Sunday, December 26, 2021

So Thankful!

Hope you had a very Merry Christmas yesterday.  I wasn’t sure how this holiday season was going to go.  For months, I had plans to come to my parents’ home for Christmas and as of the beginning of the week, I wasn’t sure I would make it.  I didn’t realize how tired I’ve been and how much rest I haven’t gotten over the last few months, even though I’ve taken some time off.  I’ve still been going – work, church, bible study, travel, etc.  I’ve just been busy!

All that said, I did make it home and I’m so very glad I did.  I was blessed with an easy drive on Christmas Eve, practically no traffic). It was wonderful seeing my parents after so many months apart.  It was a blessing to see my brother and my niece and a few other family members (face covers in place and physically distancing exercised).  While, I definitely need to get more rest and not be quite so busy, I needed to find my way home - a place of comfort and peace.  

It is a blessing to be surrounded by people who love you! I mentioned earlier that I’ve lost family members over the past couple of months, but there are so many who lost those much closer – parents, siblings, children……I can only imagine how difficult it is to celebrate the goodness of God directly after those losses.  But, our circumstances don’t change the fact that God is good all the time.  His goodness and mercy doesn’t change with our circumstances (Lam 3:22-24).  It is a truth, whether we can see the reality of it or not.  This truth is a source of hope to me.  God is good no matter what I do or experience (Nahum 1:7). 

I’m so thankful to the Lord for loving me and thinking enough of me to send His son from His heavenly home to earth.  Jesus gave up the surroundings of His heavenly kingdom to come to earth to be rejected by the very ones He came to save.  What a bum deal.  Can you imagine going to help someone and they threw it back in your face?  That’s what we did to Jesus.  It’s what we do to Jesus.  Every time we rebel, every time we sin, every time we choose the lie, we are rejecting the truth of the Messiah.  We don’t know better than He does.  We never will – that’s one reason why we need Him.  

Thank you Father for loving me and keeping me, even when I didn’t know I needed to be kept and loved.  Thank you for all the good things in my life. As we close 2021, please lead and guide your children into understanding the next steps you want us to take. Let our lives be pleasing to you and let others see you in us. Let our live point to you.  All honor, power and glory to your name! In Jesus Name, I pray – Amen.

Monday, December 20, 2021

What Gift Will You Give?

For those of you who know me, you know I’m big on birthdays.  I recently celebrated my own and unlike last year, I actually got to take a short trip.  It was still limited, but I did get away from the house.  That could lead some to believing things are back to what we considered normal prior to COVID.  However, things are not back to normal.  The world is still in a bit of chaos, with a new variant loose and multiplying.  Thankfully, the new variant is not prominent yet, but COVID is still spreading and causing sicknesses and deaths.  

A year ago, I thought this would be long over.  But here we are, preparing to celebrate the birthday of the Messiah, after another year of drama associated with COVID.  While it’s been another rough year and while there are plans to return more to normal, the pandemic continues.  All that said, we have to remember that nothing happens by chance……everything matters and happens for a reason.  And, God can use anything for His purpose (Prov 16:4).  

I know that all things work together for our good, if we love God and are called for His purpose (Rom 8:28).  While COVID has been a thing, it’s brought our family together weekly to have bible study, so we’re growing closer together as we learn and grow in the Lord.  That would not have happened without the new experience with COVID.  Now, did I wish for that?  Absolutely not!  I didn’t even know I needed to spend time with the family in this way and it took a year for the idea to bubble to the surface.  Now, this time together is a source of strength for me.  I miss my family when we don’t meet.  I miss our prayer time together.  It’s a blessing to have them and this time together.  They are a gift. 

Just as God blessed me with the gift of my family, God gifted us with Jesus (Isa 9:6).  He is the Ultimate Gift!  His birth signified God’s promise to David of an everlasting kingdom (Psa 145:13).  Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Tim 6:15)! His sacrifice of leaving heaven to come to earth is as important as His death on the cross and His resurrection.  He fulfilled every prophecies of the prophets hundreds of years before.  His birth was celebrated by the stars, angels, shepherds, wise men, etc.  At His birth, He received gifts referencing His death (Matt 2:1-12).  He came with purpose and to honor His birth is to honor His life.  Jesus was born to live a blameless, sinless life so He could be the sacrificial lamb to save us all from our sins.  

As you prepare to celebrate the birth of the King, remember all that He suffered to give each of us the gift of eternal life.  And, think about what your gift to Him will be for His birthday.  He asked us to do a few things – Love God with all our heart, soul and mind and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31).  If we live our lives committed to doing those things, I believe He will be pleased.  What better gift can we give than ourselves?  

Praying you have a marvelous Christmas filled with love, joy, peace and laughter as you celebrate our Lord and Savior!

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Where are you headed?

Years ago when I first started my career, I was told you should always have goals for yourself.  Where do you want to be in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?  I’ve never really lived by that for my career, but I have identified things I wanted out of life as a whole.  For example, some of my life long goals have been to purchase a home; to get my degree; to find fulfilling work that also pays the bills, etc.  Along the way, I’ve sought God’s guidance on the next steps and such, but never really knowing where exactly I was headed.  I’ve trusted that God will lead me to my next “thing,” and He has.  He has always had a plan for me (Jer 29:11).  

However, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve definitely gotten more settled into my ways and what I look forward to in the years to come.  But I recently realized that my plans may not align with what God has in store for me (Prob 19:21, Isa 55:8).  I pray and I read my bible (not as much as I should, but more than I used to) for direction and wisdom and I believe that God directs my path (Prov 3:5-6).  But, He gave me free will to make decisions and take actions.  Don’t get me wrong His Will will be done, even when I’m disobedient and out of place.  There will also be consequences for the decisions I make – good when I align with God’s Will and the opposite when I don’t.  

A few months ago, I would have said, I’m not leaving my job (unless they fire me) until I retire and I’m not moving from the Atlanta suburbs.  Now, I’m not so sure.  I know he sent Abraham away from everything He knew.  Joseph went through an undesired path to get to where God was taking him. 

God is continually providing me opportunities to see and experience Him.  I want to go where He leads and be who He desires me to be.  I’m still seeking His Will for my next steps and I know He will lead and guide me.  But I pose the question to you – where are you headed?  Is it where God is leading you or are you leading yourself?  Has He opened doors that you refuse to walk through?  Has He made a way for you that you don’t want?  I’ve found that God’s ways aren’t always the ways I want something to happen or the way I want to go, but I have to remind myself that He is God and He knows best – what’s best for me and all of His creation.  

I don’t know exactly where God is leading me, but I fully plan to follow.  I know it’ll be a little bit uncomfortable (as almost all change is), but the Holy Spirit will be with me, no matter what.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13).  And so can you!

Sunday, December 5, 2021

What’s the Hold-up?

I know over the past few weeks, I’ve been talking about the losses in our family and how I don’t really know how to feel.  Well, we just suffered another one and this one, while not completely surprising, was still devastating.  Several friends have also recently suffered losses or illnesses.  We recently had a major shooting in Michigan. One thing all these losses have really driven home is the need to move forward.  Don’t stay stagnant.  

What is the thing in your life that you’re not moving on?  Salvation?  Career?  Family?  What are you waiting for?  Will you have time to do it if you wait?  We all have dreams and we put them off because we don’t have the time or the money or whatever other excuse comes up.  Well, if not now, when?  If not you, who?  Many times we pray about things or we think about them but don’t take any actual actions to make them happen.  Now I’m not suggesting that any one neglect the responsibilities you’ve created.  Don’t go out and skip paying your mortgage to take that trip you always wanted.  What I mean is that we need to live each day as if it were our last…..time is not promised (Prov 27:1) and we need to stop taking for granted that more time here will be ours.  If you thought you were going to pass away tomorrow, what would be the most important things for you to do? Start doing them.  

There is no time like the present to do the things that you dream of (Prov 6:4)… long as they are consistent with God’s will.  The longer you put them off, the harder it is to get started.  There’s a reason some people are super successful and others just talk about what they will do.  Truly successful people may not be the smartest or the best at something, but they do the work…..consistently.  God gives us abilities and talents, but they need development and we need desire and passion for what we’re called to do.  

If there is a lack of funds, take a look at your spending and see what you can give up – start saving that.  If you can’t save from what you make now, see if there are some other jobs you can do and save the extra……don’t spend it on frivolous stuff you don’t need.  Yes, you may want it, but what benefit does it afford you?  Is it just a want so you can be like everyone else?  If so, think about why you want to be like everyone else…..we’re not – this is not our home.  We are a peculiar people (1 Peter 2:9) and we should be focused on God’s will and not conforming to this world (Rom 12:2).  

