Jesus coming is that now we can go to the Father for ourselves……we don’t need a priest to go before God for us.  We can reach out to God in prayer through Jesus for ourselves.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s wonderful to have people in relationship with God praying for us and with us, but we don’t have to wait for them.  

During this time, I challenge you to emphasize with those around you the real reason for the season and share the Good News of Jesus.  Jesus is the author of our peace and it’s clear with all the unrest in the world, He is what we all need (Isaiah 9:6).  

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and pray God’s blessings over you and your families.  May you be blessed beyond measure with love, laughter, peace and joy that will blow your mind and that of those around you!  And, may your life be a reflection of your relationship with Jesus – you may be the only reflection of Jesus some people see!

Remember, be wise this holiday season and protect those around you as much as possible.  Listen to the experts and take precautions to do your part – wash your hands, wear a face covering and maintain social distancing.  Quarantine if you believe you’ve been exposed.  Our loved ones are too important to risk them for our own pleasure.  Take care and stay safe.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

It’s the Season of Giving

My birthday was last week and it was great.  I got away and it was a wonderful change of scenery.  I needed it, way more than I was ready to admit.  Just being away from my own home and in a different environment allowed me to breathe and to distance myself from all the stuff that has piled up over the last nine months.  I was able to take a much needed break.  A couple of friends (including my niece) spent socially distanced time with me and it was great to disconnect.  When I got home, a couple of friends threw me a socially distanced birthday party – it was just the three of us and we wore our face covering (except when eating) and maintained social distance.  

Even though my birthday wasn’t how I originally imagined it early in the year, it was great because both sets of friends went out of their way to show me how much I meant to them.  One of them, who never cooks, cooked for me….and it was good.  The other wrote me my own birthday song – too cute – by the way, she should be recording….but I digress.  My point is this experience brought home an important point.  It is so important to let others know how much they mean to you and to give to others.  And I’m not talking about always giving money or things to other people – but time and attention and caring and support. 

The Bible teaches us to Love God first and to love our neighbor (brother) as ourselves.  I don’t know about you, but this time of isolation has made me long for the presence of other people.  I been around very few people since this whole thing started and I’ve realized that just because I can’t physically be around a lot of my family and friends, it doesn’t prevent me from being there for them.  With so many people in need this year (for comfort, for companionship, for a friend, etc.), it really is an opportunity to show Christ’s love.  Who do you know who could use a card or a call?  What’s your hold up?  Yes, some of them need monetary or practical items, and if you’re in a position to help them, you should.  I’m not saying let people take advantage of you or manipulate you, but you should seek guidance and wisdom from God to show you to whom you should give.  God loves a cheerful giver.  

For me, giving is a way of life. That doesn’t mean I give to any and every one; or for any and everything.  I usually seek God’s guidance before I give.  As always, when I don’t, I normally make a mistake. I love to see people’s faces light up when I’ve picked the exact right gift for them.  For some, it the pleasure of knowing that someone is thinking about them.  For some, it’s meeting a need.  For others, it’s just the fact that I cared enough to be thoughtful in the gift giving.  I believe it's as fulfilling for me to see someone get something that moves them as it is for the person receiving the gift.  I don't always get the gift right, but it always comes from a place of loving my neighbor as myself.  

Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as selfish as the next person with certain things, particularly with my time, but I’m getting better.  My biggest obstacle is giving God enough of me.  Sometimes, I get so caught up in the doing, that I don’t sit and rest with Him.  I don’t know about you, but I get distracted by all the things going on and I can easily get off track.  I’m quick to pray, but I don’t always meditate on the Word, so I can hear back from Him.  I’m working on that.  

The Word says it’s better to give than to receive (Luke 6:38; Hebrews 13:16).  The bottom line is the principle if you give you will receive.  God keeps His promises and it's a principle He created.  I don’t give with the motive to receive, but I give without hesitation when I know I’m hearing from God because nothing I have belongs to me anyway.  I’m just a steward of the resources God provides.  He owns it all.  So, when I get over the fact that none of the money or stuff or time or even myself belongs to me, it’s much easier to give to others and to give back to God.  He promised that if I accepted Him and obey Him, He will never leave me, so I don’t have any worries for my day to day sustenance.  

God has provided for me for 50 years and I’m hoping He’ll give me another 50 where He can use me to do exceedingly more than was done the first 50.  Trust God and give as he directs you.  Be a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7).  I challenge you to look at your life and consider whether you are stingy or a reluctant giver.  If so, then look at what you receive.  The Bible indicates that with the same measure you give, it will be given to you.  If you aren’t receiving, you may want to consider what you’re giving.  

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Our Plans are Not God’s Plans

So, tomorrow is my birthday and while I’m so grateful to see another one, this is not how I planned my 50th year to go.  Some very generous friends offered me their vacation home so I could get away and celebrate, and I’m so thankful, but I was planning to be thousands of miles away instead of a two hour drive from my house. 

Ten years ago, I went to Hawaii and I loved it so much, I made a pact with myself to go every five years.  So this would be the ten-year anniversary of my first trip to one of the most beautiful places on earth.  Needless to say, COVID19 really put a damper on my plans.  And yet, I know God is in control. I know He is always working things out for my good.  So, while this is not what I wanted, it is all part of His plan for me.  Maybe a lesson I’m to learn.  Maybe a reminder that I’m not in control and have to depend on Him for everything.  Maybe this is so I appreciate my experiences more.  I definitely will in the future. 

I know this example may not be your reality.  So many people have lost jobs.  Many haven’t seen family in months.  Many people are really hurting.  Do you have something in your life that isn’t going as planned?  You did all the pre-work and all the planning and it just didn’t happen.  Don’t let that get you down.  Learn to pivot and count it all joy, even when it doesn’t look like what you expected.  

The answer is to do those things you can control… where you can, utilize all the resources available, think outside the box and do the research, take the time to learn new skills, get started on that business idea, use your technology in new ways, etc…..and through it all lean and depend on God.  He has all the answers to all the questions we could ever ask.  You never know what God is planning for your future or what He has in store.  Remember, He has plans to prosper you and give you a hope and a future, even when you’ve in a moment of crisis or you’re been through a challenging time. 

Life is about the journey.  If our life is eternal (no matter where we end up), we’ll continue growing and learning about who God is and His purpose for us.  We’ll never know all that He knows.  But, know that He has plans for us, but He requires us to do the work.  We have to live by Faith – that He is God; that He loves us; that we can trust Him; that His word is true; that He will never leave or forsake us; that we are His; that no weapon formed against us will prosper; etc.  Knowing these things at our core allows us to more forward even when things work out differently than we planned.  God will do exactly what He said.  His ways are not our ways.  He is faithful to complete what He started.  

By the way, Happy Birthday to my Dad!  I’m so thankful God blessed me with Him. 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Don’t Let Feelings Fool You?

So this Thanksgiving was definitely different – not bad, just different.  For many of us, we took extra precautions and limited the number of people we spent time with this Thanksgiving.  While it wasn't what we planned at the beginning of the year, I hope you had a wonderful holiday and were able to share it with family and friends – physically, virtually or both.  

So, I was talking to a really good friend of mine and she said, “It didn’t feel like the holidays.”  That caught me for a moment and I realized, our feelings really don’t come into it.  What I mean is – our feelings will fool us.  Even though it may not feel like the holidays, it is absolutely the end of November and Christmas is right around the corner.  This issue of our feelings is one we see in every aspect of our lives.  

We don’t do all sorts of things that are good for us because we don’t feel like it.  We don’t cook, because we don’t feel like it.  We don’t go for that walk, because we’re feeling tired.  We don’t read our bibles, because we’re feeling lazy.  Every time we allow our feelings to dictate what we do, we’re subject to go wrong.  All the things I mentioned above only cause us to suffer by not doing them.  Even when we don't feel like them, they are good for us.  When we lead by feelings, we are not being led by the spirit or the Word.  How many times have your feelings been contradictory to what you know is right?  How many times have your feelings led you down a path that resulted in pain and heartache?  

Our feelings are natural.  There is nothing wrong with them.  God made us this way.  But that is why He gives us the Word – to check them.  No matter how we feel about someone or something, we need to make sure we’re reacting appropriately based on the Word.  For example, if someone offends you, it may make you angry.  The way to respond is not attempting to get revenge – remember God fights for you.  It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get angry.  You shouldn’t sin.  

When you’re feelings are involved, I challenge you to take a step back and ask the Lord how to respond or what actions to take.  He will always answer an earnest plea.  Spend time reading your bible, the answer is in there and it will never lead you astray.  God gives us His Word because all that we’re facing is in there – it may look differently, but the lessons still apply today.  God is still the same God.  Get out of your feelings and spend time with the Lord and in God's Word.  It will lead to more peace and less stress in your life.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

So Much to Be Thankful For

This year has been hard!  It has felt so much harder than years past with everything going on in the world – COVID19, weather events, social unrest, the contentious election, etc.  I could go on and on detailing all the ways, this year has been different and difficult in many ways.  Of course, we’ve been somewhat restricted from spending time with loved ones and travel for pleasure has been reduced for many of us.  I know I’ve had to cancel some trips and that’s been disheartening.  Many of us have lost loved ones or had loved ones diagnosed with serious illnesses this year.  Some have lost jobs and been concerned about how to make ends meet.  I know it feels way more pronounced this year than in any other year of my life.  

However, with all that, there is still so much to be thankful for.  We’re still here and in spite of what it may feel like, God is still here with us.  If you take a few minutes to just contemplate all God has done for you this year, you may be surprised.  We so often get caught up thinking about how the glass is half empty, we ignore that’s it’s also half full.  

As I look around my house, I realize that God has blessed me with so much more than I need.  I’ve not gone hungry one time because I didn’t have food to eat.  I haven’t missed a mortgage payment or any other payment this year.  God has kept me in relative good health (I’m a little bit overweight and I need to sleep more).  Even though we haven’t been physically together, I’ve been surrounded by good friends – dropping by (from a distance) or sending me reminders that I’m important to them (and reminding me that I’m important to God and not alone).  He wakes me up each morning and I continue to know who I am and whose I am – that is a true blessing.  These are just a few things that he reminded me of in the last five minutes.  I know my list could go on and on and on because if we really think about it, He’s done so much more for us that we could ever do for ourselves.  

He deserves more than our gratitude and our thanks for loving us enough to send Jesus.  All the other things He gives us for our pleasure?  How could we ever thank Him enough?  As we celebrate Thanksgiving differently this year, don’t allow sadness and regret to take hold.  Let’s take this Thanksgiving to be reminded of all the things we’ve taken for granted over the years and Thank God that we were able to experience them.  Pull out some photo albums and be reminded of all the good times you’ve had – encourage yourself in the Lord.  

Thank Him for all He’s done, all He’s doing and all that will be manifested in the future.  Remember we live by Faith and not by sight.  God is working all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).  Make sure you’re thanking Him for it, even before you see it.

I hope and pray that your Thanksgiving will be blessed beyond measure and will exceed your expectations.  Take care and stay safe.    

Sunday, November 15, 2020

We Are Responsible For Our Choices

Ever had someone say ‘he made me do it’? Or, ‘I only did that because she…..’ Some of us make a habit of placing blame for our actions or lack thereof on other people.  It’s never our fault that something happened.  The car didn’t get repossessed because we didn’t pay the bill; it was the dealership’s fault for not giving us more time.  It wasn’t our fault we didn’t get the job when we weren’t prepared for the interview; the supervisor should have been more lenient and given us that job because we’d been there so long.   It’s not our fault we didn’t have the money to replace that tire on our car, even though we just bought a new cell phone.  Each of these situations could be avoided by making better choices on the front end.  

We have to get into the habit of self-reflection so we identify the areas of our lives that need work.  Sometimes people do have it in for us, but many times we sabotage ourselves and then expect God to fix it.  Instead of us, changing the way we operate and following God’s Word, we want a miraculous intervention.  God will miraculously intervene on occasion when we are following His Word completely or when He is making a point.  He is, after all God, He can do what He wants to do, but He will not contradict His own nature.  He is not a man who will lie (Numbers 23:19).

None of us are perfect and there are always areas where we can improve.  For me, I know an area is my health, related to exercise and eating properly.  I fully recognize that I don’t always eat right and exercise the way I should.  So, I can’t blame my lack of doing those things on the fact that I work long hours.  I mean, I could, but it wouldn’t be honest.  I could get out of bed and exercise in the morning, if I chose to do so.  I could set aside time to cook so I’m eating a healthy well-balanced meal each day, but it would take work.  It’s way more convenient to order a meal or grab something already prepared.  It’s just not necessarily healthy to do so. 

The fact is that I like chocolate and desserts, to my detriment sometimes; and I don’t like to exercise.  Both of these facts helped lead to my current reality….a bit overweight.  With that said, I also have the ability to change the narrative.  My choices are my own.  God gave us free will and I have the ability to make some wise choices or not.  I am responsible for them – each one.  That means I’m also responsible for the consequences of those choices.  I don’t get to choose the consequences, but they lay at my feet.  

I’m not taking God out of this by any means.  While I’m responsible for my choices, I clearly need Him to help me execute when my choices line up with His Word.  If I didn’t need His help, I would take care of everything myself.  Since we know we can’t do that, we have to lean on Him for guidance and wisdom.  If we choose not to ask Him or seek Him, we will make the choices on our own and we are not good decision makers absent the Lord.  

As you look at your life and areas needing change, own the mistakes you made that contributed to the results you’re getting.  Once you do that, you can seek God’s grace and mercy and His wisdom to provide a solution out of it.  I’m not saying the solution will be easy.  It may be hard and painful, but you’ll be better off in the long run following His guidance than any other.  Remember, we are responsible for our choices and actions, but if we seek God first, He’ll direct our path and if we seek Him in the midst, He will provide us a way to freedom.  

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Keep Your Word Even When it Hurts

Years ago, I wrote an entry entitled Seek God First.  In it, I explained why it’s so important to seek God in life changing decisions.  What I didn’t realize at the time was that every decision we make can be life changing.  This is one reason the bible speaks to praying without ceasing.  We need to be constantly focused on God and His will, so we won’t step off course.  When we’re not, we can get easily distracted and make decisions which feel like small ones that will have greater impact on our lives than we can imagine.  

Have you ever been duped by a person who said they were your friend and you had to pay a great cost?  I have.  A long time ago, a “friend” of mine came to me with an issue.  She couldn’t get a cell phone on her own.  I didn’t ask why and I didn’t seek God’s guidance on it.  She promised me she would pay the bill and keep everything current, if only I’d help her get that phone.  She had a small child at home and I didn’t see a reason not to help her out.   

Well, as you’ve probably figured out, she didn’t do what she said.  Several months passed with her knowing she wasn’t making even one payment and when I was finally notified, the bill due was a significant amount.  When confronted about it, she couldn’t quite understand why I was so upset.  You see, she was used to not paying for things she agreed to which was why she couldn’t get a phone in the first place.  I, on the other hand, always pay my debts.  If she’d told me, she was unable to pay the bill, for sure I would have turned off the phone, but I would have paid it.  

As a result of my not seeking God in the first place, our relationship ended (I forgave her, but couldn't trust her) and I was out of a significant amount of money at the time.  Now could our relationship have ended, if I’d said “No” about the phone?  Sure, but I wasn’t responsible for her situation.  It wasn’t my responsibility to get her out of it.  I likely interfered with God teaching her a lesson.  That was a bought lesson that I will never repeat.  But now, I think back on it and I realize God taught me some important lessons during that experience.  Seek Him in everything!  Sometimes it may appear that His answers don’t make sense, but remember He knows what you don’t.  He already knows the answer before any question is asked.  He knows what he’s protecting us from.  