If you need more time, take a look at your schedule and see where you have time sucks.  Are you playing too many video games? Are you watching too much TV?  Sometimes I am.  What else is keeping you from spending your time appropriately?  Cut the time you’re doing that and focus on the work to do what you’re called to.  While the video games and TV and whatever else you have going on may be fun, are they productive?  If not, stop it.  Dreams are not just handed to you. You have to do the work to grab them.  No time like the present.  Get started and see what you can accomplish…..with God’s help.  With Him, all things are possible (Matt 19:26).

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

After the last few weeks, I wasn’t sure how Thanksgiving would go.  As it turns out, it was a good week.  Yes, I reflected on the losses my family suffered recently, but I also reflected on the many blessings we’ve received over the last year.  Yes, I remember COVID and all it’s taken from us, but I also realize I’ve been blessed, too.  For both of the cousins who recently passed away, I saw them earlier in the year in person.  In fact, one of them, until she became very ill, was periodically joining the family for bible study.

As I mentioned last week, now more than ever is a time to remind ourselves of all the good things in our lives, whether it’s a place to stay or food to eat or a job we really like or being able to take a walk in the park.  These are just a few examples, but we need to be more conscious of things we normally take for granted.  All of them are worthy of our giving thanks to God.  He is the one who understands our needs and desires better than we do.  He alone is God and for that alone, He deserves our praise (1 Chron 16:34).  

At the end of the day, no matter what the circumstance, God’s love for us never fails (Isa 54:10).  He is the one constant we have.  He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Heb 13:8).  While we may be shaky in our commitment, He never is.  If we trust in Him, He will never fail us.  He may not do it the way we want it done, but it will always be for our good. 

I pray that the coming season will bring fresh insight into who God is and all He has planned for you.  Stay the course, do the work, praise the Lord and be blessed.  

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Why are you Thankful?

Last week, I mentioned losing a cousin.  Yesterday, I lost another – it was unexpected and happened quickly.  I’m not sure how I feel yet.  I’ve known them both for most of my life and I am grieving their loss.  I will miss them both.  

I do realize in both cases how grateful I am to have had them for as long as I did (Job 14:5). Losses like these make me even more grateful for those left behind.  So many people don’t have much family at all and I’m blessed with abundance.  While we’ve had our challenges, we’re been touched with so many blessings of the Lord.  

You know I’ve always tried to be a glass half-full type….always looking for the silver lining in every situation.  But the older I get, the more I realize whether the glass is half-full or half-empty or all together empty, God is still so very good to us (Psalm 100:5).  It’s all a matter of perspective and recognition that no matter the situation, God is still there and He has kept us.  

When we get out of our own way and realize that God doesn’t owe us anything and that He has given us all we need to prosper (2 Pet 1:3; Deut 8:18).  He’s given us His love which has been actionable.  Think back over your life and all the situations that should have taken your life, but God intervened.  Think of all the situations where you should have lost it all, but God intervened.  He has been a constant help in all times of trouble (Psalm 46:1).  He’s met all my needs and many of my wants (Phil 4:19).  He’s blessed me to see 50 (almost 51) years of life and they have overwhelmingly been good years, even with almost two years of a pandemic in my rear view.  

I think I may have mentioned that my family now has weekly bible study together.  What a blessing it’s been!  It took a worldwide pandemic for me and family to start getting together every week.  When I don’t hear from them now, I miss them.  We know that we are stronger when we’re unified and this very difficult experience has brought us closer to each other and more rooted in God’s word.  Talk about a blessing out of tragedy (James 1:17).  

Everyday should be filled with Thanksgiving as we should praise God always (Psalm 34:1).  But, now is especially a time to reflect on all the things we are thankful for and all that God has done in our lives.  I don’t know about you, but I would be a total wreck without Him.  I thank Him for waking me up in my right mind and being able to move independently.  He has opened doors for me that I never imagined as a little girl growing up.  But I thank Him for so much more than what He’s done – I thank Him for who He is.  I thank God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit for each of their roles in my life.    

If you don’t know them, there’s only this moment and I hope you don’t miss it.  Time isn't promised to us, so don't let it get away.  Don't put off, what you need to do today.  There is nothing that will impact your life like the decision to choose a relationship with the Father through Christ, where you will then have the Holy Spirit on the inside of you directing and guiding you (John 16:13).  He changes everything. 

I hope and pray that you have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday and that no matter what your current situation, you remember all the things in your life to be thankful for...there's more than you think. 

Sunday, November 14, 2021

What to do when God’s answer is No

This week I lost a cousin we had been praying for to recover.  It is heart breaking to know she is gone from us here, but we know God knows best.  It doesn’t really make the hurt easier, but it does provide us hope that we will see her again.  Was it selfish of us to ask God to save her?  I don’t believe so.  

In John 16, Jesus said if we were His followers and abide in Him, we can ask what we will in His name and it will be done.  We prayed for my cousin’s healing and God in His infinite wisdom did that – not in the way we hoped but her body is not ill anymore.  When we prayed, we meant for her to be healed and be here with us, but we know that God’s plans are high above ours and sometimes His answer to our prayers are “not yet” and “no.” 

We have to remember that at the end of the day, God’s Will and Purpose will be fulfilled (Psalm 138:8)…..not ours.  It’s hard to believe sometimes that we are not in control of our destiny and we can’t get everything we want (even when it is outside of God’s will for us).  But if we were able to have everything “we think” we want, it would lead to our destruction.  If we are not connected to Christ and we go off on our own to get whatever we want, we will be destroyed.  What profits a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul (Mark 8:36)?  Whatever we want here on earth is temporary (2 Cor 4:18), but we will live eternally somewhere and isn’t it best to live in Christ now so we can have eternal life and not eternal death.  Nothing on this earth is worth the cost of our souls.  

When we realize that we don’t know what is best for us and we ask the Father for something?  He knows whether it’s in our best interest.  And if we belong to Him, He will work all things for our best to keep us safe and protected…..even when we don’t understand (Rom 8:28).  As Jesus prayed, Lord your will and not mine (Luke 22:44).  That is surrender and it is powerful….to choose to give up your will for the One who is never wrong.  It’s not easy, but that’s why we need the Holy Spirit to empower us to do God’s good pleasure.  

We have to remember that even when the outcome is not to our liking or what we wanted, God is still in control (Prov 19:21).  He is still on the throne (Psalm 47:8)!  We are still His children and He is still going to do what is best for all of us.  HE STILL LOVES US!  He is a good parent (Psalm 103:13).  

So, just as we expect our children to accept when we tell them “No”, the same holds true for us.  When God says, “No,” we have to understand that He has His reasons that we may not understand now, but it is ultimately for the good of His children.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

How Do You Give Thanks?

Today was the beginning of a series on Thanksgiving and Thankfulness (thanks YM360) with the middle schoolers and I had the privilege of kicking off the month.  The lesson started in the Old Testament (Lev 7:12-15) with God giving the Israelites the Law with specific instructions on how to give thanks with a peace offering through the Levitical priests.  Can you imagine having to go through a priest to give God thanks for all He’s done for you?  Well, that was the system.  There was no direct connection to the Father unless He initiated communication.  Sacrifices and such had to be done by the priests or there was a violation of God’s law.  

However, after Israel had been so sinful (like we often are), they took the sacrifices for granted violating God’s Law and sinning purposefully then giving sacrifices to make up for it with no real intention of turning from their ways.  So God told the people to stop their wicked ways and turn from their sin – to do good for others, to honor the name of the Lord, to seek justice and to take care of those with no voice of their own who couldn’t take care of themselves (Isa 1:12-17).  The people continued to sin and then God sent Jesus to us. 

Jesus was, of course, the ultimate sacrifice.  No longer are we dependent upon anyone else going to the Father for us.  We can go to the Father and give thanks for ourselves.  There are a few ways I wanted to reference for us to give Him thanks and for us to give sacrifices (Heb 13:15-16) that will please Him: 

  • Give Him Praise (Psa 105:1) – the sacrifice of praise is one way that we can give God thanks.  Whether things are going the way we want or even understand, giving God praise is the appropriate thing to do.  No matter what is going on, God has done more than enough.  He gave us Jesus and no matter what we face here on earth, Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us that where He is, we can be there, too.  If He never does another thing for us, He has done that.  And I, for one, am so grateful that He has.  So post a scripture or write out a prayer of praise or share the good news of what God has done for you.  Give God praise for what He has done in your life. 
  • Be Like Christ (John 14:15) – Jesus called us to be His disciples, which means we are His followers.  When people see us, they should see Him.  Just as He taught that He and the Father are one, we should be one with Him.  If we abide in Him and He abides in us, we should look and act like Him.  Our obedience to His instruction is how the world knows we are His.  So it is our responsibility to make sure there is no question about who we belong to.  Yes, we’ll make mistakes, but our reaction to them should not be that of the world…..we should look like Jesus. 
  • Do good to and for others in need (John 15:12) – the second of the great commands Jesus left with us was to love our neighbor as our selves.  That means sacrificing for the good of others.  When we get past ourselves and become more and more like Christ, we will begin to seek ways to do more for our fellow man.  It might be volunteering at a homeless shelter or helping a neighbor in the yard or giving to a food pantry.  We don’t have to look for the grand gestures, we need to look for the everyday ways we can help those in need….maybe a meal when a neighbor doesn’t feel well or helping them with their groceries or walking the dog for them.  When we “love” our neighbor as Jesus has loved us (better than we deserve and always for our good), then we show God’s love to the world around us.  