He gives us free will and we can use it to make pledges or enter contracts which are bad for us.  When we do, we are stuck with them even if they are foolish.  The Word says, it’s better not to make a vow, than to break one (Ecclesiastes 5:2-6).  Breaking a vow is sin.  In my case, by getting her that phone, I made a vow to pay that bill to the cell company.  My name and word were on the line.  So even though, it costed me heavily at the time, I made it right.  God honored my integrity and gave the money back to me and more.  However, it all could have been avoided had I sought God first.    

Now, I’ve heard from some people, just don’t pay back a debt.  If you agree to do anything, do it (Deuteronomy 23:21-23).  We have to have integrity even when it will hurt us.  God is a God of truth.  If we are His representatives in the world, we have to be people of truth.  If you give your word to do something, and don’t fulfill your word, it is sin.  You’ll pay for the sin and likely more than you would have by keeping your word in the first place.  So think before you speak.  Seek God’s Guidance.  Keep your word and your promises.  God honors that.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Get Out of Your Own Way

So, this week, I realized I’m a workaholic.  I know, right?!?  The realization has been a while coming.  I knew that I was one of those people who worked hard, wanted to please, was determined to get the job done, etc.  What I hadn’t admitted to myself was that I’m a full on workaholic.  It was hard to admit and I understand better it is part of the reason I don’t get as many things at home done.  I’m always so busy trying to get my job done, I’m mentally exhausted when it comes to dealing with my personal stuff.  That is not good. 

Yes, I could say, it’s because I’m representing women in high level management positions and I want to make sure we are well respected.  I could say I want to represent minorities in a way that counters the stereotype that we don’t work hard.  I could say I don’t want people waiting on me when things need to get done.  I could even say my input is important to meeting the mission and setting expectations for those who work alongside and for me.  All of those things are true. But the more I think about it, getting the work done is an area I can control.  In a world where it is obvious we have so little control, I can put my stamp on the work I produce.  Yes, God gives me the ability to do the work and to gain success, but I have to commit to the effort.  And clearly sometimes, I commit in an unhealthy way.  

I don’t know about you, but skipping lunch or working exceptionally long hours isn’t good for me.  Yet, I do it.  And I know God isn’t pleased with that.  God wants us to have self-control and balance.  Jesus had them.  I want to be more and more like Him.   

I’ve heard admission of a problem is the first step to recovery.  So, I’m admitting mine.  Now that I’m more conscious of this problem, I’m praying about it and asking God to help me manage my time and myself better.  He said to cast my cares of Him, because He cares for me (1 Peter 5:7). I just need to get out of my own way and trust Him to teach me how to move and when.  I have many more faults, but this is the one God is dealing with right now, as I continually pray that He will work out of me that which is not like Him.  He knows me better than I know myself and while I’m writing this, I know this will be a journey.

I challenge you to think about what you’re doing that is not healthy in your life and be real with yourself.  It’s okay to not like some of the things you find.  Don’t allow yourself to get down because of them.  We are flawed and have frailties.  That doesn’t make God love us any less.  He sees beauty in our brokenness and imperfections.  It’s a matter of turning to Him and allowing Him to heal the broken pieces.  Remember, God’s power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-11).  We must turn to Him for our worth and not worry about what others think.  As long as we are honoring and obeying Him, we’re doing our part.  Get out of your own way and see yourself as God sees you….through the blood of Jesus if you’re saved.  If you’re not saved, now is the perfect opportunity to ask Jesus into your heart and to be your savior.   He won’t disappoint.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

God is So Good!

This year has been a hard one, but one thing remains true – GOD IS GOOD!  Every day, God is good to us.  Do you ever stop and think about what God has done for you just recently?  This morning I sat for a few minutes and thought about so many things God has done for me just this morning.  He woke me up this morning - I knew who and where I was.  I wasn’t sick, which is a big deal with everything going on in the world.  I was able to get up without assistance and I had soap and clean, hot water to bath. I had more than enough clothes to choose from – probably some I need to gift to someone else.  I didn’t have to look very far for something to eat – my refrigerator is overfilled and needs a good cleaning out.  Then I had my choice of devices to use as my bible for my small group class.  

Needless to say, God has given me more than enough.  These are just a few things that I thought of from just this morning in a very short time.  There are so many more.  But with only these few things, I realized that if I really focused on who God is and what God has done, I wouldn’t be able to count it all and I wouldn't be discouraged when "bad things" happen.

Have you ever thought in the midst of a crisis, how good God is?  Or have you gotten distracted by it?  I know I have on occasion.  I’ve done exactly what people who don’t have a relationship with Jesus and don’t know God do…..get scared.  But why?  Jesus paid it all.  God has never left me on my own.  He’s always given me everything I need.  Whether it’s a friend or a beautiful day to lift my spirits or a sky painted my favorite colors.  He is always there with me and He always shows up when I need Him.  He reminds me that I don’t have to do anything alone.  If I do something on my own, that’s all me and none of Him.  God is Good to us even though we don’t deserve it and couldn’t do anything to deserve His grace and mercy.  

I challenge you to stop thinking about whatever challenges you face for 10 minutes and think of all the ways God has blessed you….in just the last day or so.  Keep those on your mind so you are reminded of who God is.  That will encourage you as you face the challenges.  If we seek Him, pray, trust and obey, God will fight our battles.  One thing is for sure, He’s already won the victory and if we’re His children, it means we have victory as well.  We aren’t always privy to what victory looks like, but if God said it, it will happen.  Remember, God is Good, all the time; and all the time, God is Good!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Be Strong and Courageous

Have you ever been responsible for something you thought you weren’t ready to handle?  A promotion? An assignment? A life-changing decision? A question from your child?  I don’t have children, but all the others apply.  I do a job every day that I know I’m not ready for on my own….some days are easy ones but most are challenging.  Whenever you lead people, the level of responsibility rises exponentially.  So most days, I ask God what is it He wants me to do for the day and I ask Him to be with me throughout the day so I don’t step off His path.  On those days I forget to ask, I know it.  That’s why in the book of Joshua, God directed him to meditate on His Word day and night so that Joshua would not stray and would do all that God had directed Him and His people.  God explained to Joshua it would make his way prosperous and he would have good success (Joshua 1:8).  

God promised Joshua He would be with him just as He had been with Moses.  He encouraged Joshua to Be Strong and Very Courageous.  God showed Himself strong and mighty to the Israelites as they crossed the Jordan River and when God gave them the Promised Land.    So, that says to me that if we spend time meditating on God’s Word and we are obedient to it, we, too, will be prosperous and have great success.  

What does success look like?  Whatever God chooses for us when we know and are obedient to His Word.  I can’t say what it looks like because God’s ways are so much higher than mine.  What I can say, is when I look at my life, I see God’s hand in it and it looks so different from what I imagined.  In response to my obedience, not perfection, God has given me so much more than I could ever have dreamed or imagined.  And, it has led me to dream bigger dreams.  I know He has more for me to do.  Look at this blog for instance.  Who would have thought at the beginning of the year I’d be writing again?  I hadn’t in years.  My point is when we’re obedient, God shows up.  He will be with us. 

So, what in your life has God called to that scares you?  Don’t allow the fear to face the challenge, to face people, of failure, etc. keep you from doing what God told you to do.  Be Strong and Very Courageous (Joshua 1:9).  Step out on faith that the very God, who parted the Red Sea, the Jordan River and woke you up this morning, will be with you through whatever assignment He has given you.  Be Strong and Very Courageous – push past the fear of rejection and difficulty of the challenge and do what God told you.  Be Strong and Very Courageous!  God will never leave or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)!  If God be for you, who or what can stand against you (Romans 8:31)?  Be Strong and Very Courageous!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Give Thanks

I’ve been thinking about all that’s happened this year and it’s so easy to be distracted by all the chaos and calamity.  The virus hit and we’ve been overwhelmed in ways I never imagined – more than 200,000 dead and millions infected over the course of the pandemic - and it still rages against us.  The country partially shut down in response to COVID19 and hasn’t completely recovered.  The stock market dropped significantly when it was clear the virus wasn’t going away or being contained. Racial tensions rose with the killing of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd and so many others.  Add to that the division of the country over the elections and voting, plus the increased hurricane (severe weather) activity.  It feels like too much to handle when you just think of all that. 

When we take a step back though, we have to take a breath and think about what’s really going on.  Remember, we live by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).  No matter what it looks like, God is still in control.  He can do anything (Luke 1:37).  Why would God allow this to happen, some ask?  Why wouldn’t He, I answer.  

We’ve expelled Him from every worldly place – no prayer in schools, separation of church and state, no mentioning His name at work, etc.  We don’t follow His Word or guidance, but we want Him to fix our problems.  How arrogant of us?  He is not a genie, where we can pull Him out when we want something and then put Him back on the shelf when we’re done or we’ve gotten what we want.  Why would our creator keep coming to our rescue when we are so disobedient to His Will and His Way?  Because He loves us.  Could you imagine what would happen if he didn’t?  I don’t even want to try.  

But this all brings me to the point today….how much we have to really be grateful for.  God continues to love us in spite of who we are and the disobedient things we do.  I mean, I know I don’t always do what’s right and God still loves me and keeps me.  What about you?  

Now is a time more than ever to remember that He is waiting for us to choose to serve Him.  Salvation is a choice not a feeling and if we want it we can have it – Believe and Confess (Roman 10:9-10).  It’s not about going to church, although we should.  It’s not about some title, it’s about a change of the heart (which is naturally wicked) and following Christ, living as He did – serving others.  

While I strive to do God’s Will each day, I know that I fall short each day – whether in thought or deed. But still, God wakes me each day and allows me in His presence when I surely don’t deserve it.  He provides food and shelter for me, even when I’m not the best steward of His resources.  He is mindful of the things that I care about and He moves when I ask Him according to His will.  

Even now in the middle of hurricane season, God has kept us safe and sound.  He protected or healed many of us from COVID19.  He is so especially good.  We have to remember that……even in the midst of chaos and nonsense, God deserves our gratitude. He is still GOD – the One and Only Wise GOD!  No matter what is going on or what we see, God is good to us.  The situation may not be, but God is still good.  Paul said it best in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Integrity! Do you have it?

So today, I led the class for our Middle School ministry and the subject was Integrity.  As we all know, Integrity is the quality of being honest and living by strong moral principles.  It is the foundation of a trusting relationship.  How many friends do you have who don’t have integrity?  If they don't, do you trust them?  

Integrity is also evidence that we know Jesus, because He is the Truth (John 14:6).  He is all about Integrity. So, as I was studying the lesson to prepare for the students, I had to reflect over my own life and where I've had areas of integrity that didn't measure up.  I remembered (and I’m sure some of you might as well) when I was a little girl and after I did something that would get me in trouble, the first thing I’d say was that I didn’t do it.  I mean who wants to get in trouble.  What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was sowing additional consequences for myself.  My mom knew who did it, so I just compounded the punishment for myself.  Not only did I have to pay the consequences for the actions, but also for the lie.  I didn’t understand it then.  I get it now.  We reap what we sow.  

We forget that integrity is a choice and it’s either who we are or who we aren’t.  It’s a matter of our character.  What do we do when no one else is looking?  Who are we trying to impress?  What trouble do we think a dishonest answer or a cheat will get us out of?  The fact remains that God knows us better than we know ourselves and He knows when we lie or cheat or steal, even if we think it’s harmless.  He’s watching all the time.  He knows exactly what we do.  

His expectation of us is that we will live a live that is honest and sincere.  He expects us to be real – what you see is what you get – all the time no matter what.  He expects us to do what’s right because it’s the right thing to do!  Can you imagine in today’s climate, if everyone was just real and not putting on a show for other people?  How much would being real and honest help people overcome fear and hatred?  How might honesty allow people to see the need for Jesus in their lives?  How might honesty show some that saying they are Christian, but not living a life representative of Christ is hypocrisy?  How might people be changed if they chose to do what is right because it is right to do?  How might it change the world?  

We might not be able to change the entire world, but we can change our little piece of it.  I gave the kids a challenge this week and I’m going to take it myself.  I challenge you to do the same.  Take a look at your life and evaluate where you have not been trustworthy or operating in integrity.  Choose to operate differently.  Integrity is a choice and if it is doing what’s right not matter what happens or who’s involved or what the consequences might be – it’s also about obedience.  Obedience to God is better than sacrifice (1 Sam 15:22).  Let’s take this opportunity to be the people God calls us to be – People of Integrity.  

Sunday, September 27, 2020

What Will Your Legacy Be?

Recently, a friend who writes a daily inspiration, wrote about how he hopes people see him.  And it made me think.  What do I want my legacy to be?  What have I done to make the world we live in a better place?  Who have I helped along the way?  Who have I spoken up for when they didn’t have a voice?  Have I done my part?  Have I been light in the world? 

Those of you who know me, know that I work with middle and high schoolers, as well as, college students through my church.  I have been blessed with a strong desire to see young people succeed and the Lord has given me some ideas and tools to help them along the way.   He’s also blessed me with an awesome team at church who works to make sure we provide support and resources to the students.  But that isn’t what I want to be remembered for.  

If I were gone today, what would I want people to say about me?  That I was generous?  That I loved people?  That I told the truth, even when it was hard?  That I would help people when I could? That I worked hard?  Sure, I’d want people to say all those things.  But, ultimately, I want people to know I love Jesus and I’m working hard to be more and more like him every day.  Don’t get me wrong….I miss every day, but I keep striving.  

The thing is, people talk about what they believe but then don’t live consistent to their words.  That’s just hypocritical and much of what is wrong with the world today.  The only thing we really have are our words and deeds…our integrity.   When it all shakes out, it doesn’t matter how much money we earned, but what we did with it.  It doesn’t matter how many degrees we obtained, but what we did with the knowledge.  I’m striving every day to live according to God’s Word and not just speak it (James 1:25).  James said it best, “Faith without works is dead (James 2:26).”  

What do you want your legacy to be?  What are you doing toward that end? 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

What are You Believing God to do in Your Life?

I remember when I bought the house I live in now.  It’s funny.  I didn’t have any inclination to really start looking, but I overheard some co-workers talking about how at the time it was easy to purchase a home.  I was living in an apartment and didn’t think I could afford a home on my own.  But when I overheard that conversation, I grabbed hold to home ownership.  I was God’s child and if other people could have a home, why couldn’t I?  That weekend, I started looking at houses, with no agent and no loan approved.  I was in a hurry because my lease would be up in just a few months and I didn’t want to renew, because by then I knew in my spirit that God had a house for me.  It wasn’t easy to find the house God had for me, but He was working on my behalf even before I knew to start looking.  

So, the day I found the house, I started early in the morning and a close friend accompanied me. I had already done my research and knew the monthly budget God had blessed me with and the house design I was looking for.  So, I had three new subdivisions to search because I was expecting to find what God had for me.  The first subdivision was a bust.  In the second, the house had been built, but it was under contract according to the sign in front and the resident agent.  However, I promised the agent that I would return as she was busy at the time.  The third subdivision could build the house, but it would be months before it was complete.  At first, I was discouraged because I was on a timeline.  I mean, I wanted to be out of that apartment before I had to sign a new lease.  Then, I remembered that God keeps His promises and that if you ask according to His Will He will answer and provide.  

So, understanding that God’s answer might be “Not yet,” we went back to the second subdivision.  When we got there, we found out the house that had been under contract earlier that morning had come back onto the market….just in time for us to arrive back at the subdivision.  God had someone else build the house for me with all of my preferences.   He worked out all the details just for me….financing, closing date, etc.  It was like clockwork.  Only God can plan and orchestrate something like that.  When I think about it, I realized He was just waiting on me to do my part…to trust him and to act on that trust.  

What are you believing God to do for you?  What actions are you taking toward that end?  Are you regularly saving and looking for that house?  Are you taking that class?  Are you writing everyday on that book?  Are you consistently practicing that instrument?  Are you doing the work that leads to the next job you want?  If you’re not, do you really trust God to do it? If you believe with all your heart that God is going to do something for you, why wouldn’t you prepare to walk into it?  You won’t get it from God until you’re ready to receive it.  Now, you’ll still need Him through it to be successful and if you operate in self and get something out of God’s timing, there will be obstacles.  As James said, Faith without works is dead.  Be patient and make sure your Faith is alive and well and that you are working in what God has told you.  