Think about how you are showing thankfulness to God and showing Him to others.  Remember it needs to be in more than just words.  Let your life be a praise unto Him.  Let’s live to please Him. 

Sunday, October 31, 2021

What Does Your Love Life Look Like?

We have all these views about what love is and what it’s not.  For some, it’s agreeing with whatever they say.  For some, it’s doing whatever they want.  Usually, it’s about what “I” can get out of someone or what they can give “me”.  

But real love, true love is all about what “I” give.  Love is all about the actions I take, even when I don’t feel like it (1 Cor 13).  I recently listened to a video about Love and Truth potentially being in conflict as I was assisting in a middle school ministry class.  I learned a lot from that video.  The narrator explained that Real Love is treating people the way God treats us through Jesus – better than we deserve and always for our good (Rom 8:28).  That is what God has called us to do when He says to love our neighbors as ourselves.  

I don’t know about you, I find I fall short on that. I know I love Jesus and I say I love people, but I don’t know that I always treat people better than they deserve and always for their good.  To be frank, I can be selfish and forget sometimes that things are not all about me.  I don’t do it often (I try to stay in God’s word which keeps me humble), but sometimes I get a little too full of myself and forget that I’m not all that.  

Yes, God loves me….way more than I deserve.  Yes, He provides for me….way more than I need.  He is always good to me, even when I’m on punishment (Heb 12:6-8).   Even that is because He loves me and wants me to grow and mature.  That is what real love looks like…..putting in the work and the time.  

When I think of how Jesus loved when he walked the earth – He spent time alone time with God and then He spent time pouring out to people, whether teaching, healing, feeding, or whatever else.  He was always giving of Himself to make someone else’s life better.  He also allowed people to minister to Him – He received from them.  We are blessed in our giving and our loving.  The two great commandments are loving God with all of your heart, soul and mind; and loving your neighbor as yourself (Matt 22:36-40).  Are you showing the love of Christ to others?  How?  If Jesus were to return in the next instant, would He be pleased with how you are obeying this directive?  How is your love life? 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Exposure is Key!

Ever had someone tell you they didn’t like something, but when further questioned you found out they had never tried it? I have.  And, I’ve realized we often make snap judgements about things without having experienced them.  When we haven’t been exposed to things it’s difficult to really know how we will react to them.  It’s scary sometimes to try new things especially when we don’t know much about them.  It’s also difficult to dream about something that we’ve never seen or been exposed to.  

I watched a Hallmark movie this weekend (my guilty pleasure) and they did an amazing job of addressing some sensitive issues around race in an interracial family.  In the movie, a little girl mentioned that she thought she had selected the wrong instrument (a violin) because she had not seen a violinist who looked like her.  That grabbed me.  I thought of all the times I felt like I might not belong or I might be in the wrong place, because I was the only one. 

And I realized that the more exposure I had to the Lord, the more He ordered my steps (Psalm 37:23).  He was directing my path and I was exactly where I was supposed to be.  I wasn’t like Joseph dreaming of things I had never seen or experienced, but I was moving into areas I never really imagined.  God had plans for me that I didn’t know and the more exposure and time I spent with him, the more I stepped into areas that were outside my comfort zone and the more I saw God’s favor (Matt 6:33).  The more I trusted Him, the more I knew it was Him getting me through things.  The more I trusted Him, the stronger my faith, because I knew I could not do it on my own.  He chose me.  He set me apart.  

I don’t know what it is you haven’t been exposed to that you are to walk into, but don’t let fear or ignorance keep you from taking the next step.  Be exposed to the one who created you and know He has a plan for you…..a plan to prosper you and not harm you (Jer 29:11).  Be exposed!

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Look for the Good!

So, last week I took my first flight since COVID began.  I know, people have been flying all along and it shouldn’t be a big deal.  However, I’m a safety and health professional and since I understand the science around COVID, I just hadn’t felt comfortable about being on a plane for hours.  All that said, I bit the bullet and took a trip to hang out with a girl friend from college.  I hadn’t seen her in about 5 years and we were overdue to hang out and catch up.  I also had plans to see another good friend during the trip.   

To say the least, it was an interesting trip.  Let me lay it out for you.  I got to the airport Saturday morning and after getting through the chaos was able to find a parking space in a remote part of the parking lot.  The crowds were crazy and we had to wait for a while for a shuttle to the terminal, but we got there and after I checked my bag, it was a relative breeze through security (thanks CLEAR) and then just the wait until the plane boarded…..except it didn’t.  My flight was CANCELLED, not delayed, but cancelled…..10 minutes before we were to take off.  So after taking a few deep breaths and calling Delta to try and rebook my flight, I found out there was not another flight to get me to my destination on Saturday.  So a quick trip to baggage found that I had been rebooked and couldn’t get my checked bag back.  So the airline held onto my bag with the intention of sending it when I flew the next day.  So, I went home, got into my PJs to relax.  A few hours later, I got a call back from Delta and the agent rebooked me again on a direct flight (since the automatic rebooking was a flight with a layover).  She also confirmed that my bag would fly with me the next day, which would have been great except I got a text a few hours later informing me that my bag was on the carousel at my destination.  Thankfully, the airline had it and held it for me.

Sunday morning was a return trip to the airport after a great night’s sleep in my own bed.  I found an easy parking space upfront, got picked up within a couple of minutes of parking, breezed through security, and boarded the plan with no issues.  We took off on time.  I watched two movies on the flight and we arrived with no issues.  I went straight to baggage and picked up my bag which was waiting for me and was checking in my hotel shortly thereafter.  It was a one of the easiest trips I’ve taken.  The chaos on Saturday could have caused me to through in the towel for the entire trip, but when my flight was cancelled, I focused on the Lord and His plans for me. See, I don’t believe in coincidence – I believe everything happens for a reason. So, given that - what might He have been protecting me from – dangers seen and unseen (Psalm 91)?  Was this an opportunity for me to get some much needed rest?  What else could He be doing? I don’t know and I ultimately don’t need to.  God is in control and if I focus on Him, I can see the good coming out of even the most chaotic of situations (Rom 8:28).  One thing about this life is for us to stay open to the possibilities of things being different than we expect and continue pressing forward. 

Yes, the beginning of the trip was totally unexpected and somewhat frustrating, but I had the best time with a couple of really good friends that I otherwise would have missed.  After the initial issues, I appreciated the trip even more.  So, when you experience frustrating or even disappointing moments, keep your focus on the Father and look for the good in those moments.  It’s always there.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Be Yourself!

Ever read someone’s entry on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and it made you question where you are in life or made you a little insecure?  I have.  Questions and insecurities arise when we compare our life to those of others. We consider how they are farther ahead than we are or that they passed hurdles we face or they’ve accomplished something significant and it makes us wonder if we are good enough.

The answer is “Yes.” Last week, we realized that God chose us for a specific purpose and plan (Eph 12:4).  Today, I want to encourage you to accept that God wants us to be ourselves.  Not the self we create in our desire to be liked or appreciated by people nor the fake self who hides the real parts of themselves to prevent being hurt.  When we hear we are fearfully and wonderfully made, what does that mean to us?  Are we thinking human beings are fearfully and wonderfully made? Or, we, individually and personally, are fearfully and wonderfully made?  

When God created us for His purpose and plan, He gave each of us specific gifts and abilities to utilize (Rom 12:6).  Yes, He expects us to develop them to the fullest, but no two of us are created identically….even identical twins. Each one of us is unique and special – not better than anyone else – just different.  Because we are different, each person one of us has a specific role to play that is best played by us.  No two people are the exact same combinations of traits and abilities.  

God wants us to use those capabilities He put on the inside of us to proclaim the Gospel wherever we go.  In order to do this we have to be honest about who we are and recognize we can’t define ourselves – God does because He made us (1 Cor 12:6).  I recently read a devotional about being yourself and I’ll paraphrase – Be the best “You,” you can be.  The world needs what God created you to do.  Don’t try to be anyone else – yes, we can learn from others, but the only one we should imitate is Jesus.  Even Paul instructed the Christ followers in Corinth to follow his example, as he followed the example of Christ (1 Cor 11:1).    We can only be truly ourselves when we are tied to the Creator and understand (and accept) what He says about us.  Who are you trying to be?