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Where is Your Focus?

Thank you to those writing comments.  It's so encouraging to know that the blog provides connection and to see the ways it causes you to think more about your life with Christ.  I pray it blesses you and helps you grow more in Him.  


Today's blog is a bit of an extension of last week.  Life is bit difficult to navigate, especially right now.  The last few weeks have proved that to me more than anything.  Between the pandemic continuing to spread and work that seems unending, days can sometimes feel overwhelming.  I find I need to lean more and more on God for strength and peace and wisdom.  I’m reminded that I’m not in control of much, in fact, I’m not in control of practically anything other than my reactions…..and sometimes not even those.  Apparently, my face shows what I'm thinking even if I don't voice it.  

I’m working to push through the hard tasks or times and focus on Jesus.  Like Paul in Philippians 3:14, I’m working hard not to get distracted by my past mistakes, but rather focus on the actions I need to take today and tomorrow and the next day to live according to God’s Word until I meet Jesus face to face.  I will make new mistakes, but I know my ultimate goal – to have God say – this is my daughter in whom I’m well pleased. 

That’s what this life is all about when you think about it.  If we keep our focus on God, He will direct our paths.  If we seek Him first, He will add everything we need to us.  Have you ever thought about what He has in store for you, if only you focus and seek Him?  

If God can do more than we can ask or imagine (Eph 3:20), what does He have in store for us, if only we are obedient to Him?  What would He show us, if we just spent more time with Him?  Have you ever felt like an answer was just beyond your reach?  Well, God has all the answers.  How often do you sit and commune with Him and give Him time to talk to you?  To give you a revelation?  To give you direction?  

I know I get distracted by life many days, but I’m working more and more on listening to Him and staying focused on what’s important – the things I need to do and change.  I heard a saying that God gave us two eyes, two ears and one mouth for a reason.  We should be quick to listen and watch and slow to speak.  Listen and watch to understand, not just to respond.  Focus on Jesus!  Seek His guidance!  You can’t go wrong if you’re listening to Him and doing what He says.  Through it all, He will grant you peace and rest.  

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

I’m the first one to say “work hard and do your best.”  It’s how I was raised.  It’s really the only way I know, but I often find myself doing too much and not getting enough rest or eating right.  I get caught up and distracted by all the things going on around me.  I mean, at work, we’re doing more with less and there isn’t enough time to get it all done.  There’s never any down time and taking vacation can feel like punishment when you return to all the emails and assignments that still need to be done.  While it can feel overwhelming and be way too much, we have to take a step back.  We have to look at all the things on our plate and assess what has to be done.  We have to learn when to make adjustments in our lives.

This is not me judging or telling anyone what to do, because this is way more for me than you. I’m a culprit and I have to catch myself…realize that I can’t do everything.  I can’t work long hours and not take care of myself and still be ready to do what God directs.  I mean, God is amazing and He creates in ways we can’t even imagine or understand.  But one thing is clear, at the end of the day, our bodies are human and they have limits.  If we are to present our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1), it doesn’t just mean spiritually.  We are whole beings and that means we need to take care of our physical and spiritual bodies.    

When you stop and think about it, God designed our physical body to repair itself in so many ways – the liver regenerates, bones grow back, and so many other fascinating things.  But for it to do that optimally, we have to do our part to take care of it.  First, eating right.  We have to eat the right amounts and the right foods.  Second, regular exercise.  We need to move and maintain a healthy weight – it lowers risk of disease and bone weakness.  Third, sleep.  We need enough of it.  Apparently, we need to get approximately 8 hours a night.    

I, on the other hand, do these things periodically, but not consistently.  I should exercise every day, at least walk, but I don’t. I don’t know the last time I got 8 hours of sleep. So again, I’m guilty of not respecting the gift God gave me.  Are you?  I’m working on these actions, but I often get distracted by everything going on in my life and think I’m not as important.  Then, I remember the sacrifice Jesus made for me…..for all of me….not just my soul.  Jesus made the sacrifice so I could live more abundantly in all aspects.  So, I have to do better.  I have to take better care of this amazing gift.  I recommend you take a look at your own life and do the same.  We all have too many people to impact to let our own actions or inaction keep us from fulfilling God’s purpose for us. 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Just Father

Last week, we remembered how patient God is with us.  This week, we’re talking about a different characteristic of His, but one that is just as loving.  The bible says God chastens those He loves (Proverbs 3:12).

We like to think of God as the indulgent dad who gives us everything we ask for no matter what we do or what’s best for us.  We see programs on television or see families in our lives where the parents work day and night to give their children whatever they ask for… games or sneakers or cell phones.  In some of those cases, the children are entitled and disrespectful and over the top.  Why is that?  Most likely because they are spoiled and haven’t been disciplined.  

I’m not judging because I’m not a parent.  But, I was a child who grew up with Godly parents and while they worked hard and gave me lots of things I wanted, they never sacrificed an opportunity to teach me right from wrong.  They never allowed me to disrespect them or other adults.  They never allowed me to think that I was owed something just by being their child.  They clothed me and feed me, but they disciplined me when I was disobedient and needed it…..when I got a little ahead of myself.  Yes, I was disciplined.  I know, you can’t possibly believe that knowing me now, but it’s true.  LOL.  

Well, God does the same.  He gives us direction/guidance and expects us to obey.  When we don’t, there are consequences.  He still loves us and won’t leave us, but we may still have to live with the consequences even after God forgives us.  As I’ve said before, God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves, but when things get too much, He is right there with us to see us through it.  For example, ever charged anything you didn’t have the money for to a credit card?  I have.  I paid a price for it….more than it costed with the interest and time.  If I’d been obedient to God’s Word, I wouldn’t have been in that predicament – God’s Word says owe no man, because it makes you a slave to him.    That’s one of those lessons I’m still working through, but I think you get my point.  God didn’t take away my consequences, I still had to pay for my disobedience…this time with money.  I have several examples of where I wasn’t always obedient and I’ve paid a different price.  I also have several examples where I have been obedient and I’ve been blessed as a result.  

God is a Just Father.  God sees those of us who have accepted Jesus, through Jesus blood.  He’s already forgiven our sins, but when we’re disobedient He will chastise us for our own good.  God only wants what’s best for us and He will take measures to ensure we learn a lesson to not harm ourselves.  What good father would let His child go down a bad path and not intercede?  A good father wouldn’t and God is the best father you could ask for.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

A Patient Father

So yesterday morning, I had a 3k fun run, or rather walk (as that’s what I did).  I’m sad to say it’s the first time I’ve actually walked more than the few feet to my mailbox since the pandemic began.  Am I ashamed?  Sure.  Will I walk next week?  We’ll see.  

Anyway, while I was sitting in my car at the park checking my heart rate after I finished, I looked out my window and watched this father (or father figure) who I’ve never met, proceed to teach a teenage girl (who looked like she was likely a daughter or niece) how to parallel park.  It was the most fascinating thing I’ve seen in a long time.  While she practiced getting into the parallel parking spaces, he was completely engaged in coaching and teaching, with complete faith that she would accomplish that goal.  Never once did he falter in putting himself right in the middle of the action, whether it was standing behind the car to let her know how far to back up or standing in the corner of the space in front to show her how to avoid cars already parked.  And never once did she not trust that he knew better than she did and not follow his instructions.  As I watched it unfold, I was mesmerized and caught up in the action as well.  When she finally got the car parked exactly center of the space, he cheered her on and so did I.  

I realized that’s what God does with us.  When we have a lesson to learn, he patiently coaches and teaches us what we need to do.  If we do it right and we’ve really learned the lesson, we go on to the next one.  If we don’t or we forget, we repeat it…….over and over and over again.  Why?  Maybe because we think we know better than God.  Unlike the teenage girl, we don’t always trust that our heavenly father knows better than we do.  We sometimes trust ourselves more than God, which is crazy when you think about it.  God/Jesus/Holy Spirit were there when time didn’t exist – they created it and everything else.  They knew the end before the beginning.  So who in their right mind could ever think, they knew better than the Ones who created everything?  It just doesn’t make sense.  

Now I understand, it’s hard to trust someone you don’t know.  And if you haven’t been adopted into God’s family, by accepting Jesus as your personal savior, you don’t have a relationship with either of them.  I get it.  It’s up to you to change that, but I can personally say, that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the best family members you can have.  They are ones you can constantly count on and they will always be there for you, no matter what.  You can trust them.  That doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen…..we were never promised life here on earth would be easy, but it sure is better with God on your side than not.  He is the best Father you could ask for.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Are You Hiding Your Light Under a Bushel?

You have gifts!  No matter who we are, God has blessed each of us with particular gifts to further His kingdom.  All of us need the gifts others have.  If we’re sitting on them and not sharing what God has put in us, we are not only depriving those around of God’s blessing through us, but we are disobeying God.  

If you’re like me, you question whether you’re good enough or smart enough to do whatever God has called you to do.  The answer is you’re probably not.  Don’t take that as an insult.  That just means that God can use us all the more.  And, yes, we have to do the work.  God will prepare us for the journey.  He won’t send us out cold with nothing to draw from, but if we were smart enough and good enough to do it on our own, we wouldn’t need Him.  God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness and limitations (2 Cor 12:9).   That’s why through Christ, we can do all things (Phil 4:13).  We have to lean on him all the more when we’re operating in His purpose for us.  We can’t do it on our own.  Don’t try.  

Remember, God is all powerful.  Yes, He gave us free will and we can choose to be disobedient just like children do, but when we disobey, we sin and we hurt Him.  I don’t have children of my own, but I know how I feel when I ask one of my nieces or nephews to do something and they don’t.  It hurts me, not just because they don’t think enough of me to do as I say, but because most of the time it will benefit them.  They miss out on what I would have given them….things they may never know.  

When I think of what God has done for us, I can only imagine how much more the disappointment is at our not giving Him everything He requests.  After all, we owe Him our very lives.  We are not our own.  He loved us enough to send His Son to literally die for us.  And then, we don’t do what He says?  It’s a bit insulting!  Have you ever thought of what you’ve lost, but not obeying God when he told you to move?  What did God have in store for you that you may never see?  It’s a little daunting, but there are always consequences for actions…be they good or bad.  

This, like many other things, comes back to obedience and love.  Do you love God enough to be obedient to His Will for your life?  Do you trust Him enough to share the gifts He has placed inside you?  He will never leave nor forsake you, so wherever He sends you, He’ll be there with you.  Don’t forget, it’s not about you.  It’s all about Him.  Don’t hide what he’s placed in you.  Let that light shine so men will see your good works and glorify your Father who is in Heaven (Matt 5:16).

Sunday, August 9, 2020

My Testimony is My Witness!

As I’ve been studying the book of Acts with my Small Group, several things have become apparent to me.  

One, people are flawed and whenever their foundation is shaken they will lash out to protect what they know and believe.  This is evident in what we see in the world today.  People want to feel in control of their lives and when that control (which doesn’t actually exist) is threatened they will lash out – COVID19, racial issues, etc.  This is a heart issue and without the heart changing, people won’t.  That’s why relationship with Jesus is so important.  He is the only one who can change a heart.  

Two, God has already worked out what he’s called us to do.  If God leads you to do a thing, he’s already working out how it will be accomplished.  I don’t believe in coincidence.  God is always working out all the angles to bring about His desired result (Romans 8:28).  God has given us free will, but ultimately, His Word will not return to Him without accomplishing what He set out to do (Isaiah 55:11).  If we are disobedient and don’t do what He calls us to, it will be accomplished another way.  He doesn’t need us to do it, but I believe He uses us so that we will lean on Him more and so that He might change others through our experiences and our walk with Him.   

Three, it’s not our job as Christian’s to change anyone’s mind about who God/Jesus is.  We are to be obedient to God’s Word and tell the Good News of Jesus wherever we go and whenever the opportunity presents itself.  That may require us to adjust our approach so we can reach the most people (1 Corinthians 9:19-23), even those with whom we may disagree.  That can be difficult but it’s what we are called to.  

This is where our testimony comes in.  Each one of us (who knows Jesus intimately), has a testimony, whether it’s how you came to know Jesus or how you were saved from an illness or how God prospered you in a situation.  Each of those stories is unique to us and can’t be refuted by anyone else.  It is a testament to our own experiences with Jesus/God/Holy Spirit (Matt 10:32).  We’re the only one who can really tell our story.  It is our witness.  It is our evidence or proof of who God is to us.  It is our knowledge from personal experience of what God has done.  Telling your story is a powerful tool to touch other people.  

Now, don’t get me wrong.  We all need to study God’s Word and get it inside of us, so that our minds are continually transformed (Romans 12:2).  Without the Word in us, we will be weak and sickly Christians.  But, our testimony does something that thumping a bible at someone won’t.  It brings God into the here and now and brings Him alive in a personal way.  

Jesus died so that we would have an opportunity for a relationship with God through Him, where we are never alone.  No matter what situation we’re in, He is always with us, whether we feel Him or not.  How might sharing that with someone who doesn’t know Him, change their life?  Will they be saved? Will they be encouraged?  Will a seed be planted or watered? Maybe….or maybe not. That’s not our call, but we are called to witness and we don’t have to know every scripture to do it.  We just have to willing to honestly share what God has done for us and we don’t have to use a lot of big, religious words to do it.  Even better, how about your life being your testimony?  More than what we say, what we do affects others (Phil 1:27).  Show and tell your story with Jesus and watch God.  He is able to do exceeding, abundantly, more than we can ask or think.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

What Are You Willing To Do?

As a Christian, we so often say we’ll do or go if God send us.  Do we really mean it?  In my study of the Book of Acts, the apostles and disciples faced much persecution and belief in Jesus was attacked on many fronts.  While multitudes were saved and many signs and wonders followed, the apostles and missionaries understood that imprisonment and death could be waiting for them at every turn.  They went anyway.  

Not unlike the Apostles and missionaries, Civil Rights leaders of the ‘60s told the truth of God’s love for all men and Jesus’ sacrifice for all to be free and equal.  They were persecuted over a love for money, desire to maintain the status quo (which meant keeping minorities as second class citizens) and a sense of superiority.  But the Civil Rights Leaders, like the Apostles of old, kept the faith and stayed the course (2 Tim 4:7).  

With Congressman Lewis’ recent death and the coverage of his life and work, I’ve reflected on my life and pondered many questions.  To what am I that committed?  What am I sold out for?  Who and what am I fighting for in my daily life?  Whose life am I called to impact?  What am I called to give up?  What sacrifice must I make so that others can have?   What actions must I take to help someone? 

I ponder these questions and it’s daunting.  In reflection, some of the answers break my heart, because I realize that I have certainly missed opportunities where I could have helped someone less fortunate.  I’m committed to do better each day… listen closer and lean more on God’s leading.  If He sacrificed His Son to pay for my sins, the least I can do is give my time and talents to obey Him.  I have no idea what He has in store, but I know no matter what comes He’ll be with me to accomplish it (Deut 31:6) to His good pleasure and it will be more than I can think or imagine (Eph 3: 20).  What about you?  What are you going to do?  

Sunday, July 26, 2020

We Can Do Nothing Without Him

I’ve said a few times before that God won’t do for us what we can do for ourselves.  I’ve thought about that and while it’s true, I need to put it in perspective.  We have to do the work that is within our power, but nothing we do will ever be successful without God in the midst of it.  He gets all the glory for whatever we achieve because we can do nothing on our own.  

The Bible says, God gives us the power to gain wealth (Deut 8:18) and if we seek Him first, He will add everything we need to us (Matt 6:33).  Any success we achieve, is not because of anything inherent in ourselves.  It is all due to God’s power and grace even when we’re not saved.  He’s still giving us an opportunity to turn to Him, because He doesn’t move – He is constant. 