Sunday, October 3, 2021

We are Chosen

I recently read a devotional about how being chosen makes us feel as if we belong and that we’re accepted and special.  Have you ever been selected for something?  Were you excited? I know I have been.  

Those of us who are Christ followers, should feel even more excited.  Think about it.  We were fearfully and wonderfully made by our Father, the Creator of the universe….in His image.  Not only did He create us, but He chose us before the beginning of time (Eph 1:4-5).  He knew we would be where we are right now and He created us with a specific assignment in mind.  Because He gives us the will and power to please Him (Phil 2:13), we just have to obediently follow His leading.  Take a look in the mirror and for everything you identify as a fault or a blemish, remember that God created you to look the way you do.  He set you in your family and gave you the personality traits you have with His purpose in mind.  He CHOSE you (Matt 22:14!  

Even when we choose things separate and apart from Him, He chose us.  He knows who we are and what we’ll do and how we will respond and yet, He chose us anyway.  How does that make you feel?  It makes me feel loved and accepted.  It also makes me want to be more genuinely myself.  That doesn’t mean that I get to define who I am…..I don’t.  I didn’t make myself and I can’t remake myself….I have to surrender to God’s leading and molding and the more I trust and obey Him, the more I become who He created me to be.  Yes, it requires work on my part…but He is there with me every step of the way.  

This is refreshing and comforting to me…..I don’t have to keep trying to do things all by myself.  If I surrender to God’s direction and leading, He will direct me on the path that will lead to my most abundant life…..not necessarily the life I have planned for myself, because He is bigger and better than anything I can imagine on my own.  I don’t know about you, but I want all God has for me, because that will be the most fulfilling life I can have.  God chose me for a specific reason and I want to walk it out because I want to see where He’s taking me and I want to please Him (John 15:16).  I don’t want to miss a minute of what He has for me.  What about you?

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Are You at Peace?

This week was a hard one for many of us.  For the first time, we had an active shooter near my home town (or in the neighborhood where I grew up).  The store where my mom and I have grocery shopped many a day was the scene of another shooting and it shook me and my family up.  For what felt like an eternity, we weren’t able to confirm that all the members of the family and friends were accounted for and safe.  Between the lack of control and the sense of evil running rampant, there were some terrifying moments.  And for a moment, I took my eyes off Jesus.  I mean, I know God is in control and I know to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord…..but it’s easy to get off track in the middle of the crisis.  Yes, I prayed but I prayed in a cursory way……I knew that was what I was supposed to do, but I didn’t pray until I had peace. And that’s where I fell short.

Philippians 4 tells us in verses 6 & 7 to not worry about anything, but with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let our requests be made known to God and the peace of God which exceeds anything we can understand will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ.  I’ve read that so many times and I know it by heart, but when I couldn’t get in touch with my mom right away (knowing that she visits the grocery store where the shooting occurred regularly), that wasn’t my first inclination.  My first inclination was worry.  

When I was able to take a breath and a step back, I did begin to pray not only for the safety of my mom but for everyone else I know who might be in that store and for those who had been injured.  It took me a minute to settle myself.  But that says to me, while I know the word and can recite it, I’m not meditating on it as I should.  If I keep my mind stayed on Jesus, He will direct me.  If I keep my mind stayed on Him, He will give me perfect peace.  

Therein lies the problem – I allowed myself to get distracted by circumstances and what was happening in that moment.  I have to remember that (as my cousin Cathy so eloquently put it) God still sits high on the Throne.  He cannot be unseated and He is in complete control.  Yes, we wonder how bad things can happen when a Holy God sits on the throne, but He gave us free will and that is what gets us in trouble.  It all goes back to the garden and sin entering the world.  Ever since, there has been evil that men do to each other.  Since God gave us free will, He is no a man that He could ever lie, so He can’t take it back.  It is up to us to surrender to His will and His way and live according to His word or not.  We choose, just like we choose to hurt each other or not.  God keeps His promises – we don’t.  God doesn’t lie – we do.  

Because He doesn’t lie, we know we can have peace if we follow God’s instructions.  My pastor said something a few weeks ago that resonated with me.  He said, if you are worried about something, you haven’t prayed enough.  I wonder how many people have begun practicing what He taught – continue to pray until God gives you peace about a situation or a person or a thing in your life.  If you’re worried about something, keep praying and petitioning and thanking God for answering your prayer.  Turn your worries into prayers.  Believe that the God of the universe is big enough to handle anything you bring to Him because He is.  

Remember He made us and everything that exists.  He can handle all our piddly problems with the snap of a finger or a word or in the blink of an eye.  We just have to trust Him to know what is best and to handle it.  The fact is that if we don’t trust Him to handle the things in our lives and we attempt to handle them ourselves, we just make the situation worse.  Let’s commit to taking our worries and concerns and anxieties to God, who loves us more than we could ever love ourselves, in prayer and thanksgiving and trust Him so that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds.  He wants to – we just have to do what He says and let Him.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Let God Promote You

Ever been around someone who is constantly telling you how great they are?  To hear them tell it, they are the best thing since sliced bread.  They’ve done everything.  They know something about every topic you can name.  They always have something to add.  They like the sound of their own voice and will share it as much as they can.  They have an opinion about everything.  They are always looking for the next big promotion or next big thing, but not very invested in what they are doing at the moment.  I’m sure you can envision at least one person you know who fits these characteristics.  They are so busy telling you how great they are that they miss out when things happen.  They are not the one who are asked to participate or given an opportunity when the time comes.  I know a few people like that (I hope you're not one of them).  

Lately, I’ve been dealing with this very thing at work.  One of the managers who works for me is constantly working to get accolades for projects she does (Matt 23:12).  Don’t get me wrong, she does good work, but she could be better and she appears to do things for the wrong reasons – self elevation.  Remember, I’ve said before, everything matters, including our motives.  If our motives are only to elevate ourselves, we’ll never be truly elevated.  Elevation and/or promotion comes from God (Psalm 75:6-7) – if it doesn’t it is in jeopardy (it’s not real or lasting).  

I’ve shared what I’ve learned with my managers and I’ll share it with you.  Instead of focusing on tomorrow (which you may not see anyway), focus on today.  The best preparation for the tomorrow is giving your best today.  Learn and grow where you are so you are the best "You", you can be.  Yes, God gives us skills and talents, but there is still work to develop them.  A gifted musician must still learn to read and write music to be the best musician they can be – it doesn’t mean they are any less talented, only that there is more to learn to enhance their God given ability.  The same is true of each of us.  Whatever gifts and talents God blessed us with, we are to invest time and effort in the development of them so they can be at their best.  

If we give our best to God and don’t worry about being elevated in man’s eyes, God will do the promoting (Luke 14:11).  People in power will come to you instead of you needing to seek them out.  They will make a path for you that you don’t have to sell yourself to be considered.   Those of you who know me well, know that I don’t care about titles and such.  It’s not important to me, because I know who I am.  At the end of the day, I’m Jesus’s little sister and God’s daughter and I’m working to be more and more like them.  I was chosen and forgiven.  I am nothing without Christ’s sacrifice for me.  I’ve been adopted into the family.  He has given me gifts and talents to use for His Glory.  If we settle in on who we are, all the other stuff is just extra.  It’s not something we need to be content.  

If you’re that person in need of accolades and promotion and status, ask why.  What need does it fulfill for you?  You are not your title.  You are not what you have.  You are not what you do.  Who are you when no one is looking?  Do some self-reflection to get to the heart of the need.  And, if you find that there is a hole in your life that needs filling, try Jesus (Matt 6:33).  Having a relationship with Him and studying the Word of God will fill those empty spaces if you let them.  And then when the time is appropriate and you are ready for the promotion, God will give it (1 Peter 5:6-7)……not for your glory, but for His.  

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Be Light and Salt

So, I mentioned earlier that I’m working in a new job for three months.  I’m about six weeks into this assignment and so far so good.  God has been faithful as He always is.  I’ve learned a lot during my time in the new position, as much about myself as any work activity.  As a supervisor or leader of other supervisors/leaders, it can be really easy to start believing your own press.  You have the position, but this life is about so much more than having a position or fame or prestige.  What do you do with it?  I am committed to being light and salt in the world (Matt 5:13-16).  I doesn’t mean that I shove Jesus at people, but at every turn I give God/Jesus/Holy Spirit glory for everything I accomplish, because I can do nothing without them.  

That said as I work each day, I strive to live according to God’s Word because light blocks out darkness and allows those in a place to see and be enlightened.  It brings wisdom and understanding in those places where confusion and chaos reign.  That’s what I strive to do each day – lead in such a way that people are enlightened and pointed to Christ (Mark 16:15).  I get giddy when I get to explain that I’m not wise on my own – I seek God’s help every day and on the day’s I don’t, I recognize real quick what has gone wrong.  It doesn’t mean things don’t happen on the days I seek God first, it means I’ve invited Him to help me on those days and He is right there to intervene for me.  