God made us in His (the trinity) likeness (Gen 1:26), so he gave us all we would ever need to accomplish great things – if we do the work and prepare.  But, we can never forget that it’s because of God that we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28).  When you think about it, we control very little of our lives.  Look at what’s going on the world right now.  So, we have to understand that God is in control of it all (Luke 12:22-26).  God woke us all up this morning and gave us the mobility of our limbs.  Don’t ever get it twisted and believe that you’ve done anything on your own.  

So, next time you are thinking about what a great job you did on that last work project or how you really nailed that assignment, remember to give thanks to the One who gave you the ability to do so.  He is faithful!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

I Get Distracted….What About You?

Today I had an epiphany, I get distracted a lot….a whole lot.  I mean, I have these plans for my day or my week or for a meeting, and all of a sudden something else has drawn my attention.  One of my co-workers said it best about me, “You get distracted by shiny objects.”  I realized today, they don’t have to be shiny to distract me. It could be a song on the radio or a video game or an email, and while none of those things are bad, if they are keeping you or me from our God-given purpose, they need to be minimized or eliminated.  I don’t mean you can never listen to the radio or play a video game or read email, I mean they need to be given the proper priority and put in their proper place.  

I know this sounds insane given the world we currently live in.  I know I feel almost lost without my phone where I can check text messages and my email, but the fact is that most of the text messages and emails can wait until a planned task is completed.   More than anything, I need to make plans and stick to them.  What usually happens is I get distracted by something other than what I’m doing, I go down a rabbit hole, and I still have to come back to whatever I was doing initially.  This ultimately takes more time away from other equally important things.  

For me, that means I have to focus and remove the distractions I can when I’m working on important projects.  If I don’t, the project just takes longer and ultimately, I’m the one who suffers as a result.  This applies to reading my bible, cooking dinner, reading a book, cleaning house, writing, etc.  I’ve got to gain some discipline to ensure I’m working and living smarter instead of harder.  Jesus came that we might have life and it more abundantly….all aspects of life (John 10:10).  He doesn’t want us to struggle, especially with things we have the power to change.  That doesn’t mean we won’t have hard times, but even in those, He’s there to lead and guide us in the way we should go while He’s working out the situation for our good (Romans 8:28).  I’ve said before that He will not do for me what I can do for myself.  I say this because, a lot of times, someone will say I need to pray about this or that, and really we just need to act.  Do what is right to do….there is no need for confirmation when you know the answer.  Just do it.  

For the past few weeks, I’ve been putting this blog up late on Sunday night, which in turn caused me to be up later than I should and not get a good night’s sleep before starting the work week on Monday mornings.  Today, I was determined to get the blog up before dinner time and I'm gonna reach that goal.   So, I still might get distracted by something else that keeps me up, but my intent is not to.  I turned off the TV and put down my tablet and phone and started writing.  I’m working on making this a habit.  We’ll see how it shakes out, because we’re striving for progress and consistency.  

We all have a purpose and assignments.  Are you giving them your full attention….your best?  I pray you will take a look at your life and discern the distractions keeping you from the getting the important things done.  God deserves better!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Who is God Leading You to Minister to?

As I’ve written over the past weeks, the current pandemic and racial issues in our world have caused me to truly consider my actions and my thoughts.  With that, my small group’s study of the Book of Acts, has caused me to consider how I interact with others.  The Book of Acts gives history and foundation for the church, as it lays out the actions and working of the Holy Spirit in the early church.  This week’s lesson emphasized how God does not show partiality between us.  He loves us all the same, no matter what we have or what we’ve done.  He sent Jesus to die for all our sins.  Of course, it’s up to us, whether we accept Him.  

However, Jesus told his disciples (followers) to go into all the world and tell the Good News of who Jesus was and the sacrifice He made so that we could all be reconciled to God.  Like many of us, who are saved, the early Christians thought they were special and that Jesus died just for them.  That was not the case.  Jesus came that all men (and women) would have the opportunity to receive the salvation He paid for with His life (John 3:17).  

The more I thought about that, the more I see that I may be delinquent in my service to Him.  Without a doubt, He is my Savior.  But, have I done all that He’s told me to do?  There are some people I just don’t care for.  I mean, I love them as people, but I don’t “like” some of them very much.  I’m sure there are many people who feel the same way about me.  I can honestly say, I’ve never thought I was better than anyone else, but I have shied away from some characters because they were just “too much.”  

I wonder now if I’ve hesitated or ignored the leading of the Holy Spirit to share God’s love for them.  I’d like to hope that I haven’t, but I’m not sure.  The Lord loves all of us and I need to make sure that I love people and do for them, just as I would want someone to do for me.  I know we’re on a journey through this thing called life and the Bible and the Holy Spirit are our guides, if we have a relationship with Jesus as our savior.  The thing to remember is that Jesus is Lord. His Word reigns supreme.  He said to love God first and then my neighbor as myself (Luke 10:27).  That means I’ve got to be more intentional about sharing the love of Christ even with those I wouldn’t normally.  James said it best, in James 4:17, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.  This is a process and as we learn better, we have to do better.  That’s my plan going forward.  

Sunday, July 5, 2020

What are you not doing that you should?

In these extraordinary times, there’s lots of time for self-reflection.  I know I’ve been doing a lot of that over the past few months.  I’ve been taking stock of my life and what’s really important to me.  As always, God, family, friends, purpose, hobbies, etc.  So I’ve been more consistent with reading my bible and my devotionals.  In this time when I couldn’t get out in the public, I’ve been having virtual get-togethers with friends.  I check in with family members more frequently. 

Fortunately, I’ve been working the entire time we’ve been social distancing, except for a couple of weeks of vacation, so I haven’t had a lot of down time.  With the alone time I’ve had, I’ve been asking God and myself, what should I be doing with it?  What can I do to change the world in this time?  Who can I help during this time?  A few weeks ago, that looked like making notes for kids’ lunches for Action Ministries, who provides meals for kids who otherwise wouldn’t have lunch during the summer months.  It wasn’t a lot of effort but it was one way for me individually to help. Some may include donations, some may include time, some may be gifts and talents.  There are all sorts of ways to help.  You just have to look for them.  

What talents and gifts do you have that can be used to help someone else?  Everyone has gifts and talents and skills.  How are yours being used to make the world a better place?  Who can you help with their reading during the summer?  Or who needs you to pick up a few groceries?  What might your neighbor need from you?  It’s time for each of us to step out of our comfort zone and be what the world needs to move forward.  How can we with nothing but ourselves help someone?  What do you individually need to do?  James 2:26 indicates that faith without works is dead.  If you have faith, there should be some works because of it.  God did not give us gifts and talents to just sit on and be comfortable. He gave us exactly what we need to glorify him in not just our words but our actions (James 4:17).  It’s really between you and God, but know that He knows everything we do and everything we don’t.  Don’t be held accountable for the things you didn’t do.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

What are you doing that you shouldn’t?

I read my devotional this morning and the title was “Stop!”  It got me thinking.  Are you so busy you can’t think straight sometimes?  Work? Ministry? Family? I know I am, but then I had to ask myself what things am I so busy with that I’m not fulfilling God’s Will?  I mean, have I ignored someone hurting to get some busy work done?  I hope not, but I know it could have happened, because there are some days that are overwhelming. 

Are we really seeking God for His direction and our next steps or we just going through the motions of doing what we believe needs to be done?  Are we stressed out and anxious, because if we are, we know that’s not God.  He said to “be anxious for nothing” (Phil 4:6).  Could it be we’re anxious and stressed because we’re doing things God never intended for us to do?  These are just a few questions, I’m asking myself.  I’m challenging us to consider the things we do every day and whether they are necessary.  How do we get to peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7)? 

By turning our areas of concern or anxiety into consistent prayer and praise/thanksgiving, Christ will move to the center of our thoughts and we won’t have space for the worry or the anxiety……only peace.  We’ll remember that while our situation may not change right away, we will – we’ll be reminded of who Christ is and what He has already done for us.  We’ll remember that no matter what comes, as God’s children, He will never leave or forsake us.  So, if we have an assurance that God will be with us during the difficult times and He won’t ever leave us, why do we spend so much time doing busywork?  Who are we trying to impress?  God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11) and if our best is like dirty rags (Isaiah 64:6), what are we doing?  Ask yourself if what you’re doing is furthering God’s kingdom per His Will and His Word.  If not, consider why you’re doing it.  Should you keep doing it?  If not, stop it.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Who do you need to forgive?

The past few months have been a time of self-reflection for me. With everything going on in the world, I’ve found myself angry at people I consider to be unenlightened.  Whether it is about the response to COVID-19 and wearing masks or the senseless killings of black Americans, I’ve found myself to have moments of intense anger.  Inevitably after the anger comes a certain level of shame for feeling that way.  I know….God gave me the emotions and it’s natural to feel them.  I have to admit, sometimes, I’m a little conceited and feel that anger is beneath me.  I know that’s crazy, but it’s true.  All that said, the anger has been real and deep.

Then I think, “What would Jesus do?”  And, I’m reminded of Him forgiving the very ones who killed Him on the cross.  If Jesus can forgive those present at His own crucifixion (and all of us) and I am in Christ, surely He has given me power through the Holy Spirit to do the same.  According to the Greater Good Science Center at Berkeley, psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve it.  Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you forget or condone the offence, but it does mean letting go of the anger that can be exceedingly corrosive in your life.  Choosing to forgive brings peace of mind by allowing you to recognize the pain and move on to healing.  As long as you’re holding on to the pain and anger, the wound continues to fester and never really lets you go. 

Also in that way, we have to remember the “Lord’s Prayer”, where we ask God to “forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors” in Matt 6: 12.  So, if we expect God to consciously forgive our debts, we have to actually forgive our debtors.  What have you done that you need God’s forgiveness for?  I have a few things I can think of over the last day that I need God to forgive me for, so I have to forgive those who have wronged me.  I’m not saying it’s easy, but God doesn’t want us to carry the burden of our anger such that it leads us to sin.  Remember, forgiveness is a choice, it’s not a feeling.  We get to choose to let things go…..that’s that pesky free will at work. 

So the question is - who and what do you need to forgive to heal and move forward?  What and who are holding you back from your next step forward?  Don’t let it.  Forgive and move on. Remember, that’s what we want God to do for us.

Monday, June 15, 2020

What are You Hoping for?

Our pastors have been teaching on Hope for the past several weeks.  With everything going on the world, it’s especially important to hold on the hope right now.  Hope is favorable or joyful expectation – expecting good things to happen even when you don’t see them or understand how they will happen.  It’s not always easy to do.  But Christians have been called to walk by faith and not by what we can see with our eyes (2 Cor 5:7).  The world can be a treacherous place – hatred and fear drive people to do some awful things.  But our God already knows that – He knows that the heart is wicked (Jer 17:9) and that the only way for us to ever line up with His Word and Will is through being filled with the Holy Spirit.  We can’t live a fulfilled live on our own. That’s why God sent Jesus.  Jesus came to earth so that we might have life and with one that is more full than we could ever provide for ourselves (John 10:10).  Jesus is the only way to the Father.  He is our Hope (Romans 2:8-9).

You know, I’ve been dealing with myself, wanting to do and be more and more like Jesus.  I don’t completely know what that looks like for me, but I know it should be obvious that I’ve been with Him.  See, when we intentionally and consistently focus on Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit can and will work powerfully through us – He is the one to give us power to do God’s work (2 Tim 1:7). We can never do under our own power what the Holy Spirit can do – it’s just not possible.  We don’t have the capacity or the strength (2 Cor 12:9-10).  Unfortunately, it takes some of us a really long time to realize that.  When we stop relying on ourselves and lean more and more into God, through Jesus Christ, we will be able to accomplish more, understand more, love more, and forgive more. We’re still human and we’ll still make mistakes and have troubles, but we’ll be quicker to acknowledge them and get back on track. 

I continue to work on this – focusing more and more on Jesus so I can lean more and more into Him – remember He and the Father are one.  I’m not there yet and I know I have a long way to go.  I used to ask for things – the latest computer or tablet, a new car, etc. – and don’t get me wrong, I sometimes still do and there’s nothing wrong with wanting nice things.  But, there are things that are so much more important – the things that last and are eternal.  I’ve been praying when people see me, they will see the Jesus in me here on earth.  I hope God will use me to make other people’s lives better….whether through a kind word or a generous heart or some sound counsel.  I want to love the way He loves.  I know I can’t do that without His Holy Spirit consistently working in my life, so I have some work to do.  I have to pray more consistently with intention and get out of His way, but be obedient to His will and His word.

I challenge you to take a moment and consider what are you hoping for?  What’s that thing you want to accomplish?  What’s that thing you’re striving for?  Are you seeking God first for wisdom and understanding so your desires line up with His will?  If not, no better time than the present to start seeking Him.  Remember, Hope is favorable expectation. Don’t lose sight of it, no matter what is going on at the time.  If God be for you, who can be against you (Romans 8:31)?

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Love God First and Others as Yourself

I’ve debated writing this, but felt I had to, given where we are in the world today and several conversations I’ve had over the past week. 

This has been an extremely hard few months for me.  From the onset of COVID-19 to the latest racial incident, I have really been searching myself to consider what to do next.  As a person who lives alone, I’ve been physically alone most of this time of shelter in place orders and quarantines.  It’s been hard.  Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love people….for the most part.  I mean I love my alone time, but when I want alone time, not when dictated by circumstances outside my control.  I’ve missed hugs and sitting close and laughing together, but we are taught in the Word to be wise (Proverbs 8:31) so I continue with social distancing and protecting those around me. 

Add to that the latest senseless deaths of three black people (two by the police) due to racism that is still systemic in this country.  It’s been hard.  I’ve been angry at the losses and disheartened by the fact that this is the reality we live it.  These situations are not new, they are just publicized now.  Just think, given the incidents that have happened over the past few months that have been recorded and shared, how many more weren’t.  For the people who have committed the offences, how comfortable must they be to know they are being recorded and still commit them?  How confident must they be that they will get away with them not to hesitate and continue doing them? How many times have they done them before? 

I would wager that if you’re a black American adult in this country, you’ve had at least one encounter that you know was race-based.  Where does hatred and distrust like this come from?  Fear of the unknown.  Fear someone will get something you believe should be yours.  Fear of loss.  Fear of change to the status quo.  I never thought I would quote Yoda (from Star Wars) in a blog, but here goes.  According to him, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."  I never thought how true this is.  If you don’t face fear or counter it with faith, any of us could go down a dark path and how many people suffer as a result.  And think of how hate-filled and miserable someone must be to kill a man in the street and not hesitate at all. 

What the answer?  A change of people’s hearts.  Ultimately, it’s a heart issue.  If we did what the bible instructs by loving God first and then love our neighbors as ourselves (Luke 10:27), we wouldn’t be able to hurt someone else, no matter what happened. We need prayer and we need Jesus and we need action to support our faith.  Faith without works is dead (James 2:17).

I’m not naturally an activist and I hate confrontation, but I’ve had to question my next steps.  I recently wrote to my Senators about the issues we face, but all of us have a role to play.  So what can we do? 
  • Stand together – all people who know these actions are wrong.  
  • Speak up and against it when you hear people disparaging someone due to race - silence in most cases is considered agreement.  
  • Teach children that all men are created equal and in God’s image – all lives are equally valuable and must be treated as such. 
  • Hold people accountable who treat people differently because of race – the police, the banks, employers, health providers, etc.   
  • Vote for people who believe in equality and justice – while it’s a heart issue, some things must be legislated because not all hearts will be changed – not everyone will choose Jesus. 
  • Pray that God will change the heart of those who hate – He holds the hearts of the king (Proverbs 21:1).  
  • Love those around you and help those less fortunate – that’s our responsibility – think what we would want someone to do for us.
During this time, stay safe and remember we are one community.  We are all responsible for doing what is right.