I also work to be salt each day – to tell the truth in love – share difficult messages while not crushing a person (Col 4:6).  I work to share in such a way that people not only get it, but want to do better.  Every day is an adventure, because I don’t know what God is going to do or what will happen.  I do know that I have an opportunity to help build God’s kingdom but I have to be in my right place doing the things He leads me to – not operating in my own priorities which are likely self-serving.  

Being salt and light is being more like Jesus.  That is our goal – to be like Jesus (1 Peter 2:21).  It’s hard to get out of our own way sometimes, but if we strive each day to bring a little more light and Godly seasoning to our journey (keeping our mind stayed on Him), we’re on the right path.  We never know who needs a little of what we have or who we can influence by our life's journey.  We don't know who is watching, because someone is always watching.  Let’s remember that.  Be the light and the salt the world needs – it needs it now more than ever.

Monday, September 6, 2021

A Life of Gratitude

So I had to repent yesterday morning (as I need to do every morning) because I was just complaining Saturday about what some other folks I’m working on a project with hadn’t done.  I was feeling self-righteous as I talked about all the things this person had not done, and then yesterday I woke up repentant (Psalm 139:23-24).  Who am I to complain about what anybody has not done after all the things I haven’t done in accordance with God’s will and grace?  Needless to say, I was convicted and had to repent.  I’m sure I will fall for this one again, but now that I’ve been checked by the Holy Spirit, I’m hoping I’ll keep it on my radar so I can self-regulate (with His help).  

All that being said, I was reminded of how much I need to live in gratitude even when things are not going the way I think they should.  After all, God has given me everything I need to live a godly life (2 Peter 1:3).  It’s up to me to remember that and operate there.  I have to remember all the grace God has given me.  I don’t deserve it but He loves me so much that He gave His Only Son to buy me back (John 3:16).  

Let’s think about that.  I was born in sin due to what happened in the Garden and I turned my back on Him every time I sinned.  The very one who gives me breath each day and provides for every one of my needs – I choose many days to go my own way instead of seeking Him first (Matt 6:33).  Yet, He still remains right there waiting for me to come back to Him.  

He loves us just the same.  He will not leave or forsake us, even when we leave and forsake Him.  He loves us enough to punish us when we need it for our own good.  He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Heb 13:8).  He does not change.  He is not fickle – He won’t love me today and then change His mind tomorrow.  He is steadfast and faithful (Lam 3:22-23).  He gives me all good gifts.  It may not be the gift I want at the time, but it is working for my good (Rom 8:28).  He gives me sunshine so I and everything around me can live.  He brings the rain to water the plants and replenish our fields.  He sustains us.

Given everything He has done for me, I realized I should not complain about anyone else.  I need to be thankful I can do something for someone else.  I need to remain grateful that He loves me and I need to show grace to others because He loves me so much.  If I’m operating in loving God, I have to love others, not just because He told me too, but because I want to please Him.  The love I have for Him should overflow onto others.  The more I love Him, the more I care about the things He cares about – my soul and the souls of my neighbors.  If I’m a Christ-follower my whole purpose in life is to make disciples – and I don’t have to preach at people – I just have to tell them the good news of Jesus and show them God’s love just as Jesus did (Matt 28:19-20).  

No matter what is happening in my life, it doesn’t change the fact that God is GOOD (Nah 1:7).  God is good whether things are going my way or not.  God is good even when I’m sick or hurting.  God is good when my finances aren’t adding up.  God is good when the world is in chaos.  God is GOOD! I have to remember to thank Him and praise Him continually because of His goodness toward me.  A life of gratitude is a reflection of my acknowledgement of His goodness.  He deserves that and so much more from me.  

Sunday, September 5, 2021

God is Committed to His Will

I don’t know about you, but every so often I will get caught up looking at my circumstances or what’s going on in the world and I lose sight of who God is.  I will pray for something and the opposite will happen and I question whether God heard me.  The times are fewer and fewer, but sometimes I look around and the world looks dark and I know that was never God’s intention.  I know He is in control and I know He can do anything, but bad things are happening and it appears God is not intervening.  

Then I have to remind myself that God doesn’t owe me anything including an explanation.  My thoughts are not his thoughts.  I don’t know what He knows, no matter how much I think I know.  God knows the end at the beginning (or before the beginning).  I can’t make God do anything – He is God!  He’s not Santa Claus or a genie whose lamp I can rub to get my wishes granted.  God is sovereign and in control.  He makes the final call regardless of my personal wants and desires.  Sometimes His answer to me is, “No.”  I recently heard a minister say, “God is not committed to my dreams but to His purpose for my life.”  I sat with that for a long time because I’d interpreted other scriptures as I’m saved so I can ask for what I will and He will do it – and He will as long as it’s consistent with God’s purpose and will for my life.  

God’s Will is His priority and that is what will stand no matter what I ask Him.  He will not be moved or manipulated by me.  He cares for me and loves me – enough not to give me what I want that will ultimately be harmful to me or someone else.  I really dealt with this with the recent storms which I prayed God would cease.  I realize now that God has a purpose and a plan for everything and He knows what He is doing.  He never said He would prevent hardship or harm, but He would never leave nor forsake me.  

I’m special in that He made me different and gave me a purpose.  I have the choice to live my life according to it or not, but He is unchangeable.  He is not fickle like we are.  When He says a thing that is it, regardless of whether I agree or not.  

And since He is creator, He can do what He chooses regardless of my agreement.  Consider your life with Him.  Are you living in a place where you are striving to live according to His purpose even when you don’t agree or like the answer?  Or, are you purposing your own way of doing things?  Obedience is the best way.  I struggle sometimes but I’ve learned it is the best way.  

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Learn the Lesson!

You may have read in earlier blogs that we have to be patient to hear God’s voice and for God to move in His timing and not ours.  Both of those things is true.  However, this does not take away our responsibility to be learn and master what God has given us to do right now.  If we’re sitting around waiting for God to move and not giving our current job or situation our best effort, we may be prolonging the process for God to move because He will not bring anything to us until we’re ready for it.  God knows everything, including who we are and what we can do.  Remember, He gives us the power to get wealth (Deut 8:18) and everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).  He know us!

Wherever we are right now, He knows if we are giving it our best.  He knows if we’re ready for the next assignment (1 Sam 17:32-37).  He knows if we are handling our money appropriately.  He knows if we’re making good decisions.  He knows if we’re practicing what we say.  If we are poor money managers, we will not get more money to manage – in fact we may lose some (Matt 25:14-30).  If we are too lazy or scared to learn our current job, we may miss out on the next promotion or opportunity because we missed learning a skill we need (Prov 10:4-5, 12:24).  If we are inconsistent with what we say and do, our integrity comes in question and people will not believe us – we damage our ministry and testimony (Prov 12:22, Psalm 15).  All of these things prevent us from moving forward. 

How do we counter these obstacles?  Master your craft, whatever it is.  I don’t mean be perfect (none of us are), but do whatever it is in excellence. Be not only a hearer of the Word, but a doer also (James 1:22-25).  If you paint, be the best painter you can be.  This might require you asking questions and taking a class.  I may require you working with a couple of other painters so you can see what works and what doesn’t.  It would mean being honest about the work and going the extra mile to get a job done.  If you work on cars, it would mean actually doing the repair you say you can do and not cheating someone or indicating work needs to be done that doesn’t.  If you work for someone, it would mean doing your job and not having them have to tell you to do what you know needs to be done – it means anticipating what they need before they know they need it.  If you’re an accountant, it would mean handling someone else’s money with integrity and accounting for every cent – not taking what you can get away with.  In all of these instances, it would mean working for men as if you are working for God (Col 3:23).  This is important because at the end of the day, we are.  He is the one we have to give an account to for all we do – every thought and every decision and every action – Everything Matters! 

We have to remember for those of us who know better, we will be held accountable to do better (James 4:17).  When you look at your life, think about whether are you waiting for someone to hand you something, or are you taking every opportunity afforded to you to learn everything you can where you are?  I’ve learned over my life until you learn the lesson being taught whatever it is, you will not move forward. It’s sort of like having to repeat a class in school when you fail.  The lessons may look different (different scenarios or situations), but it is still the same one and until you learn what the lesson being taught it stays on repeat (Prov 26:11-12).  If you’re in a situation that appears to keep repeating and you keep doing the same things, ask the Lord to help you identify what you should be doing and what lesson you need to learn.  God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  He is patient where we are not.  He has all the time in the world and we do not.  Learn the lesson and be ready.  

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Train Up a Child!

I’m sure I’ve mentioned that I work with the middle and high schoolers at my church through a couple of ministries.  By the time they get to us, they have fully formed personalities and they know what they like and don’t like.  They are already well on their way to being who they will become.  I always wonder what has shaped them…..some are very intuitive and thoughtful and some are bit quiet and reserved.  Some of them are eager to read scripture or to prayer during class or outings and some are not.  It’s always a bit of struggle to figure out where they are.  

One thing that comes across clearly is that the families who pray and have bible study together raise children who are comfortable talking about Jesus and expressing what they have learned.  They are more comfortable praying in a group and not concerned about what others think.  In families where they have dinner together and talk about what is going on in their lives, the children are much more likely to discuss when they are having a problem at school and the parents are more likely to recognize something is going on and address it early.  

Don’t get me wrong, I get that parents and guardians are busy going to work and taking care of a household.  I just want to encourage you, where you have influence and participate in a child’s life, to remember that they do what they see (Prov 22:6).  If they never see an adult praying or reading their bible, that is what they will do.  If it’s not important to the adults in their lives, it won’t be important in theirs (at least until they have an experience for themselves).  We show the children around us what is important by what we do.  

If we never spend time with them, we tell them they are not important to us.  What ever gets our time and attention is what is important to us.  So, even if it’s a 10 minute conversation that is designated just for them – because you’re working or tied up doing something that has to be done – make time to show them they are important to you.  If you have to work all hours, make sure they understand why.  Give them a voice to express themselves.  When we don’t spend time with the children around us, the devil will surely send others into their lives to spend time with them.  How do you think most children end up in gangs and cults and such?  They offer them something they are not getting at home – a sense of belonging.  

I know it’s not easy having bible study with kids, they can’t be still and maybe picking on their siblings, if they exist, but bible study doesn’t have to be an hour or even 30 minutes.  It might be reading a bible story and talking about a couple of principles, while they color on the floor or sitting at the kitchen table over breakfast and talking about one verse.  Just find a place to start because God’s Word will not return void (Isa 55:11).  

Just as we get our worth and identity from God, our heavenly father (Eph 1:3-14).  Our children get their identity from their parents and guardians.  If parents or guardians aren’t there to give it, they will find it in other places.  I’m not a parent, but if those of us who participate in children’s lives plant the seeds, they will be watered – God will ensure that happens.  We just have to be diligent to make sure the children in our lives are exposed to the only one who can save and protect them – Jesus, the Christ.  

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Are you Waiting on the Lord?

The past two weeks, I’ve started a detail that is scheduled to last 90 days.  It’s been a very interesting time getting to know new people who I am expected to lead forward.  In order to do that, I have to lean even more on God.  The higher you get in a career or in life, the more responsibility you have and the more you’re depended on for guidance.  I know that God has already given me everything I need to do this job, but in order to do the job the way God desires, I have to wait on Him to renew my mind and my strength.  

Whenever you are responsible for other people, there will be times they surprise you and exceed all expectations and there will be other times they will do the opposite.  People are fallible and make mistakes.  So when God calls you to lead, you are responsible to be an example to them and love them just as God loves us… show grace.  Yes, there are consequences for choices and we all make wrong ones occasionally.  For the Christian, many of them occur when we get ahead of the Lord.  We decide he isn’t moving fast enough or we give ourselves permission to handle something on our own.  

What are you moving too fast on that you now see how your timing was off?  I heard a minister say recently that sometimes we move earlier than we should and birth something that can’t be sustained because it was premature and not fully formed with God’s hand on it.  If we want to succeed at whatever it is we are working to accomplish, we have to wait on the Lord (Psalm 90:17).  Real success looks like whatever God has called us too.  It does not look like having a lot of money or a lot of press.  It looks like God’s favor on our lives (Psalm 5:12, 84:11).  When we wait on the Lord he will renew our strength (Isa 40:31) and He will complete the work He has begun in us (Phil 1:6) – in His timing and not ours (Isa 49:8).  

Are you waiting on the Lord?  Or are you moving in your own time?  I pray you’re waiting on the Lord – it will make your life more meaningful and more abundant.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Tomorrow is Not Promised

Our mortality in this world is never a fun topic, but a necessary one.  While our human bodies are mortal, our souls are not.  They will not die, however they will not all go to Heaven to be with God in Glory.  Some of them, those who die while still living in sin (where Jesus is not Lord and Savior) are condemned to eternal damnation.  

I raise this today, because I see and hear about people passing away at a much more rapid pace than I have in the past or maybe I’m just more conscious of it.  Either way, it is a real thing and we all need to pay attention.  And I’m not just speaking about COVID.  I’m reading and hearing about people dying of cancer after having a recent diagnosis.  People are here today and gone tomorrow – a cliché, but definitely true.  

So we have to take a real look at our lives.  If we die today, where are we going?  Some people say you really don’t know where you’re going.  I beg to differ.  If you have truly accepted the free gift of salvation and made Jesus Lord and Savior of your life, you can rest in confidence that you are saved (John 5:24) and will go to be with Him in heaven.  He said so.  If however, you’ve said you are saved (or know that you’re not), but don’t have a relationship with Jesus, you should be concerned.  

I can’t judge your relationship with the Lord, but I can give you some things to consider.  Do you seek after Jesus?  Do you strive to live your life according to His Word?  Are you convicted when you don’t?  Do you have an appetite for His Word?  Do you love (the action word) others as yourself?  Is Jesus on the throne in your life?  If your honest answer to these questions is, “No,” you may want to consider whether you actually have a relationship with the Lord or if you just know about Him.  Book or head knowledge alone is not what salvation is, it is a change of heart and transformation through our personal experience with Jesus.  He saves us from our sins and as a result our lives are changed – we are new creations (2 Cor 5:17) – we are born again.  

This earthly life is short and we have to make the best use of the time we have.  We don’t know when we will be called out of this world (Job 14:5), but we can know where we are going when we are.  It is up to us.  God is not going to force any of us to choose Him.  We determine our fate in that regard.  Yes, God is in control, but He has given us a choice and we have to live with the consequences of our choices.  

If we choose not to accept His gift of Jesus as Lord and Savior, we choose eternal damnation (Matt 25:31-46).  It has nothing to do with how loving God is (and He is) and it has nothing to do with His desire that none would be lost (and He does) (2 Peter 3:9).  It has everything to do with us.  We decide and then we have to live with it.  Don’t let time pass you by.  There is only one way to the Father and that is through the Son (John 14:6).  Tomorrow isn’t promised (for that matter the rest of today isn’t promised), don’t let your right now get away from you (James 4:13-15).  Choose this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Josh 24:15).

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Who do you believe you are?

If you know me, you know I’m huge on self-reflection.  I believe we all have areas of our lives that are blind spots and only through honest self-reflection and openness can we identify where those gaps are and do something about them.  Whether it is through prayer and meditation so the Holy Spirit can speak to us or through gathering feedback from those around us, we don’t know what we don’t know.  So, it’s really important that we look at ourselves and are honest about who and what we see.  

When I think about who I am?  I think I’m a 50-year old Christian, who is a black woman and a little over weight.  I have fine hair, which I wish was thicker and longer, but love the dark brown color.  I wish I didn’t have the fine black marks on my face, but love the dimples when they show up.  I think I’m pretty smart, but know there are lots of people who are way smarter than me.  I’m a hard worker and there are lots of things that I do well, but there are way more things I don’t. So, I sometimes have mixed feelings about who I am.  Then when I check out social media or read about people who are excelling in something, I sometimes wish I was something more or something different.

Then I’m reminded that I’m what God made me.  He created me (and you) in His image (Gen 1:27).  I’m fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:13-14).  He made me look like I do (maybe not the overweight part - that was me) and He loves me in this skin.  I am part of His church and I’m different than everyone else because He has an assignment for me and me alone.  Does He need me to do it?  Of course not!  He can do anything with or without me, but He did design me for a specific purpose (Pro 20:5) and to touch specific people.  

God knew me before I was formed in mother’s womb, so He knows more about me than I know about myself and still He loves me.  That makes me valuable, even on those days I feel like everything is falling apart.  He says I’m the head and not the tail (Deut 28:13); I’m above and not beneath; I’m a lender and not a borrower (Deut 28:12).  My life doesn’t always line up with that, but the more I know who I am in Him the better my decisions and the more I make them consistent to what He says.  

So, when you look at yourself in the mirror and think about all the ways you wish you were different, think about how God crafted you to be exactly what you are.  Yes, we are all imperfect and have areas that need work, but God still chose us (John 15:16) and He still adopted us into His family (Eph 1:5) making us joint-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17).  

We are important to Him.  How does that make you feel about yourself?  What does that make you think?  You are important to the God who created the Heavens and the Earth (Gen 1:1) and stands outside of time.  Take a moment and bask in that……not to get the big head because we’re still nothing without Him.  But, if you’re feeling down or not enough, think on that.  You are so important that God sent His son to die for you…..and even if it had been only you, He still would have died.  WOW!  

That humbles me.  With all the things I consider as my idiosyncrasies and differences and deficiencies, God made me to be me.  Just me.  Whatever He has for me to do, I’m the only one who can do it.  Whether it be creative or problem-solving or generous, I’m the only one to do what He has for me.  It makes me want to please Him more.  It makes me want to live up to His expectations.  It makes me want to be all that He says I am.  What about you?  Do your thoughts about yourself line up with His (Eph 1 & 2)? I hope so.  

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Doing the will of God or your own?

So this past week was a rather hard one at work and while I know I'm in the place God currently has for me, I always wonder if I'm totally walking in purpose. I mean I regularly get distracted trying to be everything I feel people need and I wonder if I'm doing too much.  Am I hindering someone's growth by stepping into situations that are not mine to fix?  I never want to step out of my lane and I definitely don't want to block the hand or direction of God (Rom 11:33) in someone else's life. 

This weekend, I participated in a Women's Conference and I've been questioning my whole pandemic experience.  While so many have had losses during this time (and I've shared some of them), I've never really slowed has been busier than ever; I've been working longer hours; I've been busier in ministry than I've ever been; and I wonder if I have it right.  The Lord says His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matt 11:28-30), and I wonder if I’m actually taking His yoke or my own.  

Last weekend, I finally took a rest after a long period of doing but the week was busier than it’s been in the recent past and I feel as if I have not been still enough to know exactly what God has for me to do.  So I realized I've been busy about the work but haven't confirmed it is what God wants from me.  I heard a minister say this weekend that sometimes God is more pleased with the one thing He has for us, than all the other busy “good” work we do (Isa 55:8-9).  So this week as I get ready to begin a detail in another job position, I will be doing some self-reflection.  

I'm learning that even though we may be doing lots of good things, it may not be what God has told us to do.  Some things are us.  Sometimes we do things because we feel like we have to but many of them are self-imposed assignments and not things God has called us to. We need to make sure we know the difference and can discern God's leading because we may be doing things that while they appear good are not things God has given us.  We need to be intentional and not just busy.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Where are You Spending Your Time?

This weekend was the first one I’ve had in a long time, when I didn’t have anywhere to be or anything I had to do.  I spent much of it sleeping and laying around….not sure that was the best thing, but I do feel rested in a way I haven’t in a long time.  I know I’ve said many times we need to spend more time with the Lord in His Word and my behavior this weekend doesn’t change that.  Even though I didn’t spend a lot of time actively studying my bible, the Lord was consistently in my thoughts.  I had some time of contemplation this weekend.  A big question that came to me was where I am really spending my time.  

Back in February, we started family bible study and we are still going strong.  Since I teach each week, no matter what is going on, I have to do some studying so I’m prepared to teach each Thursday night.  That has been a blessing to me.  I study because I want to be prepared to teach God’s Word, not just from what I know, but from what God reveals to me when I study (2 Tim 2:15; Josh 1:8).  But, am I wasting some time, too?  Absolutely.  

For instance, a large part of yesterday was spent playing some games on my phone and tablet.  I know, don’t tell anyone, but there are a few of them that I could be considered addicted to.  I try not to play too often, but I can easily get caught up in them.  So I have to put myself on a time limit or I have to take myself off them for a while.  I also spent some time reading fiction.  I love reading but some of it just doesn’t provide any real value other than the opportunity to blank out for a while.  So, I have to be careful that I’m not pulled off track or course when I allow my mind to wander (1 Cor 10:12-13).  

For this reason, we have to be intentional about our lives and how we spend our time.  We are here for a purpose and while sometimes we all need rest, we have to be careful about how we plan that rest.  Ultimately, we were created for God’s glory (Isa 43:7) and to praise Him (Isa 43:21).  Because of sin, we now have the purpose of witnessing of His goodness and testifying so that others will be pointed to Him.  It’s our job to spread the Good News of Jesus so others might be saved (Mark 16:15-16).  We have to make sure we’re not allowing ourselves to be distracted from this goal.  Our time is not our own (I Cor 6:19-20) and we need to make sure we are in God’s will and following His direction.  

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Are You Taking Care of Yourself? (Part 2)

Back in September I wrote about taking care of yourself but really focused on the physical body – eating right, resting, etc.  I didn’t really write about the whole person and that’s where we’re going today.  Every day we make decisions about what’s important to us and whatever that is gets our time and attention.  But how often, do we really think about making sure we are healthy - mentally, physically and spiritually?  There are many parts of us and each part has to be nurtured and cared for so we can continue to fulfill our purpose and give to others.  Yes, God created us with purpose and it requires work, but the bible calls for us to present ourselves as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God (Rom 12:1-2).  If that’s true, and it is, then we’re required to take care of ourselves.  Do you think God will accept a run down, uncared for sacrifice?  Look at the examples in the old testament – God expected the first and the best as a sacrifice and when he didn’t get it, he rejected the sacrifice (remember Cain and Abel).  

Yesterday, I participated in a self-care event by the women’s ministry at my church.  The purpose was to provide a safe space to share tools and resources to help women better care for their whole being – mind, body and soul.  Three dynamic experts spoke at the event and they imparted information that was pertinent and necessary for us to be whole.  There were a few things I want to share from my notes that I hope will help you on your journey.   

  • Our mind processes everything before we feel or do anything.  Our speech and actions reveal our thoughts.  So if our thoughts are negative, it will show up in what we say and do.  Our brain gets wired based on what it is exposed to, i.e., if we continue to expose ourselves to wrong teaching or negative speech or things, our brain will be wired to the feelings and speech and actions associated with them.  Likewise, if we continue to expose ourselves to the Word of God, right teaching and positive speech, our brain will be wired to the feelings and speech and actions associated with them.  
  • We need to develop a plan to take care of our mental health and it may include therapy.  Therapy is a good thing.  It doesn’t mean we’re crazy or there is something especially wrong with us, but we have issues or trauma.  We are all imperfect beings and we all need help at times – if only to understand ourselves.  Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone when things feel overwhelming or if you just need a safe space to evaluate your feelings (Prov 13:10).  We should get the help we need early and often, so we’re not dealing with more difficult circumstances later. 
  • Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19) – it needs to be a healthy place for Him to live.  We need to eat all our colors – more produce than meat.  Get in as many superfoods as possible to fight off the effects of our environment and the abnormal cells that develop.  We need to get regular exercise and maintain a healthy weight (or get to a healthy weight – note to self).  There were other tips, but let’s start here.  
  • We need to regularly visit our primary care doctor to make sure all our systems are working and then follow the recommendation of our physician.  If we suffer from let’s say high blood pressure – take the medication.  We can’t get the advice then not follow it and expect good results.  
  • Slow down and take inventory of what your body is telling you.  If something doesn’t feel right, don’t ignore it or self-diagnose.  Get some professional insight and be open with the physician about the symptoms and concerns.  We can’t allow embarrassment or fear to keep us from knowing what’s going on with us.  Only then can we deal with it. 
  • We have to BE HONEST with ourselves about our need for care.  As stated earlier we are all imperfect and we all need help.  Hello!?!  That’s why we need Jesus.  We cannot do this on our own.  Until we’re honest with ourselves, we can’t address any concerns/issues or any areas of vulnerability.  We also need to be honest with ourselves about who we are in Christ and about what God says about us, even when we don’t see it in our everyday lives.
  • As children of God, saved by His son, we need to stay in the Word of God because it is our standard.  If we want to be transformed (Rom 12:2), our minds have to be renewed and that comes by the Word of God.  As we study His Word, we have to pray for insight and understanding as we listen to what He’s telling us (Psalm 119:10-11).  We have to be patient because God speaks in His timing and not ours.  We should have an urgency about getting into His presence so we can learn of Him and hide His Word in our hearts. 

At the end of day, we have to take steps for our own self-care.  It will not just happen haphazardly.  God gave us free will and we get to choose the things that are important to us.  I hope and pray this will help you make your own care a way of life, because you can’t take care of those you love if you’re not healthy yourself. 

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Lessons from the First Family!

Happy Independence Day!!!! I hope you and your family are safe and that this is the best holiday weekend in a long time. 

So after more than a year, one branch of my family got together this weekend at an outside event to just be together.  Prior to COVID, we got together at least once a year, maybe two, so this was a huge for us.  We were outside and even though I’m fully vaccinated, I wore my face covering because 1) I don’t want to get sick or get anyone sick; and 2) as a safety professional, I need to set the example.  It was a wonderful event with good food and good company.  And while I may not agree with every choice a family member makes, I love them all.  As I think back over today’s event, I turn to the first family and think about the lessons in the story. 

When God created man, He saw that it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone and He made him a helpmeet.  Then after they were kicked out of the garden, they had children. This was the first institution God created beyond marriage.  These were the first relationships developed and documented in the Bible. And they teach us quite a bit.  While we love our family, they can support us in wrong doing which is contrary to God’s word.  

See Genesis 3.  Have you ever thought what would have happened had Adam stepped in when Eve was having her conversation with Satan? He was the head of the family, yet he didn’t step into his rightful place.  The whole world has paid the price for Millennia. What I learn from this is that we have to speak up when we see someone going down a wrong path and not just go along to make them happy or because we agree.  We have to do more.  We have to desire more than recognition or we have to seek God in what we do, because He knows everything and we will be held accountable for actions we take.  

When I look at Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-16), I see the destruction jealousy and anger can bring.  Cain killed Abel because his sacrifice was not accepted like Abel’s was.  I find it interesting that He didn’t seek God’s counsel on what he’d done wrong with his sacrifice.  Nor did He ask God for forgiveness.  He in his pride and envy killed his brother, not over what Abel did, but over what He didn’t do.  Do you notice similarities today?  People who have made bad choices take out their frustrations on those who have done the opposite – those people who’ve chosen not to do the work try to take from those who have.  

It’s a constant battle to deal with our own frustrations, but we rarely look at ourselves and determine our part in the situation we find ourselves.  We like to blame others and that can be our downfall, because at the end of the day, we are responsible for the choices we make and the consequences that follow.  Cain would have done well to take a long look at himself and make changes to his life instead of killing his brother.  In what ways are you avoiding dealing with your own personal issue because you don’t want to deal with your part in it?  Stop it.  Until we face the truth about ourselves, we can’t be free.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Get Wisdom!

This morning my pastor taught about Getting Wisdom and I realized I’d never posted a blog entry on the subject.  As always, I lean on God for what to write and this is a very important topic that we need to explore.  Proverbs is saturated with wisdom throughout the book, but Chapter 4:1-14 really focuses on what we need to do and the benefits of pursuing wisdom.  

I don’t know about you but I want all my choices to be the right ones to better my life and the ones around me.  To that end, I need to embrace wisdom in everything I do.  I need to embrace wisdom in my family, my finances, my career and my daily life.  She isn’t one of those things you compartmentalize or only apply to certain areas.  She is the principal thing and when she is embraced she will take care of you.  Wisdom provides insight into complex situations and the answers you need, but you have to ask for her.  God will give wisdom freely when we ask Him for her (James 1:5).  

When we don’t seek wisdom and make wise choices, we suffer and we make those around us suffer as well.  Pastor said something this morning that caught me, “the more you heed wisdom, the more you will hear her.”  In Proverbs 1:20-33, the scripture describes how she will react when we consistently don’t take heed to her voice.  It describes how she cries out to us and when we won’t listen and obey, she stops talking to us.  

I know that God has a plan for us that is not our own.  It is bigger and better than anything we can imagine and His Holy Spirit gives us the power to accomplish it.  But, we need wisdom to fulfill His purpose and plan for us, so we are not making decisions on our own – we all know how those turn out.  If we pursue wisdom as the principal or primary thing (Prov. 4:7), we gain understanding and make wise choices.  Wisdom comes from God and God alone, so if we are pursuing her, we have to pursue Him.  Get Wisdom! Get Understanding! (Prov. 4:5)

Sunday, June 20, 2021

God’s Plan Will Prevail

Back in December, I wrote about God’s plans not being our plans.  That is absolutely true.  Because God has all knowledge and wisdom, He knows everything and we do not (Isa 55:8-9.  The scripture says we don’t even know what to pray for (Rom 8:26).  Our capacity is not His and because of that, we can’t possibly know what is best for us, even if we are “Type A” personalities and believe we can control the things around us.   To a point we are in control of our destiny, as God has given us free will to accept Jesus’s free gift of salvation or to reject it.  The issue is if we truly accept the free gift of salvation, we also accept Jesus’s lordship over our lives.  Our problem is that we want the gift of salvation but don’t want the responsibility of following Jesus.  We want our cake and to eat it, too.  

Today, I was listening to a minister and he said something that got me.  He said God is more committed to our destiny than our desires.  That made me think about all the ways I’ve planned my life and how God has taken my life in a different direction.  His plans were definitely not mine.  When I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a doctor.  From the time I was eight or nine years old, I was going to be a doctor.  When I was twelve, my cousin passed away from cancer and I was going to be the oncologist who cured cancer.  Clearly, that didn’t happen.  But God moved me to an occupation where we can literally help prevent people from being exposed to cancer causing agents at work.  I’m still helping to stop cancer but in a different way than I imagined.  Only God could work this out, because I didn’t even know about this work until my fourth year of college.  

God is always preparing us for the next big thing in our lives.  Nothing happens by chance and nothing is wasted.  Even when we’re wasting time, we’re committing sin and there will be consequences but there is a lesson learned in that.  We grow as God is preparing us, because we can depend on God not moving us into something until we are ready.  That doesn’t mean we’ll feel prepared for it, but that God is ready for us to move into it and He is there to carry us through it.  If we’ve moved into something without God’s leading and guidance, it usually doesn’t go the way we want it to.  

Anything we can do in our own strength isn’t ultimately what God has for us.  God is going to get His Glory (Isa 42:8).  If you can do something on your own, then you get the glory for it.  When God puts the "super" on your "natural, He gets the Glory for it and you can’t take credit for anything other than your obedience to Him and His Word.  

His plans will prevail, when everything else fades away.  Don’t allow yourself to be frustrated when your plans don’t go the way you want.  Frustrations come when we have set our expectations (without consulting God) about something and then those expectations and goals fail to come to fruition.  Set aside the expectations you have and look to God who will order your steps.  If you diligently seek Him and delight ourselves in Him, He will make the desires of your heart line up with His plans for you (Psalm 37:4).  Those desires He will fulfill (Psalm 21:2). Regardless of what we want, God’s plan will prevail (Prov 19:21).  It’s so much better for our peace of mind, if we get on board with that.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Can you hear God’s Voice?

I’m the first to say that I sometimes struggle to hear God’s voice and know where He is directing me.  I believe that is because I’m sometimes so busy that I’m not meditating on His word (Josh 1:8) and spending time with Him (Rom 10:17).  I get so distracted that I don’t stay in His presence.  He’s always there, but sometimes I’m not.  What about you?  God is always speaking to us – sometimes His voice is quiet and peaceful.  Sometimes His voice is so direct it grabs you.  I’ve recently learned that sometimes He’s silent and still that is Him speaking to us.  

What is God saying to you?  What has He called you to do? What have you heard from Him? What are you doing to meet His expectations? Are you waiting for Him to move? What are you doing to prepare? What are you waiting for? 

When we hear His voice, the expectation is for us to move in the way He calls us.  We don’t have time to waste even if we don’t feel qualified to do what we’re called to or go where we’re directed.  I mentioned recently that my family started having family bible study together.  It was my idea and I have been leading it.  By no means am I qualified by any standards to lead family bible study.  Yes, I’ve had a relationship with Jesus since I was nine.  Yes, I’ve read and studied my bible over the years (I must admit, not all of it).  But none of that would really qualify me to be able to teach God’s Word – I don’t have a degree in seminary and I’ve not been to a bible school.  However, God clearly has other plans.  My greatest fear in this was that I would somehow teach something that is not consistent with God’s Word, but I remembered the Holy Spirit, who has always been with God (even before the world was created). lives on the inside of me.  He knows what God wants me to say and I trust Him (John 6:63).  When I’m teaching I surrender to Him so that I can do what I’ve been called to, since I can do nothing without His empowerment (John 14:26).  

That is what God wants from us in every aspect of our lives.  Many times, we want to separate or compartmentalize parts of our lives where Jesus is Lord and others where we still rule.  As followers of Christ, He must be allowed to be Lord over every aspect of our lives.  Only then will we be in a place to lean and depend on Him no matter what.  It’s in those times where we hear and obey that we can walk in liberty.  God will not direct us wrong.  He has our best interests at heart.  Remember, we are blessed to be a blessing to others and introduce them to the Good News of Jesus.  We are already saved.  Our future is secure as long as we remain in fellowship with God (Psalm 85:8).  So once we are saved from Death, Hell and Damnation, our job and our purpose is to spread what we have learned about Him – He is Lord and Savior – whether people choose to follow or not.  He is the only way to the Father.  Our lives should point to Him.

Seek to hear God’s voice and then wait for it.  He may not speak when we expect or may not say what we want to hear, but listen for it.  Wait to hear Him and follow His direction (Heb 3:15).  Whatever He says is truth.  Study His word so you can distinguish His voice from the others (2 Tim 2:15).  His sheep hear His voice – they will not follow a stranger (John 10:27).  Make sure you’re part of His flock and that you’re spending enough time with Him to know His voice.